Saturday, June 14, 2008


So the U.S. Congress has once again failed to protect the interests of this country’s citizens over that of big business. I am talking the failure to produce a “windfall” profit tax upon the big oil companies, like EXXON. With the price of crude oil at an all time high and seeing spike price increases measured in 10-dollar increments, it is astounding that these corporations can’t give a little back! So Congress has once again blew the chance at recovery upon the economy. We all should have listened to Bill O’Reilly and boycotted, by refusing to buy gasoline. Nobody listened. We have become so dependent upon our cars and trucks that we cannot live without the beasts of burden. Anyway, help is on the way. What I mean is this. Because of the sluggish economy, car and truck sales are on a steep decline. As an incentive, Ford is offering $2.99 gasoline for three whole years if you buy one of that company’s gas guzzling trucks. So how can they get away with this? Right now gas is running on average at 4-dollars a gallon. The inventive incentive offered by Ford amounts to $2.99 a gallon gasoline up to 12,000 miles a year. The average driving habits yield about 10,000 miles per year, so Ford is very conservative in this incentive program. It is probably going to cost the company more then just chump change for every vehicle sold under this energy umbrella policy. So how are they getting away with this as it still amounts to lost profits? Very simple, as they are in the know. Right now there is ongoing major refinery expansions throughout the lower 48 states. That is the problem here in America, bottlenecking. There is plenty of crude oil, just not enough capacity to refine it into gasoline. So the supply and demand thing is working, very well thank God. So with the major refinery expansions in high gear, soon gasoline prices will plummet, to settle in at approximately 3-dollars a gallon. So for Ford, this is just a short lived gimmick to sell vehicles while everybody waits out the storm, for gasoline prices drop. When that happens, crude oil prices will follow suit. So we will suffer through high gasoline prices for about the next three years, wherein oil companies will reap amazing and humongous profits, to pay for the refinery expansion efforts. Had a windfall been successful, it may have stymied the expansion efforts and we would have high price gasoline for decades. So maybe this is finally a win for the common working man’s efforts dealing with sustainability. And at 3-dollars a gallon, it is very supportive of the entire economy, from cereal to concrete. So brace yourself for the next few years, then everything should iron out. It is my guesstimate that when gasoline reaches that 3-dollar a gallon mark, cereal will drop about 50-cents a box and there will no longer be a rice shortage in Barrow, Alaska. And when the expansions are complete and gasoline no longer finds a friend in that bottleneck stranglehold, supplies will diminish the high crude oil pricing policies and settle in at about 58-dollars a barrel. Still high, but a lot better then what we see happening with Wall Street in control, through speculation. So let big oil have a run upon our wallets, in the end it will all iron out in equity. I just love good beer!

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