Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dear John Letter

Dear John McCain;

If you decide to dump Sarah Palin because your poll numbers are tanking beyond repair, please keep her in D.C. and away from Alaska. Please keep Meg Stapleton there also. It was such a relief that you chose Sarah and stole her away from Alaska, along with Meg. It has been so nice up here now that both are far and away. Could you also find a full time job for Toad Palin? Us up here in the oil patch cannot stand him, because of that preferential treatment bull-crap. Anyway, keep up the good work of hauling these people away from Alaska, as it is so nice to be rid of their incompetence and snobish attitude towards others. You have anything that way for Ben Stevens? Seems to go with the territory, you must like incompetence, why else would you pick such losers and liars? More of the same it is, the McCain “I am a Black Prisoner” mentality! Punk you are.

Signed this 5th day of October, 2008 by:
True Alaskan American Who Cares About the Future!

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