Sunday, June 15, 2008


The worst thing that ever happened to Alaska was Murkowski! A dissection is in order. I am talking the nepotism follies wherein Frank gave his U.S. Senate seat to his daughter, MoanaLisa. It may be old news but the fallout is still on active duty. Let us face the facts. Frank was a total failure when a senator. He used precious time and resources in efforts to open up ANWR for oil development. His tactics scared critics and believers away, so some thirty years later, still no oil from ANWR. I remember watching as Frank would unveil all these fancy charts about this and that and the benefits behind opening up ANWR, all lies. Lying leads to failure, as we see now with the Bush administration. And like father like son – I mean daughter – it will be yet the same old scenario, failure. Look MoanaLisa has been in that cushion position for long enough, and she has not accomplished anything worthwhile. When she went on the campaign trail in efforts to get elected after her first two freebie years, she ran a local campaign that was adamant that rape was out of control here in Anchorage and she was going to do something about it. She has not delivered and rape seems to be an every day affair on the bike paths. So, we see failure upon the very thing that made her win the seat for another term, as an incumbent. Incumbents are a shoe in because Americans are so afraid of change! Had we had the same mentality with change back during the Revolutionary days we would still be eating mushy peas for breakfast. So MoanaLisa could moan all these things realizing all the time that she would not have to produce. And to align herself with Ted Stevens and Don Young on issues, it is just more of the same, do as they say! Anyway, I have not seen anything out of the nepotism senator that shows that she will be any different then her dad, except some land swindling deals. It still amounts to failure, as trying to pull one like the Kenai River land dealing is in itself something that came out of the “Corrupt Bastard’s Club” bible. And Ted Stevens and buddy son Ben were instrumental in the publication of that bible, in a nutshell how to screw the system of ethics. Anyway, it is time to take a bike ride. See, I hit the wrong button and now my computer is trying to download MoanaLisa’s yearly financial statement, that which is required by congressional order. That is also the reason I am on the subject of MoanaLisa. The last time I tried such a risky task, it was to download Ted’s statement. My computer was attacked by a vicious virus and now I get all these nasty letters from Ted, that I am not a taxpayer because I am a democrat. Anyway, it is not a bad day for a bike ride. And we now have a new and exciting job prospect here in Anchorage, road construction traffic control, as the number one employment opportunity. On the “new” Elmore extension that looks like a road wherein disarming IED’s was tested, there exists a road construction traffic control worker for every intersection. It is amazing that it is taking all summer just to paint the road lines. But that is because once again this state is trying to re-invent the square wheel, with the painted road lines embedded in this grove? In most cities, there is this new fang-dangle road painting technology. This space age technology sprays down upon the pavement this chemical agent that reacts with the tar and creates a semi-tough glue as a roll of reflective tape is applied. It works and is very strong. It lasts through rain, snow and ice. The reason it won’t work in Anchorage is because that crap that is put down as asphalt is indeed “crap”. Anyway, this is the third year of road construction on Elmore. And at least by this time the construction guys know not to block the bike paths with their work trucks. But for some reason the state DOT jerks think that they have to park in such a manner that bikers cannot get by without going into the line of traffic - an iffy proposition at rush hour - or trying to maneuver a moat. I had to get off my bike just to get by one of those ugly orange DOT pick-up trucks. Wow, the engine is running and nobody is around. I’ll fix this. So I commenced to lock the driver and passenger side doors. HA-HA. But then I realized that the worker was probably on hourly wages so would get paid until somebody showed up to unlock his truck, and most likely on overtime wages as it was close to the end of the workday. Wow, he was still there on Saturday! Anyway, there should be a moratorium on road construction here in Anchorage until some decent engineers can be hired. That Elmore extension has to be the worst design ever, as the one and only lane onto the extension from Tudor is a freak show bottleneck come the rush hour. So bad that it backs up traffic for miles and cuts Tudor down to a one-laner! Talk about a moratorium, how about the same for neopotism? How long this state will endure MoanaLisa’s do nothing attitude in her adventures is something that we should not experiment with. Remember this, the longer MoanaLisa is in office, the more time wasted wherein nothing will get accomplished. Maybe it is time now for a vote of no-confidence, to push the point that we want action over land swindling deals. Really, can anybody out there tell me one positive thing Moanalisa has accomplished since she settled into the saddle of that 175,000 dollar a year job? Give me one-half that salary for the same job and I will at least get better roads and stop rape! But we are so used to incompetence out of our elected officials that we have lost touch with realty. Actually I think a dog turd could do a better job then what MoanaLisa is doing these days. And it seems that she continues to get richer and richer in the present position. It is a sad state of affairs when the entire cast of representation is so rich, as that in itself is an automatic disconnect to the common working people of this nation. We need a true Huey Long at the helm. The Liars and the Zeros should come to grips that it is their responsibility to make sure that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is their business for none other then the citizens of this nation. To give themselves such a salary when most of America is struggling with $50,000 incomes – equal to what Ted Stevens spends yearly to defend his case of corruptness – goes to show that not only ethics is a lost cost, so is equity. What ever happened to America, the land of the free and the home of the brave? We have been overtaken by tortuous scoundrels that think it is OK to screw us while they bath in luxury, all at our expense and do nothing in return to deserve it, but buddy up to lobbyists. Yes I am picking on MoanaLisa, as with Ted and Don it is a lost cause. And why? Because we see today wherein the death toll of our young soldiers in Afghanistan has surpassed Iraq, for this month. MoanaLisa has been so silent on both conflicts that it makes me wonder if she has some kind of hidden interest to keep the “wars” going? It is Alaska’s troops that are finding more and more empty boots, so we need representation that is not afraid of speaking up. Believe me, when the war becomes so unpopular that it starts to get the people thinking that it is time for a change, then you will see MoanaLisa take a different stand. Where is she in this war crap? Silent, as that is the way. Because the entire game played out is how to get re-elected. It has nothing to do with representation as our fathers envisioned. It has become a stagnant House and Senate, wherein lying, cheating and greed has overshadowed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And why would anybody in their right mind continue to align themselves with George Bush and Dick Cheney? These guys lied to America! They lied to the world! Right now as we speak, MoanaLisa should be calling for both George’s and Dick’s resignation. But she learned well from her Franky, to protect not what is righteous but what is a special interest, maybe not dear to the heart, but dear to the wallet!

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