Thursday, November 6, 2008

We The People

I understand that Sean “Sorry Dud(e)” Hannity is taking the blame for Mrs. Cindy McCain & Mr. Toad Palin’s lose, that of the presidential race. Sarah & Todd? Wasilla Hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast? That’s what the FOX is reporting and supposedly valid information from within the McCain campaign. Hey John, give your running mate a break, maybe that is all Cindy thought this race was all about, a shopping spree with friends, I mean Hillbillies! My wife had your wife figured out from the beginning. Sorry, I can’t repeat what that eluded towards as it is even too offensive for this 1st Amendment practice of mine. Anyway, when Hannity’s head exploded soon after Obama started making a show in the electoral vote count, all the red stuff reserved to fill in the red states to be won vanished in thin air. And without it, Obama was the uncontested winner. I do believe that Hannity is “shocked and awed” that a “Black Man” could receive even “1” electoral vote. See, the electorate must vote their conscious. There are some neo-conservatives that believe that the electoral college will not deliver a win to Obama. In fact, some still believe that before the electorals’ meet, that could indeed become a reality. It is a race car race card at work behind the scenes. Now here it is the morning after! Why are every body in shock and some awe that an Afro-American has become the Commander-in-Chief? I am not looking for bragging rights, but I guesstimated that Obama would at least garnish 320-electoral votes. So it is not a shock to this guy as a landslide was written on the wall. It is an evolutionary revolution. What shocks me more is concern upon Obama’s security and future well-being. It was great to see people rejoicing in the streets form the mountains to the prairies to the oceans. But I live up here in Alaska, Palin territory. I voted against Palin. She is a bigot and very possibly a genuine “Hillbilly”. But I don’t hold the latter against her, as I am Irish. This “Last Frontier” state didn’t do justice to Obama or do justice to America. In fact, the citizenry voted back to office a convict and a soon to be convict. When the 10-O’clock news tuned into the McCain & Palin headquarters’ here in Alaska, the faces on the damned party was damn scary. It only takes one insane individual to bring progress to a halt. Look at what happened to John Lennon. Look what happened to Martin Luther King. As mentioned before, it is an evolutionary process we find occurring today. And yes, revolutionary! But has the in-road revolution banning discrimination and racism forever stayed in touch with this evolution? Has rebellious bigotry been tamed enough to allow a black man to become president of the United States? Remember what John McCain said while he was imprisoned in Vietnam. “I am a Black Prisoner”. What did he really mean? It is ironic that John was the individual who tested the waters for the presidency against Obama, a “Black Man”. Again, it is one of those evolutionary things, we learn. Some things work, others require fine tuning. Time is on somebody’s side, all the time. Bottom line, I don’t trust society, especially that which surrounds me here in Alaska. From the racist rhetoric that was aroused by the McCain campaign, especially when Sarah was out on the trail of doom, it is evident that some still believe that all men are not created equal. If I were Obama, I would sure stay clear of Alaska! I am saying this as part of the 30-percent coalition that voted Obama into office. Qualifications were not a factor as race was more important for furtherance of this evolution, wherein the election process supports this revolution. And let us face the facts, what qualified Bush to take command for so many long years? From all around me I hear people complain out loud now, about Obama, the morning after. I am surrounded by racist bigots, as 7 out of 10 voted for McCain & Palin. With this in mind, I fear for Obama’s safety. I remember the picture of little boy Kennedy as he followed that casket along a crowded street with thousands of Americans in denial, to that scene I hope not a repeat. Maybe that is what was really behind Jesse’s tears. All it would take is some freak show republican goon to make waves, and it could become a reality with such an unstable Hannity inhumanity running free. I would not put it past the neo-conservative hoodlums – Hannity included – to plan out their fantasies to seize on the opportunity, plotting behind the scenes. Why? Because all the neo-pundits are coming forward and saying it is a great thing, Obama’s win, with a snake-oil smirk. It is a cover-up for a behind the scenes war that will set this country back many, many years. I just watched Pat Roberts, who claims Obama is brilliant and could go down as one of the greatest presidents of all times! This two-face round-about is scary. How can it be that on one day people make fun of Obama the “Terrorist”, the “Socialist”, then one day after another’s victory over defeat, then there is an unbelievable change of sentiment? It doesn’t make sense. I don’t believe one thing the bigots say, either with Obama or against Obama. I can still see Obama’s facial expression of concern as he walked across the stage of victory, that history should not repeat itself but nothing is guaranteed. If there is not some asinine assassin excited by the neo-base’s expectation, then I stand corrected. But I have made an oath. If something does indeed go wrong and we see Michelle take on the scourge of other great leader’s woman, like Coretta and Jacqueline, then I will go on the warpath. I will exercise my 2nd Amendment Right and mobilize a base that the likes of the neo-bigots will regret. I am mad. I am sad. At the same time I am proud that I voted for “Change”. And in closing, I ask the Creator to protect America, to protect this man who comes to walk with us from the mountains, this man called Obama, with us through the prairies, this brave man with “Change” in his pocket, all the way to the oceans with freedom. And here is a word of warning that I welcome. This country is on the road to socialism. This “Change” - part of the evolutionary revolution - is before us now a good card hand that gets us closer to where we cannot stop from going. It has come to that, like it or leave it alone. We have now a choice, to embrace this change or forfeit freedom for a more stubborn form of government, wherein a sickle guards the bigot’s freedom over the people’s freedom at last, as racism is the communistic creed and evidence tells me it is alive and well right in my own neighborhood!

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