Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kingpin's Family & Friends

Seems everybody has an opinion, with respect to Ted Stevens’ indictment innocence, at least until proven guilty. Why he stood in front of a Federal judge and pleaded not guilty, it is absurd. What happened to honesty being the best policy? Of course he had Brendan Sullivan as his right hand man. Sullivan was the right hand man for Oliver North, when North was being tried for lying before Congress. So I guess Sullivan’s expertise is untying the lying! Sullivan is also an expert in presidential pardoning efforts. Pardons have to be applied for through a rigorous application process. It isn’t something that is just a phone call away nowadays. My guess is that Ted will no doubt be pardoned before the upcoming election. He deserves nothing less with the stipulation that he immediately retires his Senate seat and enjoys the rest of his life “powerless”. If he gets board, maybe he can turn his double-decker house back to a ranch style. Anyway, what was really ironic with this long awaited verdict came from the flashback offered to the dwindling clientele of the Anchorage Daily Stool. See, on Tuesday morning, just hours before the indictment verdict was mainlined as headline news from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans, the Stool gave the reading public a flashback. It was called “Nice Catch!” No it wasn’t directed towards the FBI for bringing down yet another Alaskan politician - most likely a member of the Corrupt Bastards Club - but a picture of a big halibut, submitted by Trevor McCabe! Who? It was so, so sweet justice, as McCabe is one of the reasons that Ted finds himself in defense of life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness that may soon be cut short with incarceration. Herein is my very own take on Ted. The Fed’s are going after him for stuff that can be un-denied a felony and easily tried before a jury. It is my understanding that there existed more serious allegations but the decision was to target the easy stuff. Like lying about “gifts” received that required disclosures. Guilty will be an easy thing to prove, thus allowing credibility upon the FBI and at the same time a criminal discredit against Stevens. And the sad fact of the matter, Stevens was screwed by his own kind! Not you or I as constituents, as taxpayers and true Americans, but the very people that used his position of power to get us all addicted on “pork”. It became a trickle down theory, wherein his friends and family would lobby hard for something, not by any means by the people for the people, but an attempt at segregated greed – for themselves! In the end, the constituents would gain from what was leftover and wasn’t swindled away along the way by malfeasance manipulation against the U.S. Treasury. See, his friends and family stole away the cream and left the “crap” for the peasants. That is exactly what happened, as his so-called dedicated following aided and abetted in his demise – from self-centered greed. They knew they could get away with it, not once but it became the normal way of doing business with the taxpayers’ loot. Part of the ”K” Street follies. I have had my very own bouts with Ted, to the point that he insists that I am not a bonafide taxpayer so he doesn’t have to ever again answer my questions on issues. He scolded me for asking questions about why he voted on a pay raise when the rest of the country was going unemployed and drilling rigs were being sent to the bone yard. So needless to say, I was never a Ted fan. I could see what was going on behind the scenes with appropriations miss-appropriated. It was becoming a big mess and Ted continued to maintain his innocence that he had no control of out-of-control “pork” once it left his office of approval. But over time, Ted was screwed over because he believed in an American system that was starting to limp along on broken spokes. Honesty missing in action became this country’s worst nightmare and enemy. More, more and more is what Ted was used for. Our own kind screwed us all! Now we all face an embarrassing moment to see a U.S. Senator face indictment, for just trying to abide by “honesty” in giving Alaska a chance. And it all could have been avoided had those individuals crawling up Ted’s ass been “honest”. See, when somebody made a request for something, even ridiculous things like seed money to study the penis size of the male Mux Oxen, he provided the money - with no strings attached. He didn’t second guess requests that sounded good on the surface level, as he believed that when requests came his way, it was for a valid reason that was supposed to help get something accomplished in Alaska. He was only looking out for Alaska’s very own interest, as a political entrepreneur with a vision of a future that would get Alaska weaned away from welfare and on a path of self-sustainability. What sent Ted to the doomsday embarrassment scenario he finds himself in today was promoted by greed, from his very own loyalists, like his son Ben and McCabe. Not to mention an entire fleet of lobbyist loyalist that used the Uncle Ted label to play unfairly with the American public in general. I once listened to Ted when he was asked about waste from Federal “pork” that was sponsored from his office. He was adamant that he had not the time or interest to see too it that the money was not misappropriated once it gets to the requestor. Why? Ted believed in honesty. He practiced it, no doubt. That is where the system went haywire. The money coming Alaska’s way was like a free-for-all. The legislation coming from Alaska’s delegation was like a free-for-all. When “Big Oink Oil” was called to testify in front of Congress over high gasoline prices, Ted didn’t allow testimony under oath! Why, he believed in honesty without the extra burden. He was fooled, as accountability for anything and everything in Washington became a joke. It was then that “Big Oil” had the chance, but they knew they had powerful Ted on their side, so sided again with greed and didn’t offer up any relief and left this country to continue down an economic path to gloom almost at doom. The American system was broke and Ted refused to acknowledge that fact, as that was something a true American did not want to face. As to take advantage of our very own system of checks and balances is treason! So behind the scene, his friends, his very own children even, took advantage of his role as a powerful and dedicated Senator. He was eventually swallowed up in a vortex of no-return. If I were Ted, I would also provide a not guilty plea. Maybe his lawyer can claim “age” and forgetfulness, over the fact that he forgot to disclose some kickbacks for doing favors for his friends. But were those things really kickbacks for favors? Think about it, if I were able and willing to offer my daughter a brand new Land Rover, she would question it. She would no doubt thank me for “buying” it for her. But honesty would have made me tell her the truth. What was Ted afraid of? I believe in the end that his friends and family had taken advantage of a true American to the point that there was no turning back. So if you can’t beat them, well as the sentiment goes, join them! Maybe that is what’s behind the not-guilty plea. Ted is a lawyer by education. Ted knows the American system. Maybe he can play a role in showing that the system is broke, not by those in powerful positions, but through our own selfish ways and means. If Ted can take that on as an issue, then I am sure the rest of America will listen in. When a statesmen like Ted makes it known that the system is so broken that it swallows in those bent on doing it right, we need to take this opportunity to show that greed here, there and everywhere is what is corrupting our democracy. It is so bad off that senators cannot operate without ties to lobbyist! It is time to untie that knot. So bad, that special interest have so screwed up the merit system that we now see an individual like Ted Stevens in the crosshairs of the very government he gave an oath to protect. His crimes are testament of influence and coercion from outside interests. Ted was one man. He thought what he was doing was for the betterment of Alaskans. Maybe the intent was such, but when those you trust take advantage of a situation, then the hen house has been infiltrated by the FOX. Ted, stand up for your rights. Tell the truth, that it is lobbyists - in disguise as friends and relatives - that have raided the hen house blind. Legislation banning such un-American selfishness should be swift with punishment. Now is the time, as you have been a powerful individual and you still have influence, to right this wrong that burdens the majority - the peasants of America. Ted, you have now before you the opportunity to make America what you thought it was all about all along, an honest and righteous country, wherein political clout was not bent on greed and selfishness but a ways and means to fulfill that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, with liberty and justice for all. Amen!

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