Saturday, June 21, 2008

All's Well for Welfare

“There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear, there’s a man win a gun over there”, more like Hilda showing off a pot of gold and in hiding a ball and chain. I am not talking Oprah, but Mr.’s Vogue Mature. If you don’t know to whom I am referring too, Alaska governess Sarah Palin, or a better fit for the fright, Sarah Winfrey! OK have it your way, Oprah Palin. Whatever. Bottom line, why is everybody getting upset over her $1200 dollar giveaway program? We all know it won’t be used for energy payments. Probably everything but! I can see it now, the airlines – Alaska Airlines – will have all these “energy rebate” specials in efforts to satisfy its energy guzzling fixation. Auto dealers will also join in on the free-for-all, in efforts to sell off the giant SUVs that are cluttering up the used car lots - the tanks nobody can afford to drive anymore. See, Palin grew up here in Alaska, so she is accustomed to living in a state that is a genuine welfare state extraordinaire. And during her youth, it was the time when this state received more welfare contributions then the top three bonafide welfare states combined. Something that has been going on now for about 30-years. Alaska is still the “king” welfare recipient state, even as the top three recognitions have changed hands. Some states have been successful at growing up and getting by without a helping hand out. When I use the word “welfare” herein, I am talking U.S. Taxpayer’ money. Now “welfare” holds a place of concern and importance in our modern day society, but sometimes the ways and means of the distribution network is questionable. In Alaska, it has always been “questionable”, as Alaska is also an oil rich state. So I guess Sarah has not weaned herself away from that sort of lifestyle. What was good for her early on is good now for future generations. Like a father, like son mentality. So what we see happening now is what she learned from the true welfare lobbyists, our coalition of the willing! I am talking our representation that was willing to promote Alaska as a welfare state of affairs, sometime referring to Alaska as a third world country - but with oil! It is called Ted and Don “sad” money. The “sad” money - sometimes called “earmark” money - allowed this state to remain a welfare state, as welfare money doesn’t do anything for a sustainable infrastructure, but delays development of any worthwhile economic infrastructure. Alaska is a prime example case wherein welfare did not one damn positive “good” thing. Ted and Don realized that, but like mentioned with the “weaning”, first it means getting addicted. And addicted we are! But we have become very irresponsible when it comes to this “welfare” attitude. As there exists a hidden agenda behind all of this free-for-all giveaway “crap”. Why not just give the damn rainy day piggy bank to Best Buy. Really, when this state gives away welfare in the form of “cash” instead of meaningful application towards a need, what does one expect? But it seems to be an addiction trait. See Ted and Don realized early on that “sad” money was a raid on the treasury but was the only ways and means by which they could continue to represent this state, up on the Hill. Basically, buying votes for re-election. So Sarah is doing the same thing, as she is smart and has already figured out the Alaskan citizens’ overall mentality. It is just like Ted, Don and Frank. Failure so far has required a different approach, as her poll ratings are on the negative slide of things. It happened right after her photo-shoot with Vogue Magazine. She has a failed AGIA. She is a new mom, so will not be able to hit the campaign trail for re-election with all the gusto needed to re-win the governorship. So the best way to entice her popularity, “sad” money. It works so well in this state. It is a proven winner. Why? No infrastructure. This sate can’t even keep a dairy in operation! About the only thing that has been successful is keeping the prisons filled to the brim. With Ted and Don and Frank, we smelled the bacon cooking and took the bait. And look what happened in the end, we have a Senator and a Congressman that are spending millions to defend themselves, against the FBI and U.S. Justice Department. They both say they did nothing wrong! Then why the raid upon their freedom, to be left alone? And for them, that money to defend their action or inactions to uphold the Constitution, it is in itself free money, more “sad” money! The saddest thing that ever happened to Alaska was Ted, Don and Frank – and don’t forget MoanaLisa. At least for now, Frank is in hiding. He is the smart one. To bad Ted and Don didn’t try hiding! Now the verdict is still outstanding with MoanaLisa, Franks daughter, the nepotism senator. But all indications so far, more of the same. The rest of the country will have George Bush to ridicule for eons to come. For Alaska, I saw a great dartboard the other night, it had a mug shot of Ted. And the backside held a mug shot of Don, signed mug shots at that – both men smiling with that all to familiar smirk of “trust me”. It was called a “Pork Board”, and made sounds, “oinks” when a certain part of the board was attacked by a dart. Now with Sarah, she is desperate, as things are no going so well. So the age-old mentality blossoms and the people will get screwed again. It goes like this, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time, so try buying them”. It is just another example of how people in power think that they know how to do things righteously when it is nothing more then a cover up to failure or deceit. In my travels, I tell people how Alaska is the biggest welfare state of the nation. At first they don’t believe me. But when I tell them the mind-boggling sum of taxpayer money that has been sent to Alaska in the past 30-years under the dictatorship of Ted and Don - $23 billion - and we can show nothing in return – accept highways in disrepair and countless failed projects, they begin to wonder! Then they ask. Doesn’t Alaska have oil? How do you tell them the “sad” news, with a sickening laugh! Yes we have oil. And that oil supplies the pot of gold, and Sarah has the magic wand to distribute that gold, like the good fairy! And she expects nothing in return? Pot of “fool’s” gold it is, and we the people are the fools. Ted and Don are still laughing, even when attacked by carefully thrown darts. But in the end, it will come down to this. “He who laughs last, laughs best buy”. Damn, my “junk mailbox” is filled already this morning, and I emptied it yesterday. Look at this, for $1200-dollars ….

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  1. A commenter on another post says it much better than I can:

    "They say McCain reads the blogs, so here goes --

    Senator McCain- Don't let the campaign kibbitzers muddle things up.

    First and foremost, Sarah Palin shares your values. She killed the bridge to nowhere. Need we say more?

    As for the politics, Sarah Palin transcends geography. Her constituency, like yours, goes beyond state lines.

    She will get your ticket access to voters all over the country based on who she is and what she stands for. Because she's young, a woman, a mother with young kids, she will grab media attention more than any other potential candidate.

    Gov. Palin also has a son in the active duty military. You have very wisely taken your son's service in Iraq off the table as a campaign talking point. That is and should be respected. But others can talk about it and reflect on what it means.

    A McCain-Palin administration would be the first in memory which has family members in uniform during wartime from both the President and Vice President. That would be a powerful statement as to the importance of national service, especially in uniform.

    Most importantly, any Vice President should be ready to step up and serve in the event she is needed. Frankly, who is really ever ready? Gov. Palin is as ready as anybody, she is a quick learner, and in her public career has exhibited the courage and decisiveness needed for a great leader.

    Godspeed to you in your campaign and in making this important decision."

  2. I can see it all now, Alaska Gov Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, introducing Sarah as the next Vice President of the United States at the Republican National Convention later this summer, to the tune of Shania Twain’s “She’s Not Just a Pretty Face”.

    Here it is:

    Just imagine!!! (Dems, eat your heart out)
