Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It seems rather peculiar, that with all the doom and gloom with the economy the supply and demand aspect is still working rather well. Let’s face the facts. I still have a job and the paycheck continues to get deposited so the purchase of toilet paper for another type of deposit continues unabated. Which means I can still afford survival staples, like potato chips and beer. And is it possible for the market barometer to dive so drastically, so quickly, so close to an election? And what about that recovery, a one day thousand pointer! It is suspicious. The sup-prime scam was indeed instrumental in priming the pumps - greasing the wheels - but incipient cavitation proved differently. This type of cavitation turns liquid assets into a vapor, the disappearing act. So there is something real rotten in America. But the fear factor, disguised as a neo-conservative doom and gloom crash, failed. And like the neo-conservative failed attempt to promote through war the Project for the New American Century, the culprits behind this manipulated pain and suffering - like William Krystol - will abandon the frontline ditches and head for cover. This type character is the true meaning of a bonafide turncoat. The market down-roar up-roar had to be instigated as a get even election ploy, to jump-start McCain ahead of Obama. But it failed, and now the neos are calling for McCain to dump his campaign. Which is way too late so in effect the neo-conservatives are throwing in the towel. But behind the scenes, they are already trying to sabotage the Obama term. Anyway, the market tumble has not hurt my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But there is a population that is angered over this bottom drop out. The retired are feeling the pain and suffering of the lost cause and about to become victimized. See, most were once hard working Americans. Most - until recently - for the fruit of thy labors maintained a comfortable lifestyle, through a generous retirement plan. But with cereal doubling in cost over the last few years, their nest egg is on the verge of incipient rupture. Many in the retired ranks are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet each and every month, especially with energy costs – just to heat a house. So what has become yet another American dream gone astray is soon to be victimized by this thing called a Reverse Mortgage – a scamming scam. When you hear our so-called representatives talk about regulation, it needs to start right here and now to protect our elderly. See, there exists a pot of gold to be stolen away and the major banks are involved in it already. This was planned for in advance. So millions of retired Americans will find themselves strapped for cash and this inviting offer will cause yet another meltdown – all out of necessity so they can enjoy what they worked so hard for. Most Reverse Mortgages provide a monthly cash bailout wherein you are basically selling the house back to the bank, at a real good discount. And the elderly are giving trust to the same crooks behind the sub-prime! It is rape upon a village then move on to the next village of opportunity. Indeed it gives a retired couple a handsome sum of monthly income, so they can once again live a modest retirement. But it is such an easy gimmick of deceit. Here’s the catch 22. If the reverse expires before the participants, it means joining the homeless. It is that simple. They will be out of cash and without a home. As soon as the reverse expires, there will come a cease and desist upon their property and they will loose everything except the clothes on their backs. So many will find themselves heading to the local shelters for a bed. And without an official address, it means no more Medicare. It may mean no more Social Security payments. This reverse is a rip off. It needs regulation but McCain is a deregulation maniac. Obama? It would come to a stop. Now I have a better idea yet. How about a reverse on the amount of time guys like McCain can hijack government. For too many years by now this country has maintained a wrecked train attitude, because of Congress. Stalemating hurts the entire system of checks and balances. Had term limits been in effect through the years, then the comfort factor would have allowed just that, comfort and freedom for all - except maybe predatory lenders! It kind of reminds me of Reverse Osmosis. Anyway, there is only one option for Reverse Mortgages, and that is why toilet paper has more then one use!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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