Sunday, October 5, 2008

Alaska Politics 101

Maybe it is time to provide a lesson, to those residing in the lower 48 states, with respect to Alaskan Style Politics - Beginners Course 101. Now that McNasty Bitch Palin is on the attack against another human with inhumane innuendoes, lies and fibs behind the cover of GOP lipstick, a lesson is long overdue. I hope her daddy reads this, as that daughter is not in any way shape or form the kind of daughter I would have raised. Or any other righteous father would have raised, void of ethics I am getting at. Lying will get you nowhere Sarah! But without ethics goes with the territory for those that want to or have had the opportunity to become an Alaskan politician, for the most part. History disgraced can prove this point. Now my daughter was born here in Alaska and is in no way shape or form any where near the likes of the Cinderella girl from Wasilla that is so desperate to become a celebrity that she will stop at nothing short of making Alaskan’s look like a bunch of fools, for voting her into the office of governess. I hope she wins, so we will never see her up north here again. I hope she looses, so this country can be safe and saved. Maybe she can move to Russia. And please, take the Toad with you. First and foremost, those not in the know about how things work in Alaska - including John McCain and the news media - all must realize that Sarah was elected, not because of brains or reform or change, but because she was the lesser of the two evils. She went up against Frank Murkowski, the nepotism ex-U.S. Senator turned Alaska governor. Frank was one of the original Alaskan Three Stooges. Along with U.S. Congressmen Don Young and U.S. Senator Ted Stevens. Frank was smart and bailed out before the Federal agents caught up with him, but he is not out of hot water or in the clear yet. In fact, I would bet that he was also a bonafide member of the “Corrupt Bastards Club”. Way up here in the North Country, there existed a club for the Alaskan politicians, called just that. They didn’t hide the affiliation and went about their business wearing hats and hankies that advertised membership. There came no out-of-bounds to their malfeasance, as they had retained control of government with the aid of Big Oil. Towards the end though - after some 30-years of abuse - the people in Alaska went tired of corrupt politicians. Besides those residing as representatives in D.C., the cast of corruption included several members of the state senate. Like Ted Stevens’ son Ben, the Senate President for a time, along with many more who were finally brought down by the FBI. Jail time awaits many and more to come, including Ted and Don. This is big time. But for years the citizens of Alaska were afraid to go too far with reform, or change, as we had become accustomed to living in a state of fear, by the politicians. The fear factor was adamant with this fact, jobs or no jobs. Which meant income or no income. Which meant… Since Alaska is a far away place, what went on here was out-of-sight and out-of-mind with mainstream America. Now though, this state is center stage, so the true story paints an entirely different picture of what has gone on here over the years since oil was discovered. It all started will oil, the political corruption and control. Don’t laugh, as it is a true story – in a nutshell. The threat from our own representatives was greater then the threat from that neighbor of ours, Russia! It worked like this and was a carefully conceived plan of deceit, to gain control and retain that control for a lifetime. It has almost worked, but like mentioned before, Sarah was just as guilty and chosen as the governess as the lesser of two evils. The citizens, for lack of a better word “hated” Frank, as a senator and as a governor. The citizens “hated” the corruption amongst the politicians. The camaraderie of corruption was as dear to heart as waving the state flag. But when held captive, you do what you must to survive yet another day. So the title of state governor went to Sarah, as the people went sick and tired of the corruption. But it was far from a reform revolution. Sarah is not a reformer or leader by any stretch of one’s imagination. I keep pounding, the lesser of the two evils! Even though sick and tired of corruption, we still feared for our livelihoods, so it meant voting in the GOP candidate. All in efforts to keep the jerks happy, so Ted and Don would cooperate. We could have voted in a Toad. It didn’t matter as long as the party affiliation was in Ted and Don’s favor. If you don’t believe me, take this into account. When Alaskan’s did vote in a democrat for governor back some years ago, that cost because the newly elected governor was forced to select Ted Stevens’ son to the state senate. All part of the stranglehold plan. Without that appointment, Ted would have cut something or another in the welfare category. It meant once again loss of jobs. See, in the beginning Alaska had nothing, except land, water and mountains. When oil was found, it was seen as a way for Alaska to retain independence, something that went along very well with Statehood. It was a ways and means wherein the state could build a viable infrastructure and become self-sustaining, with respect to jobs and at the same time uplift the well-being of the citizens. We failed at that time and time again, as there was no support for sustainability from the leadership, or the representation supposedly representing this state, at home or abroad in D.C. There is no infrastructure today that exists without Federal intervention. For instance, there is a railroad that would be bankrupt without welfare. In fact, Alaska is the biggest welfare state of the Union. Alaskan’s take in more money in regurgitated taxpayers’ money then any other state under the red, white and blue. And the residents receive a yearly welfare check, from the state. It is welfare central. In fact, we usually top the scale by three-times the amount of taxation sent this way in comparison to other states, some in need of additional assistance that is sent this way to study things like the penis size of the male Musk Oxen! Some states suffer because of this, as the apportionment called for under the Constitution is not adhered too. In fact, this state takes in 3-times what it delivers to the U.S. Treasury! This is what happens when the Ted Stevens and Don Youngs take over and leave ethics in the toilet. The welfare