Monday, October 6, 2008

Palin Speech Incites KKK

The somewhat silent underworld of the Ku Klux Klan has taken note of Alaska’s Sarah Palin’s latest attack on Obama, that he is a terrorist by association! Based on the far stretching facts that he was “pals” with a homegrown terrorist, many years ago. And this relationship came about when Obama and this so-called “pal” worked together for charity, for the homeless. And that so-called “pal” terrorist is an American citizen that was acquitted of any crimes against humanity and is now a professor of history at a leading university – right here in America. Anyhow, chatter from the background indicates that an emergency meeting in Bombingham was called to order by the Grand Wizards and mobilized the KKK member base like it was the 60’s all over again. Obama’s life may be in danger due to Sarah’s attack, as it was intended as a racist’s attack and nothing less. Even the GOP neo-conservative base experts, some that are not afraid to speak their mind, have behind the scenes indicated that it was at least a borderline “hate” speech. Isn’t there a law against this? It is also understood that the FBI and Secret Service were very unhappy at Sarah’s remarks, emphasizing that such rhetoric could cause irrefutable danger and damage. With that, Obama’s security detail has been heightened. Sad Sarah, as this type of hype could cause riots! The fact that the KKK is mobilizing is a very scary thing. Maybe Sarah should be placed under house arrest and sent to a holding cell until after the election. Then again this practice may have unleashed something that is not stoppable! This country is not in any way shape or form ready for a remake of the 60’s when racism was alive and well. Do we need a refresher course of what this clandestine group of misfits accomplished when hate mongers like George Wallace had control of government? When the police were protecting the Klan’s activities when all the time they should have been protecting the citizens under siege. It was a sad time in history. Like the 16th Street bombings. Or when lynchings were fair game. Now we know that McCain is a racist, from his POW speech, “I am a Black Prisoner”, a speech wherein he was forced to acknowledge that “blacks” are a lesser class of citizens in the U.S. A speech to this day wherein he refuses to apologize to the “blacks”. Why not? What is he afraid of? That fact is enough to make one realize that racism is alive and well even though it has been silenced over the years, due to waning popularity. Bottom liner, it is an inhumane attribute that is still alive and well. What we don’t need is somebody like Sarah out and about lighting the fuse of rebellion. Where prejudice and discrimination will find a rebirth. For now though, we see that Sarah Palin is indeed a racist. Or the fact that she is so brow-beaten that she does what the McCain army dictates like a dictatorship. Not a quality we need in the executive branch of government. You don’t see Dick bending over do you? Here is my take on this racist thing. Granted without denial, Obama brings to the table something that could open up once again those wounds of the past – that racism may be alive and well here in America. I live in a neighborhood void of blacks. There are Asians, whites, Chinese and more whites, Alaskan Natives and still more whites. It is “almost” a diversified neighborhood. But never have I noticed any black families enjoying that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It is a neighborhood that for the most part is very friendly. I don’t lock my doors, how’s that for security? It is also a neighborhood that is diversified with respect to political affiliations. Across the street sits a McCain & Palin sign trumped by the next-door neighbor’s yard yielding an Obama & Bidden advertisement. A few Ted Stevens’ re-election signs provide a laugh along with a mug-shot of Mark Begich. Anyway, the other day I was out preparing the bird feeders for winter. A school bus rambled by and came to a stop. As the doors opened up, I noticed a lone student work his way forward, from the back of the bus. Low and behold, a “black” kid. He seemed lost, maybe dazed and confused has he meandered up the street, like there came a hesitation upon unfamiliar territory. I nodded and bid him a good day, to which he returned the same, but in a withdrawn fashion. He was a well dressed individual, a good looking individual at that, carrying such a load - of books. I watched as he walked up the street and entered the yard of a house that was most recently up for sale, a house void of any political signs. But it was refreshing to see this kid all by himself tackle this new neighborhood, along with the fact that “my” neighborhood had finally made it to the New American Century. Diversification at last! And not the NAC orchestrated by neo-conservatives and a failed mission, but the OBAMA kind of mission, justice for all in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. That is what Obama has in store for us. He will infiltrate stagnant neighborhoods with the good spirit akin to what John Kennedy held so dear with respect to respect. Even carrying on the humane good of the Bush Dynasty, Jimmy Carter as well as what Ronald Reagan saw good in diversification, and not to forget the righteous stand of Bill Clinton and company. All packaged together for brotherly love. Isn’t it about time? As all past presidents held remorse for equality for all and Obama puts it all together. So when fake con-artist like Sarah Palin are sent out to attack the peace and quiet we as Americans have come to enjoy, Mission Control, we have a problem. With racism in mind and part of the McCain attack agenda, I hope that the Obama & Bidden ticket pull still further ahead in the polls, and when Sarah returns back home here to Alaska, maybe we can try her for “hate” crimes. An indictment would put her political aspirations away for good, because there is no good in this type of person. Hail Mary as Sarah is about to find that there is room in the back of the bus, as she is about to beat apart women’s rights. Just for her own personal goals, whatever that may be I just don’t understand. Racism is a sin, no matter what God you adore! And if the worst of the worst should happen, that the excitement of the KKK coming back to haunt America should haunt Obama’s attempt to the presidency, we will all know the true worth of the GOP. White supremacy! Sarah looks very dangerous in white!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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1 comment:

  1. Disturbing and horrible, yet sad to say, not unexpected.
