Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Begich - Red, Yellow and I'm Blue

It looked like a giant garage sale from the crowd out of control. So I stopped into a place called Best Buy to see what had blessed this day of peace and rest with rage and rant upon a supposedly civilized society. It was a Sunday and the place was packed. Crap was my sentiment, as there wasn’t anything free for the taking. From the looks of things and the long line at the cashola registers, wherein cashiers were taking in debit cards like senators taking in lobbyists’ bribes, no damn economic downturn in the hi-tech sector. So I felt compelled to buy something, to help the economy limp along. With guilt on mind to leave empty handed, I was convinced by a young Geek that I needed a portable hard drive. So it was, what for I do not know. Anyway, I am now on my way to the emergency room. See, that packaging for the thing I didn’t need is by far more secure then Dick Cheney’s Hailburton stock. While trying to tear apart the plastic “I can see what I bought but can’t get my hands on what I bought” an irate piece of the Fort Knox package went berserk like shrapnel and struck my eye. I had used everything in my possession in efforts to open the container containing my drive, even to the point of painting a target bulls-eye - to blast it apart with a shotgun slug. Anyway, don’t you just love the hi-tech world of Geeks? There is so much out there that it is beyond belief. Hey, other countries don’t want to be like us, just too much confusion! And cameras are found just about everywhere. Go to the doctor for intestinal or colon surgery, well for an extra 500-bucks you can get your very own video of the procedure. And when the cesspool overflows, you can even get the “crap” guy to send a camera down-hole, to check out the crap. It is just the same as clogged intestines or arteries! And you can even buy a video of that cesspool makeover procedure, for future viewing, like at Thanksgiving time! I am waiting for the day when hi-tech gets to the point wherein I can just ring the cesspool man for a cholesterol cleaning. That hard drive I purchased during the Best Buy not a Sunday garage sale, it doesn’t work - as my computer is a little old. What the hell is with this “sub” connector anyway? Is Mark Begich really running for something other then rat fink? I saw a commercial broadcast that indicated he was trying to get that soon to be vacated U.S. Senate seat. Ted’s done for good. Another senator turned felon bites the dust. But some fans continue to waste their time as Ted’s campaign signs are showing up here, there and everywhere. In fact I saw one atop the VECO building! His headquarters and staff must be working around the clock to get the word out that Ted is not a crook. He is a crock of crap in my book. But Begich as a possibility? So I have performed my own “poll” on the merits of his attempt to jump from mayor of Anchorage – rape capital of the world – to a more serious endeavor, filling in where Ted left off. Here comes the results. As proof of a Begich incompetence trait, just look around Anchorage, especially downtown. This guy has gone crazy with red and yellow paint. There exists hardly anymore curb side parking spaces. What is with all the curbs painted red or yellow? We can’t keep the road lane paint fresh, but we can sure waste money painting curbs! And the roads are so damn bad, that it looks as though some terrorists are using the roads around town to test IED. Potholes, weathered lane paint and no parking places are three of the things that should be considered when it comes to that vote of confidence or not. It is that simpleton “three strikes you’re out” rule. Potholes suck the life out of my tires and shocks. Weathered lane paint invites road rage, as out of control teenagers have no clue about road etiquette. Lets face another fact of the matter at hand, without municipality sponsored low fee curbside parking spaces, we have to dole out wads of cash to private entities, just to take in the downtown festivities. Hey, “pave paradise put up a parking lot” seems to be the goal here in Anchorage. So Begich has not lived up too his ideals. And during his televised campaign trick shot, he mentioned that if elected for the rejected there would be no pay raise in Congress until there is a raise in minimum wage! Crap again. See, if I were going to a job with benefits for life that paid $175,000-dollars a year for about 200-days of work – which amounts to about $80.00 an hour – I would not have to worry about going broke, so a pay raise would be not necessary. From Anchorage mayor to U.S. Senator, that is about a 100 percent increase in pay and yes, benefits for life. So a Senator, in pursuit of life and liberty believes it takes $80-dollars an hour for happiness, wherein the minimum wage earner has to survive on about $7-dollars an hour. So what is Begich trying to prove? A class system exists and he is already part of that system of the rich and the rest of us. Lesser of the evils, the verdict is still out. Washington needs a lobotomy and an enema not more Viagra! Now talk about wasting money. The Elmore extension – voted the worst roadway extension ever since statehood – is in the third season of construction. This entire summer so far, it has been no construction but just a painting frenzy. I think Picasso painted the MoanaLisa in less time! What a waste of money. And that grass that was planted along the way, it harbors these swarms of flying leeches, wherein bike riders are choked to death. It had to be planned that way. Why not just let the wild stuff grow where it belongs? Anyway, it continues to be a sad state of affairs when we continue to vote in incompetence. We need fresh blood to reign in and take back what has been lost. More of the same is getting old. Begich is just that, more of the same. Why is it that this country is so down and lame, so afraid, at voting in a no-name? Look at what happened in Poland back during the 70’s, when a no-name “simple electrician” working class hero named Lech Walesa rallied the cause for “change” and eventually ran for office and won. Why? He had the vote of the hard working people who were really bent on change. That is what we need here in Alaska as well as all across the nation. CHANGE. New blood with a new course to travel. So Begich should just stay as mayor and continue painting the town, red, yellow and keeping us all blue. Hey, he is only one color off, but so has the flag reflected a different color over the years, when the crooks infiltrated the Halls of Congress. Like a Jesse James photo-shoot, that is what I think about when I see a framed picture of Ted together with Don and the Murkowski clan. Crooks and crocks, just more of the same for way too long. And I watched the televised debates with the Republican Congressional wannabes, including incumbent Don Young, also under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. It is sad, so sad, that we have allowed crooks to infiltrate what was once a proud America. Maybe we should all step back, back to the curb, and see how and why it went so out of control. Maybe we need a moratorium on legislation and policies until policed and ethics once again enters the arena. It is our arena, not theirs. It is a place wherein egos should be left at the curb and where once corruptness was illegally parked, the time is up, no parking anymore.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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