Thursday, August 7, 2008

Babe Patrol

Enough is enough! I just watched a CNN waste time talk show and a person of interest came up for discussion, again. Sarah Palin? CNN is good for a good laugh. FOX, an evil laugh. Sarah Palin is becoming pretty famous out and about. What for I am still searching an answer. OK, I give her credit for her ferocity in trying to get an ex-brother-in-law whacked off the payroll and at the same time her generosity at giving a “fund raising” surveyor friend a promotion, but vice presidential material for the old gray haired bastard? What is with Cinderella McCain? Talk about stool stuck. She needs something, young. Sorry, the thought of Sarah in competition with McCain’s wife nauseates me. And what is with all this hoopla about Sarah being a babe? Yes indeed, that came from the ED - Explosive Diarrhea - orifice of Pat Buchanan, once himself a presidential wannabe. Boy, were we lucky that never happened. I beg to differ with all of Sarah’s fans that think she is a babe. You don’t see Hugh walking around the mansion with the likes of a Sarah do you? I think Sarah is grease stuck back in Travolta High School days. What is living in that hairdo? I heard some youngsters talk about a secret radar. Maybe it is a silo for a star wars missile, an extension of the Kodiak Launch Facility. That is where all the rockets to be launched are hiding, in Sarah’s “Big Wild” hairdo! In fact, did that photo-op in Vogue ever hit the stands? Oh, it was a different magazine called Mrs. Vogue Mature. Sorry! Anyway, if you want to see some good looking women, go over to PJ’s. The same girls that danced during pipeline construction days are still performing today. Anyway, in Alaska we are blessed with a world of natural beauty. I have witnessed the North Slope migration on several different occasions over the years, and it is so satisfying. It is all so different each and every time. In Anchorage, we have a healthy brown bear population. There is also a healthy moose population. Cook Inlet shorebirds display a magnificence aloft. Now take what we see around town and multiply that by a thousand-fold, as a barometer to what one would see if given the opportunity to be up north in the Arctic when the lakes show open water. And if fortunate enough to witness the caribou migration, when the calving takes place, it is a miracle before your very eyes. But this year I witnessed another facet of nature, right here in Anchorage. See, I forgot to turn off my porch light. I have a house with metal siding, so the heat reflected and captured off of the 60-watter, it invited guests - moths! When you see these little miracles of the Creator in flight, it is no doubt the flight of an angel. But when the winged take to the siding to suck up the heat, that is when the true beauty unfolds before your very eyes. This year, it seems there came a certain type that frequented the scene, an Irish green color with these streaks of white - most likely imbedded as a means to camouflage against intruders. According to Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee, “Nemoria Mimosaria”, or for guys like myself into real babes, I mean moths - the White Fringed Emerald. So over the past week, with my morning French press coffee, I have taken to observe and enjoy the different species that have congregated here. It is truly amazing. Some are so beautiful. Others look mean and have this disposition like Java the Hut! As the morning dew disappears, so do the moths taking to flight. It is interesting, to wonder what is the moths’ calling upon this earth? Is it any different then our own mission? There has to be a reason for their appearance. And where do they hibernate? Or is there life span like a leave, only once! So as we complain about this and that, the cycle of nature continues on unadulterated. So when I see a moth enjoying freedom once, I cringe over the fact that man’s creed of greed is destined to make Atlantis the “Lost Continent” a reality. We think that North Korea is an enemy. I think today that South Korea is just as evil. There is an outfit in that country that is cloning dogs! Yes indeed, some wannabe American with too much cash at hand decided that she wanted a clone of her pet, a pit bull. Now pit bulls are not pets but wild animals with a mentality of an Alaskan politician. Pit bulls should be banned from existence, as they are ugly and serve no useful purpose except alter ones ego above and beyond reality. I almost had to kill a pit bull that attacked my dog. Lucky for me was the fact that the bull was a young “punk” dog that didn’t know what it was getting into. And this happened in broad daylight on a public hiking trail right here in Anchorage! My dog, my mountain dog, was about to make minced meat out of the youngster. The young “punk” that owned the dog thought he was cool, was about to pull the pit bull crap on me, until he saw my 44. Anyway, cloning a dog is a sin. When our representatives allow something like this to be imported, we are just asking for a disaster to happen. It serves no useful purpose, except to show the world that wealth brings with it a brain cancer that infiltrates reasonableness. Really, the lady that had the excess disposable income to break the Ten Commandments raved on that “it was a miracle”. Only the Creator performs miracles! She honestly thought that the cloning also cloned the same brain so the dog was exactly the same “dog”. “You know me and I know you” she was quoted while talking to the living crap with legs. It cost her $50,000-dollars for five puppies! Supposedly, this was accomplished by an individual who once upon a time worked for the “disgraced” scientist Hwang Woo-suk. Well Mr. South Korea, this is a worst disgrace. According to the U.S. Constitution, this qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment, against all mankind. Anyway, with what I know about cloning is this one fact. It is designed as a toy of the rich and crazy. Should we trust that? And the scary part, can you imagine another Cinderella McCain? She has the money, so beware. In the mean time, why not clone these Emerald moths, as they are harmless little creatures that fly around showing us what the Creator is all about. But cloning dogs, because we are stuck on not believing in the future, it is a sad state of affairs. And when we have an inept and dysfunctional government that allows it to influence what happens here from over there, it points to an out of control state of affairs. See, if cloning is successful with dogs, then what will be next? What if something goes wrong, will it mean more homeless people, as we seem not to claim ownership of rejects now, so a human reject from the Lee Byeong-chun factory in South Korea would be somebody’s experiment gone wild - wherein we all pay. We have more pressing issues at hand, like starvation to deal with then pet crap. And want to do something worthwhile for society, adopt a pet, as thousands upon thousands of pet dogs and cats go homeless each and everyday, right here in America. Hey, why not clone cereal? It all boils down to greed and that is why Atlantis is coming to a theater near you, soon! For now, we should all boycott anything and everything that comes from South Korea, until this cloning business is shutdown. Write your congressman. But that won’t work as most congressmen have already been cloned, to do as the lobbyist say. By the people and for the people? What a dream!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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