Monday, August 4, 2008

Brown Boy!

I finally made it back to Anchorage. Now before my return home, I had heard all kinds of complaints about the bad weather scene in the “Big Wild”, especially over the past few weeks. In fact the entire summer season so far seems to be pretty normal in the complaint category, overcast! My wife decided it was time to leave for better weather several years ago, she is still hanging on for that change. But when the cat complains, it is serious business. Hey in Alaska, rotten weather and rotten politics goes hand-n-hand. Maybe when one turns the other direction, towards the good, so will the other. Too bad, as my whereabouts the past few weeks included some pretty decent weather. It meant sunshine, 24-hours a day. A beautiful scenery with ocean waves licking the undisturbed shoreline of seclusion, allowing me to sleep like a baby. In the early morning as the fog moved out, one was greeted with a spectacular display of migratory waterfowl. I often thought that maybe this was where civilization began, as it was nothing short of a gigantic nest and so far removed from civilization that something started off here. And no I wasn’t on vacation, but working way up North for an independent oil company that is trying to make in-roads into the lucrative oil business that has been controlled by the “Big Boys” for some 30-years by now. Anyway, it was rather nice to make it back into a different civilization wherein the talk is something different and not all about oil. No more “downhole” lingo today. Where a “spud” is a potato and not some tool of the trade. So with spare time on my side and enough spare change leftover after paying my outrageous utility bills, there was not much to worry about accept enjoying life and liberty, so a pursuit of happiness meant a walk down to Westchester Lagoon with a good cup of coffee. And finally, it was a beautiful day in Anchorage. Nice warm temperatures with just enough of a mild breeze to keep the mosquitoes at bay. It also meant tourists out and about enjoying what we take for granted, that surrounding natural beauty. I could let you in on a little secret of the beauty found in the Arctic, but that is for a later correspondence. Anyway. I was sitting at the “Dumb Iron Worker” garden down at the lagoon when approached by a gentleman, accompanied by a younger lady. From the somewhat dark complexions - rarely seen around Anchorage - most likely of middle-eastern decent. I could tell by the smiles and frowns of confusion that they were definitely tourists. The man introduced himself and then started asking for directions. I like to see visitors out and about the trail system, so have no problem offering assistance. Hey, I would rather see tourists enjoying the free attractions then wasting their precious time down on 4th Avenue buying Alaska crap made in China! I went into some detail about what could be seen going east towards the mountains or west towards Earthquake Park. The earthquake thing seemed to gain their interest. From the conversation that was promoted by my willingness to assist, I could tell that this gentleman was probably very well educated. Now during the conversation, I noticed another older man take up residence at the vacant park bench in close proximity to my hangout – where the “Love” poem greets life. After the conversation with the middle-eastern tourists ended with some gracious thanks of appreciation and not more then a few steps away on their way I heard a voice ask, “Where do you think they’re from”? It came from the other man who had infiltrated my domain and who had taken it upon himself to strike up a conversation. Again, it was one of those days to converse. See, it seems that rotten weather has a tendency to “stool stuck” opinions, so when the weather finally comes around, so does it promote people to get involved. Weather on the good side makes people friendly! Now Alaska is known for its “Chinooks” and also hot-air blows from political corruption. Wow, I thought, upon this question from a stranger. And before I could answer, the same individual made the point that those folk, middle-eastern, are the kind we have to place suspicion upon - as they are trying to take over, or words to that effect. Wow again I thought, this was going to be an interesting conversation. And the individual was almost a double take for Rush Minnow, or whatever the name. So with nothing else to do, I decided to invite a continued dialect. My comeback to his question, “I think maybe Pakistan or India”. He replied, “Yup, from over there”. Thinking right off that this was Mr. Alaska Conservative, I asked him what he thought about Ted Stevens’ most recent indictment. Let’s face it, this is an exercise upon the 1st Amendment. “Hang the bastard” was his answer! Mr. “Maybe” Conservative went on to say, “and that Cheney and cowboy from Texas, hang them at the same time”. Now this guy goes on a rant, about how bad the economy has become from the likes of Ted, George and Dick, especially with the protracted war upon us. I was a little miffed, as I could not figure out this individual’s political calling. Then he introduced himself and asked me how I was going to vote on the upcoming “Alaska Clean Water” stuff, Proposition 4. See, he was a fisherman from Bristol Bay. Has been an Alaska resident for 51-years. He went into great detail about the effects of the proposed “Pebble Mine” and how it would ruin the world-class fisheries in that area. He also went into detail about the Red Dog Mine, and the environmental consequences of allowing zinc dust to infiltrate the local streams. So I knew this guy was up on political stuff that affects Alaska. It was hard to get a word in and I was content on just listening. Like already acknowledged, it was difficult to figure this individual out. Then he went on about the Murkowski family. Egad, this guy was pissed. Good thing Frank is in hiding. And we were pretty much on even footing about MoanaLisa, especially in her most recent photo-shoot opportunity wherein she went overboard proclaiming to the world that Ted Stevens’ deserves a speedy trial. You know what MoanaLisa, there are black folks in prison down in Texas that have been waiting for their date in court for a lifetime. Many are innocent. Why don’t you advocate for their justice and a speedy trial? It goes to show that MoanaLisa was brought up on a class system mentality of the have and have-nots. How she ever made it to the U.S. Senate is a jokerman’s special. “You were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing.” Of course, we can all thank Ted for that with his filthy “PAC” money, the same money that his so-called friends are returning faster then tainted tomatoes. So there existed some commonality with this guy’s beliefs and my very own. I could tell that he was a little frustrated with the political scene here in Alaska and from his comments about the “cowboy”, down on the national political scene. Anyway, the conversation ended with he informing me this. “I guess we will have to place our faith in the Brown Boy”. The times, they are a changing!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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