Friday, June 13, 2008

I Am a Black Criminal!

War Journal
So the world has spoken. In a most recent poll, the world would rather see Obama as the next U.S. President then John “Insane” McCain. The fact that this country is now known as the nation of lying leaders, we should have a moratorium on our voting rights and let an outside interest decide what is best for us. Why not, as America has been sold off to foreigners, so their vote should count! This country has become the laughing stock of the world, and if life exists elsewhere in the universe, the same sentiment. We have become a ship controlled by fools. George Bush will go down in history as the worst president money could buy. And through his terms of endangerment, such foolhardy incompetence has branded our entire system of governance as incompetent. I just don’t understand it. The House and Senate are controlled by the Democrats, yet the republicans still control every move. It is a minority control over the majority and that is in itself un-Constitutional. It goes to show that Bush’s curse has widespread repercussions. Don Young may be right, that Linda Pelossi has that “rabid skunk” disease, so cannot yield the gavel to the advantage of the Democrats. Alaska’s congressman Don Young’s favorite political campaign speeches. “He’s a liar”, He’s a zero”. Is Don talking about another human being? Anyway, John McCain is in no way shape or form fit to be Commander-in-Chief. He is out of touch with reality of war as he thinks he has one up on the troops because he was supposedly a prisoner of war. John, we were all prisoners of war during the Vietnam conflict. And I for one have always questioned your POW status. If for real you were treated like you advertise, with all that time in solitary confinement and accompanying torture, then you should have a braver outlook on the effects of “War”, especially a protracted war. You should realize that it is an ugly historical when we have young troops over in Iraq supporting a lie turned to a bloody war with no end in sight. It is that simple, if you Mr. McCain were indeed a prisoner of war, then you should have a completely different outlook and mindset. Your mentality on the war is so wishy-washy, it is sickening. Take a “righteous” stand if you are indeed a real man! Instead of telling the “world” – that voted for Obama – that the war could last a 100-years and who cares when and if the troops ever come home, it is pathetic. Your words of advice, advise and misrepresentation smell of vomit! And why is the U.S. proposing building 85-military bases – long term – in that theater? This is where Congress is blowing it, so there must be a “rabid skunk” disease infiltrating righteousness. Just what the hell is going on? I can see it now, the contractors lining up for an Uncle Sam money giveaway program. Anyway, I still question John McCain’s military service as a POW. Why he became a “turncoat” when a prisoner, by declaring, “I am a black criminal and I have performed the deeds of an air pirate. I almost died and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors”, all during a televised anti-American propaganda confession, it speaks for itself. This is a direct violation of the military code and shows a great and grave human weakness. And he admits that his captors considered him a "special prisoner", the "crown prince" of U.S. POWs, wherein he received preferential treatment. Now McCain should have refrained from using the word “black”, regardless of the consequences of such. He owed that too the “black” soldiers fighting in Vietnam at that time. He is a bigot. In fact, maybe ironic, that McCain is face-to-face with a candidate that is “black”! McCain, what is with this “Black Criminal” ordeal? It sounds like pure prejudice to me. My take on it goes like this. McCain was supposedly commanded by the Vietnamese captors to bring himself down to the lowest life form possible, as the Communist in control realized that “blacks” were the poor and downtrodden in America. So by testing and teasing John that he had to lower himself to those standards, that would prove to them that he was obeying their commands, by self incrimination. He did it. It was the wrong thing to do, as it glorified that the black race in America accounted for a lower class of citizens, that engaged in crime. John the “white man” became John McCain the “black criminal"! As an American soldier, he should have known better but gambled decency over everything else. It shows me that he puts himself, his own ego, but not his country, above righteousness. So now he faces the “black” candidate. Bottom line is that John McCain is a fake and will do and say anything that increases his chance to have his mug shot posted next to George Bush’s in the anal hole of history and decency gone bad. Please, don’t vote away “MY” America by supporting this “Black Criminal” turncoat. Impersonating a “Black Criminal”, isn’t that a crime against humanity?

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