Sunday, October 12, 2008


It was my lucky day! I was hanging out at a local caffeine fixer upper when the MegaWitch entered. Now most of the clientele didn’t realize it was the MegaWitch, as a sign at the entrance insisted on checking brooms at the door. For those of you not in the know, MegaWitch is Meg Stapleton, the spokesperson for Sarah Pain. I dropped the “l” in Palin because Sarah is causing the McCain factory a whole lot of pain, especially in the most recent polls. Now the MegaWitch has a pretty tough and demanding job. She has to cover-up for the lies that Sarah is spreading across the nation form the mountains to the prairies to the oceans. And it must be difficult to explain why Sarah is so much in denial, not just with Troopergate and the fact that she “violated the public trust”, but life in general. Why else would she have accepted to hang around with an old fogy that is out to pasture. Sarah, would you change John’s diapers? But I understand the denial comes following her bout with the devil. Anyway, the MegaWitch came into the coffee plantation with this big smirk, like here I am. See, she is playing with the big time show nowadays. From Wasilla to D.C. is like a failed lobotomy. Now it seems nobody recognized her, so she was getting this insecure look upon her puss. Then you could see a facial like depression setting in - maybe the Botox was wearing off - as nobody engaged her in a Les Gara like conversation. She seemed to be out of sorts, that she wasn’t getting any respect, not getting any early morning attention. I did notice one table of patrons notice the celebrity, but they must have mistaken her for a comic relief, as laughter overflowed the caldron. When Meg and Sarah hangout together, it is like a female rendition of Steve Martin and Dan Akroid, acting as “Wild and Crazy Guys”. Maybe SNL can cast a new skit, Barracuda and the MegaWitch in “Wasilla Pucks” wherein they hang out together at famous D.C. piano bars, on the political make. Of course this is following Sarah’s failed attempt to take over the throne! Anyway, with rejection on this Sunday upon Meg, I am asking all moms and dads to dress their young daughters up as a MegaWitch come Halloween, instead of a Sarah Pain wannabe. Just to give Meg what she deserves, recognition. But please, pass on the moose in heat vocalization!

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