Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sister "Witch" Act

So Cindy McCain goes on the campaign circuit and finally her voice is heard. Maybe she was kept silent for a reason. Now though, she makes mention that Obama should step into her shoes! Cindy, you are a rich bitch with millions of dollars. No, Obama does not want to experience what it is like to live your lifestyle, as he has more sense then that and is sensitive to the hard working people’s needs. That was such a stupid suggestion. And the way Sarah Palin has incited riot like anger from those opposed to having a “black” man at the helm, it is like some virus instrumental in provoking bitch witches and demons to come out of hiding. And then there is Sarah’s Alaskan spokesperson, MegaWitch. What gives? Witch bitches are everywhere. Is this just a pre-Halloween showing? It is sickening. It is sad. Remember, the rest of the world doesn’t mind its own business anymore and is in tune to what is happening here from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans. It is a sad day when pundits go concerned that this campaign is about to open up an old wound, that of racism. We hear history talk of hate bombings, hate lynching, hate speech and other hateful behaviors to which we cannot afford a repeat. The KKK has come alive again, with membership soaring. Maybe it is a terrorist movement right here on our own soil, by those that think they have the right to abridge other’s rights. If this country leans towards such a repeat, then a revolution is at hand. But remember this, the once majority is now the minority. We all stand to loose with this type of mentality and any movement designed to thwart another’s freedoms. But it is serious business. In fact, the Secret Service has mounted an investigation into John McCain’s campaign informing him that he could be held responsible for any shortcomings with respect to racist outbreaks. Imagine that. This supposedly American may have been so wrapped up in his attempts to get something he doesn’t deserve that he has lost touch of what is going on behind the scenes. I doubt that Obama will make it still standing come November 4th! The threat is so scary as there exists a fruit case base out there that has been provoked to march by the Sarah Palins and Cindy McCains. It is a movement that is nothing short a bowel movement that may have dire consequences for this country. John McCain should end his campaign right now. He should throw in the towel. Sarah and Cindy should be placed under house arrest until after Obama is sworn in. But this sister “witch” act seems not to understand what harm their selfishness is doing from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans, once white with gleam. It is a sad day in history, repeating itself. Obama is what the people need and deserve, to finally get this nation into the next century and on track for future generations. McCain could have had the same agenda, but he deserves to be president as mush as George Bush deserved the honors but so dishonored that position. I pray for Obama’s well-being each and everyday. I am not really a supporter, as the independent party is my choice by choice. This time around though, it means he gets my vote. At least, Obama sees through the wealth circle. And I am sure he will make sure that the lobbyist’s handcuffs are forever abandoned. So maybe, just maybe it is what the hard working middle class needs in efforts to continue that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But should the virus of racism cut his dreams short, cut the dreams of Martin Luther King short, then it is evident from Sarah’s actions, evident from Cindy’s actions, evident from Meg’s actions that passage of Article XIX of the Constitution may have been a grave mistake. Lets face the facts. The neo-conservative base was powerful enough to start the Iraq war! Nothing is out of bounds for this freak show following, even an attempt upon Obama. I am not the only individual talking like this. More and more each and everyday as this election cycle comes to the vote, it seems more and more are getting this nauseating feeling that behind the scenes there has been mobilized a base that will stop at nothing in efforts to get a strangle-hold on the White House. So we must brace for the worst, as it is evident that hate speech campaigning has infiltrated righteousness. But that is what you get from amateurs who had an upbringing more focused on celebrity ship then learning what the Constitution stands for, freedom for all. Sarah, this is not a pageant, go back to Alaska. Wait, go to Russia as Alaskan’s are sick and tired of prejudice like campaigning and your hate speech is sickening. Cindy, go back to your bad habits. MegaWitch, find a new broom and fly far away!

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