Wednesday, August 6, 2008

FBI - Most Wanted

Enough is enough! Ted Stevens, please go away. If you would just resign your senate seat, I would be prone to vote away your felonies. I would agree on a “speedy” pardon. Just to get rid of you. But you are now attempting to trash the justice system. The fact that you insist your innocence and that the trial will hurt your “campaign time”, well wait just a minute. What gives you the right to have freedom when under indictment? In fact all able minded Americans should go out and commit a felony, to see how much freedom a peon would get. There are humans stuck in the American justice system who have not or will not ever get a speedy trial. And they have not freedom either, but years of false incarceration. While incarcerated for no reason accept for being “poor”, they get caught in a system unjust and in efforts to defend their remaining freedoms, it usually comes to criminal activity which amounts to self-sustaining jail time. Help? What is that! And this is why we despise lawyers appointed by politicians in trouble. When somebody has enough disposable income to hire lawyers of the rich and famous, there is something wrong with equality. “All men are created equal” quotes my Independence. In fact, as a test, why not just use a court appointed public defender? “How does it feel to be on your own”, Mr. Stevens? Just take your cake and eat it too! Look, Bill Allen was a crock since day one, by trying to provide the oil industry low paid workers. The wages were so low that many workers that wanted to be part of the Alaskan oil scene had too live outside Alaska, so it may have helped the bottom line with kickbacks that lined your gift receiving program, but it didn’t really help Alaska. You committed a crime, it is evident without the jury and evidence. You can no longer represent this state or this country. Consider seeking political asylum in England. I am sure the Queen would accommodate that wish, as you have been very generous to British Petroleum here in Alaska. And no I am not in favor of taking your name away from the airport as it will continue to remind us of your true worth, while behind bars. And please, stop trashing the U.S. justice system, it is all us peons have! During a campaign shindig, it was clear and convincing that the Corrupt Bastards Club is still alive and well here in Alaska. Let us see who was in attendance at the secret gathering at an unspecified location. Bob Penney, hey didn’t he almost get MoanaLisa in trouble over a land deal too good to be true. That was a gift in disguise! Murkowski went caught. And Bill Sheffield, the turncoat and nosebleed king who squandered away a healthy retirement from the state run railroad, from FEMA medication, another jokester he is. Carl Mars? What a surrounding of no-goods! And where was son Ben? Ted, you have served but now you must serve, as in the end your true friends took advantage of your power. You let done your guard to guard this country’s righteousness. Now is not the time to test the justice system, by asking for “free time” when you are on the borderline of becoming a bonafide criminal. How will it feel if you can never vote again? Like some “poor” people right here in America! And why you had a bunch of kids stand up with you at the podium during the campaign rally, it is child abuse in my book. They can read. They know you are in trouble with the law – with the FBI and IRS. By using a kid forum, it is slippery sleazy politics at its worst. And those wannabe bikers that escorted your arrival, are you trying to instill the fear factor upon us? Sorry, it didn’t work. So do us all a favor. Do Alaska a favor, just take your penance cake and go away. After about a year from now and away from power, see what friends are left, it may be frightening! But justice will be served, here or there, as there exists many Americans who believe in the justice system, in its merits to not engage in frivolous lawsuits, especially against elected officials. You got caught! So far your shenanigans has cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in investigative time. Just admit to it, get the pardon and find a new hobby. It is ironic that you were instrumental in getting federal funding to build a brand spanking new FBI crime lab in Anchorage. I guess we are getting our monies worth, as you are their most wanted man. How does it feel? Maybe we have found the true meaning of kickback payback!

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