Saturday, October 11, 2008

Contributory Negligence

It was the Saturday morning following the “Bipartisan” publication of the Sarah “Mean Girl” Palin Troopergate report. Webster’s Partisan: A group of guerilla fighters! By now, the doctrine of good spin and the demon of evil spin were in an out-of-control frenzy, wherein both the GOP and DNC were claiming victory. Lets face the facts. The DNC died many years ago. If that were not true then why has the Democrat championed Congress held the same dismal approval rating as George Bush? And the GOP may as well kiss their legacy goodbye, as it is going down the same road of doom as the Rabid Skunk Party, a.k.a. Linda Pelossi Democrats. And guess what America, thank Sarah Palin for the final chapter of the Republicans. Anyway, I headed to the local coffee shop, just too see if this bipartisan thing was for real. As I parked my vehicle in close quarters parking, a couple leaving seemed to be bothered by my actions, as they were parked in the spot next to the one I was maneuvering to occupy. I own a small car! As I walked away from my parked car, I apologized for any inconvenience. Didn’t hear any thanks at all and the look on the lady’s face was that same facial expression you see on Meg Stapleton’s face, that time of month bothersome thing which seems to be all the time now that Meg is romancing the big time. Pardon me, was my under the breath sentiment. Anyway, I grabbed a cup of coffee and as I was starting to enjoy the caffeine, I watched a fender-bender take place. Now it was a blistering day and the Turnagain Chinooks were causing people to behave like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame. Maybe more like the wicked witch of the north doing fly-bys again. Anyone seen Sarah? This one particular shop has viewing windows, so one can see what is happening outside beyond four walls incarceration. Anyway, the couple that seemed to be angry at me for reasons still unknown decided to wreck havoc with the bumper of a vehicle parked behind them. I surmise what promoted the wreck like driving. When they backed up far enough, they saw the bumper sticker on my wife’s car, Obama! This probably infuriated the couple, as to be that unhappy it must have meant a GOP reality check, realizing that Obama was about to take over the helm on a landslide victory weeks before the election. See, the Sarah Palin “October Surprise” has hit like a gigantic Titanic iceberg. Now I witnessed as the man got out of the vehicle to access what damage had been done to the other vehicle. Now there was another gentlemen sitting next to me that witnessed the same event and by now had downed his coat and was in pursuit. The perpetrator was about to attempt a hit-and-run, out-of-sight out-of-mind mentality when he was accosted by the man whose vehicle sustained a pretty good-sized fender gash. Anyway, from the inside looking out, words were exchanged. Then I saw both men look towards my vehicle, pointing to the bumper, the Obama thing. Soon the men were shaking hands. Then one of the guys went about flipping open a cell phone and it looked as though making a call. I sat there wondering just what the hell was going on. Now from a distance, I could see what looked like a Ted Steven’s bumper sticker on the fender of the damaged vehicle. Soon an APD car pulls up. The police officer engages in conversation and starts taking down notes, most likely both sides of the story – an accident report. Soon the two men, the lady and the police officer enter the coffee shop. The officer asks out loud in a polite manner the owner of the car with the “Obama” sticker. I raise my hand. Then the two men start blaming me for the accident, words to the effect that the bumper sticker was a distraction and that caused the incident, so I was guilty due something called contributory negligence. I quickly offered some advice that it was the Ted Steven’s bumper sticker that started the whole thing and disrupted my driving habits. Soon, we were all involved in an amusing argument session wherein the cop was trying to keep the peace. Anyway, I was questioned and have become part of this accident. They asked me for my insurance. I refused until the police officer started getting antsy like with his hands. So now I am part of an accident, wherein my so-called “contributory negligence” could come into play and be held responsible, with respect to contributing to the act of negligence. I just laughed the entire thing off, as I would love to go to court on this one, and defend myself also. Can you imagine using the courts in efforts to prove that a bumper sticker was the cause of an accident, a bumper sticker mind you! Anyway as I continued to drink coffee, I witnessed yet another fender bender as it was a little on the wet and possibly slick side of things. Now I know people were upset and angry over the Troppergate affair, but things seemed to be getting out of control here in Alaska. We cannot stand all this claim to fame, lying and SNL highlighting. I hope SNL does a clip on the Toad Palin. Anyway, the two ladies involved in the fender bender entered the establishment, ordered coffee, and within no time had decided to not call the police, emphasizing that a little fender scratch was no big deal at all. They enjoyed their coffee then went about their business. Actually making a new friendship it seemed. As I departed, I noticed that the two ladies vehicles had similar bumper stickers, just like mine, Obama! Wow, maybe this is what it is all about. Friendships! Contributory Negligence? Must be a GOP trait, just ask Toad Palin.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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