Friday, August 8, 2008

More Welfare

Alaska, what has happened to the “Bush Rat” mentality? I am talking about going it alone, Jay Hammond style. I bet if you ran a poll and asked about the “Bush Rat” label, it would mean a failed grade, as Alaska has changed. This state should inaugurate at least one day in honor of Jay. He was the last decent Alaskan politician. But center stage news continues to promote the fact that our political system here in Alaska survives because the gears of corruption continue to corrupt. Ted Stevens claims he is innocent. Sorry, some of us are not stupid. Don Young has spent over a million dollars to defend his innocence. Again, why do the Murkowski’s think we are all stupid? This state has become the asylum for people stuck on welfare and youngsters growing up thinking that it is OK to be politically corrupt. Ted has taken it upon himself to use Alaskan kids in his campaigning, while under a Federal indictment. “But daddy, he’s a felon”! I wouldn’t let my kids anywhere near Ted, or Don or MoanaLisa. Anyway, the PFD is a crying shame waste of money. It should have been dismembered a long time ago. It has now become a perpetual political junket tool used by the Corrupt Bastards Club. Can you imagine campaigning for office with an agenda to take away the welfare? It would be political suicide. And now we are trusted with an energy rebate, to spend on everything but energy. There is already a line at Best Buy. And the automobile dealers are getting into the foray, with double your rebate for energy efficient SUV’s! There is no such thing as an energy efficient SUV. And my energy bill for natural gas has increased 100-percent the past 4-years in a row, ever since Ben Stevens was appointed to the Board of Directors for SEMCO Energy, the Michigan based company that owns Enstar. So why all of a sudden this wizard notion that the people need help? Hey, has anybody seen Ben? Yes indeed, the people that live in the villages have been paying outrageously for heating fuel, but that high price has been compounded through transportation costs. And there is a reason that the bastards down in Juneau that control the oil loot have taken it upon themselves to give a helping hand – through this so-called energy rebate. See, the last two years has broken the record historically with high oil prices, thereby increasing the cost of refined fuels. And Caesar Chavez has demonstrated that it is a good idea to help out others, through his Joe Kennedy “Citizens for Oil” program. See, Chavez is not that popular, just like most of our representatives down in Juneau. But by using the welfare card, it goes to show that the people take favor. So by giving out a pittance, it means silence upon the lambs. Think about it this way. If there existed no PFD, maybe people would start to understand the oil business here in Alaska, how it is a big rip off for the resource owners - that is you and I! This state has the largest of oil fields, been that way for the past 30-years. Billions of dollars has been reaped away with tankers full of crude oil heading south. The state gets no where near its fair share from the exploration and exploitation efforts. Many will argue that isn’t so, but they have a secret agenda. Either stupidity or siding with Bill Allen. Now for years the cost of natural gas was rather cheap. If it remained cheap as it was supposed too, maybe more help could be extended where needed, in the “Bush”. But without representation for the people, the oil companies find ways to take advantage of the situation to make more money. Case in point. For years the natural gas from the Cook Inlet was subsidized, that is the reason it had remained so cheap for so many years. It was a grandfathered subsidy promoted back in the 60’s in efforts to bring affordable natural gas to Anchorage, Kenai and the Mat-valley homeowners. It worked rather well, until! See, natural gas was a commodity all by itself for a long time. But oil company greed insisted that natural gas get tied to crude oil. They were successful, as nobody in D.C. gave a “Bush Rat’s” ass about the hard working American consumers. And Ted was busy raising his house as was Don busy picking coconuts down in Florida. Oh, and MoanaLisa was busy land swindling. So natural gas started skyrocketing along with out of control crude oil costs. But when a commodity is grandfathered in and stealing away the bottom-line, what to do? In Cook Inlet, it meant a few years of pinching back the wing nut and strangling the system. In fact, Anchorage came very close to running on empty during several cold spells in the bowl. Not that there wasn’t enough natural gas, but the oil companies in control made it so – called artificial manipulation. Why? So they could drill new wells into the same formation that was subsidized but make available un-subsidized natural gas. It meant brand new spanking wells tied to the crude oil index. So good producing wells that were grandfatherd in are now shut-in for the more lucrative valued wells. It is the same gas, just coming out of a different hole in the ground. See, if people were not given welfare, then maybe they would get concerned and find out what happens down in Juneau. This is all well known, this manipulation. So what does the “Corrupt Bastard” mentality do during the legislative cession? They for sure don’t fix the real problems. They just hand out a piece of candy and hope we all go away smiling like a bunch of little kids summoned to the stage of a Ted Stevens’ re-election rally. The best thing to do in efforts to get weaned away from the sick mentality is to obligate students an understanding of the Alaska political infrastructure. “Alaska Corrupt Bastards 101” should be a prerequisite to making the grade and should be a requirement for transplants, like getting a new driver’s license when one decides to become an Alaskan citizen. It is the blind leading the blind here in Alaska. Big oil has such a stranglehold on our representation that even with a bunch of elected politicians landing themselves in jail, nothing has changed. The entity in control was not Bill Allen, as he was just a pawn for the manipulators. One can’t blame “Big Oil”, as they are just doing what they are good at, raping the consumers. So the finger pointing points to Juneau, with our representation. But a lessons learned herein. We the people have control of our own destiny. If we let the hen house get ransacked by the FOX, then we are to blame. Same thing here, as we placed trust in our elected officials and they went blinded by the might. It is never to late to take control back, but first one must have an understanding. The Alaskan oil scene has become so complicated that it would probably take 30-years of study just to make heads or tails over what goes on behind the scenes. In the meantime, we continue to find “bandaids” provided to control the hemorrhaging. Instead of those kids being herded up on stage to support a felon, they should be learning about Alaska. Not about the spectacular scenery and wildlife, but about the ravaged political scene that was infiltrated by corruption and ask themselves why? Then maybe one day we will see another “Bush Rat” at the stick, and instead of an out of control nose dive, a representative body that takes us above and beyond - with the people for reasons by the people and for the people no other way. Thank you Jay! Wouldn’t it be great if instead of a “Corrupt Bastards Club” this state were known for its “Bush Rat Club”. I need a new hat and my membership check is already signed!

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