Thursday, October 9, 2008

GOT Prejudice?

I’m beginning to believe that Alaska may be the most prejudice and racist of all the states under the red, white and blue. Why wouldn’t it be so in yet another category, as it is well known that the 49’er is the biggest “corporate” welfare state - made so by lobbyist friends of Ted and Dom. But this racist thing, once hidden away so silently seems to be showing up like a black head. Lets face the facts, Sarah “No baby Seat for Trig” Palin is not doing this state or America or mankind any humane good while she is out and about on the attack for John McCain. And one must remember John’s famous turncoat speech, while in captivity during the Vietnam conflict, that he was a “Black Prisoner”. Derogatory wording in which he refuses to give apology upon yesterday or even today. On its face this speaks of a prejudice and racist mindset for McCain. Hey, maybe he was under duress when he made the comments, but to not offer up an apology speaks differently. But racism and prejudice go with the Alaska territory, especially from wherein Sarah’s roots were developed along with her political aspirations. In fact, if a remake of “Deliverance” was in the works, guess where the filming would be taking place? Her campaign speech is filled with hateful emotions. To infer that another American running for president is a terrorist goes beyond any decency. Maybe she is under the influence of pollstergeist? Now with respect to racism alive and well here in Alaska, the other day I stood in line at one of the local tire dealerships, as it came that time of year for the tire changeover. I was one of those still fortunate enough to have the extra cashola to buy studded tires for wintertime city driving. It is more of a luxury then a necessity. If not so, it would be an insurance mandate. Anyway a guy and gal started to converse, and soon the debate between them covered the subject of the presidential election. Which is good, as we should all be aware of the upcoming challenge to “Change”. But soon things went ugly, as the man held an audience, an innocent victim through intimidation. I don’t usually eavesdrop as I respect this state’s Constitution, wherein its citizens enjoy the right to privacy. But these two genuine bigots were talking out loud as if those in the surrounding waiting line were supposed to intercept the verbal diarrhea. Anyway, they both insisted that it was McCain and Palin that had to lead this country towards “change”. But both were a little on the weary side as the poll numbers were starting to paint a different picture. It was becoming Obama country. Then Mr. Bigot went on to say something to the effect that “blacks are a race of a different drive” going on to insist that “caution was necessary”. And he wasn’t providing this opinion secretly under his breath. It was indeed “bad” breath. There were not any “blacks” in line. Remember, this is Alaska! Now finding that he was in good company with Mrs. Bigot, he continued on as if in efforts to probe others, a sympathizing motive. I wanted to say something but have learned to realize these kinds of people need one thing, a muzzle! And then I remembered that this guy made mention that he was from the “Valley”, Sarah territory! Maybe Ben was right! See, when such idiots come into town, their intelligence level sticks out like a sore thumb. A George Bush intellect. And I was intent on listening and continued to be aloof towards any affiliation as part of their audience. The silent aloof trait suits me well, as I find it sometimes pisses people off. They know we are listening, can’t help that. But when you bother not to respond, it is the silent treatment that gets them upset. No Mr. Bigot, I won’t be part of your racist click-clat-chat. And read my mind, I don’t agree with you. Anyway, Mr. Bigot went on to voice his concerns, that “you can’t even say the n word(pause) the nigger word anymore”. Wow, this is truly valley trailer trash talk. It gets better! Evidently both said that they did not watch the previous night’s presidential debates, as their minds were already made up. Lemmings on the march it is. Not the silent majority, but the racist majority. By this time, the store manager had decided to turn on the TV, a big-screen that could be viewed and heard by those waiting in line. It wasn’t the FOX network, and that was enough to perpetrate the next rude comment from Mr. Bigot’s orifice of pollution. It was CNN and of course it was a clip following the debate fallout, the day after syndrome. So that was enough in itself to not gain an interest by the misinformed bigots. I wondered, how many others in line advanced the same sentiment, that of racism coupled with the fact that presidential debates were not important when you had your mind made up in advance - party trained loyalty I guess. But what went unnoticed to the Valley Bigot and his victim was that it wasn’t just politics that was being dissected, but they were content on not viewing any ”liberated” newscast. Wow with this one. See, soon the broadcast show switched to an interview with Laura Bush. Mr. Bigot noticed the fine dressed lady but looked back and rambled on that it was just another one of those people that don’t know what they were talking about. He thought that the TV broadcast scene was yet another talking about the debate and how Obama was ranked the stronger of the debating candidates. And this is where it gets sad. Mr. Bigot and his racist companion didn’t even seem to realize it was Laura Bush, not some political pundit. And Laura was talking about “Breast Cancer”. Not about the election, not about her husband and the failed years of endangerment, not about her gourmet cooks in the WH, but talking about cancer! Bottom line, this was pure morning rush hour racism. I was hoping that either of the bigots would engage my opinion, but both refused. Then I noticed two things of interest as the line went whittled down and closer and closer to the cash register. There was a warranty and guarantee notice from the tire store manager. It listed things that were checked as part of every tire changeover. It insisted that the “bolt torque” was tested by qualified technicians. This takes an individual that knows what he or she is doing. The guy changing tires is given the duty to make sure tires are properly tightened up to handle spinning at 70-mph! WOW. Now I wonder if Mr. Wasilla Bigot realized that in the trenches just beyond his protective environment just one wall away, were mostly minorities engaged in the tough work of ripping off old tires for new tires. You try lifting 70-pound dirty grimy tires all day long. And I wonder what he would say if he found out that it was a “black” guy responsible for making sure his tires were correctly mounted and pressurized, for his own safety as he drives back to the “Valley”. Mr. Bigot, for your own safety! Do you think the guy doing the job may hold on to some prejudices, maybe, put priorities at hand most likely dictate otherwise, as he realizes his job is temporary because as soon as everybody gets their tires changed, it may mean the un-employment line. Do you think he holds on to a prejudice of an inferior complex, but at the same time doesn’t let this it interfere with his duties and responsibilities? Hey, he is just happy to have a job. He is only trying to make a wage and a living. It was pathetic to say the least, the bigot’s attitude upon “blacks”. Besides that, scary, as I do believe that race will interfere with righteousness come the election. And what really scares me besides having these kinds of bigots out on the loose is how such conversation can incite attacks upon others. This is not free speech. Hate speech is not something that the 1st Amendment allows. So it was a sad morning at the same time a proud morning, as I knew where I stood on issues of racism and prejudice, as my views ascended out of the "Sarah" valley of doom, a long time ago.

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