handout year after year has become an addiction. When addicted to something, it is very hard to get weaned away. So we continue to vote the bastards back into power, wherein we can reap the rewards of their rewards, grand theft. Alaska cannot exist without this “Dueling Banjo” mentality of voting in the corrupt politicians so our livelihoods remain viable, through Uncle Sam job bailouts. Yes indeed, they buy our votes! It is that simple. In the meantime and for the last 30-years, Alaska has allowed the wealth from “black gold” - oil - to go elsewhere. Like to the UK. Even though Alaska has oil, the state receives only a small portion in royalties. As a matter of fact, this state receives only a pittance, which today amounts to 12.5 percent. That means the oil companies walk away with the remainder, approximately 87.5 percent. So every dollar that is made on oil,,,get the point? In fact, back when oil was tanking at 9-dollars a barrel, the lifting cost for Prudhoe Bay oil was about 5-dollars, which was cheaper then what it cost for the Saudis to get oil out of the ground. Many congressional members over the years have called the Alaska oil scene a “Cash Cow”. It is, but the profiteers are in hiding. The state of Alaska could have become a state wherein “ZERO” Federal dollars would have been required for sustainability, if the state had taken the oil barons to task, with respect to reasonableness. See, according to the Alaska Constitution, the people own the resources. So even though the largest oil fields can be found here in Alaska, this state relies on Federal government handouts for survival. It was planned that way. In the beginning and still the current predicament, the state cannot survive without Uncle Sam intervention. So we rely on voting in the same corrupt bastards, time after time after time. Not because of what they believe in is good for the country, but what is good only for Alaska. It is pure selfishness, on the representatives’ part to keep coming back for more and selfishness on the residents’ part, for continuing to take that “more”. It is theft and a crime and we are all accomplices. When all the time, hoards of cash from oil exploitation are stolen away from the Alaska residents. I am sure a handsome sum of that cash enters into the “War Chests” protected by Ted and Don. Lobbyist in bed with this state’s representation makes it very difficult for the state to take on “Big Oil”. It is total control. And it is the threat of loosing that corrupt leadership that makes Alaska vote the way we do. This state is more on the independent minded roster. This is Alaska! But we are caught in a catch-22 scenario. If we vote the bastards out, we loose the pork brigade that keeps this state afloat. Without the pork intervenes, it means recession time. It means jobs will go away. And so with that, we remain silent on the issues of fair and equitable treatment from “Big Oil” and therefore must rely on pork, bacon, slabs, pig ears and many other handouts in disguise of something else for everyday survival. And not to forget the “Bitch” in heat. Hey any American, or a so-called American, that calls a brother a terrorist and all the time it is a lie must be faking orgasms. Why are “Bridges to Nowhere” so cherished here in Alaska? We don’t give a rat’s ass if there is ever a road to connect the bridge, who cares. It is the jobs that make us want this crap. And it is all based on the fear factor. No righteous representative would steal money away from the U.S. Treasury for such foolhardy crap not needed. The fear factor is the only reason people like Sarah have not been voted out of office. Most true Alaskan would like to be free from this addiction. But it is a problem that isn’t going away, not today and not for a long time. But over the years there has come a growing trend to vacate this madness. Unfortunately the politicians seem to know what is coming down the pike. In fact, when Frank Murkowski left his U.S. Senate seat to run for governor, he gave that vacancy to his daughter, as he was well aware that we were sick and tired of the corruption follies. There was no way in hell we were about to let a daughter of Frank get involved in our everyday business. Good try! So Frank just gave her his vacant senate seat. But once she made it in, she became an incumbent shoe in, based on the fear factor. She teamed up with Ted and Don to make sure we all understood what it meant to vote them out of office. Hey, Ted and Don are under indictment. MoanaLisa Murkowski should have been impeached when she found herself involved in a land swindling corruption scandal. But like already mentioned, it is the fear factor that keeps Alaska from voting their true heritage, as independents. Sarah was the lesser of the two evils and now has become a threat to the entire nation. Believe me when I tell you this, don’t vote for fear mongers like Palin. They will lead you to believe that “Bridges to Nowhere” are OK, even if there never comes a road to connect it anywhere. Hey, it is only the taxpayers’ hard earned money they are playing with! But remember this, if you don’t bend their way, look out. We see that with Sarah’s attacks on Obama, that he was a terrorist. Sarah, you’re a bitch! Once again, when this state voted Sarah in as the lesser of two evils, it was a departure, but not totally away from with us or against us, but a very mild mannered change. Not the change that one would expect, especially with all the blatant corruption now out in the open. So, this is how it works in Alaska. The state with more resources then the rest of the contingent 48 states combined. But also the biggest and costliest welfare state under the red, white and blue. Wherein sustainability and independence by and through our own merits is still the biggest pipedream of all! And remember this Mr. & Mrs. American Taxpayer, you did pay for somebody to measure the penis size of the male Musk Oxen, but nobody in their right mind could get close enough. It was all part of the jobs creation follies that keeps this state running on empty. Voting for McCain with Sarah Palin as a running mate is truly more of the same insane, with Alaskan style political corruption now part of the American equation. Your choice, but a pretty ugly choice. We have learned from our mistakes, but it takes time to reform. Again, it is that ultimate pipedream dream, free of corruption at last!

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