Sunday, June 22, 2008


Wow! Goes to show that it is not to late to take back what has been lost during George Bush’s terms of endangerment. With the end so near, it seems like a time to revisit the destruction and fallout we will have to contend with – to right this country’s wrongdoings here and abroad. As soon as the smoke clears away it will be time to take action, for what was done through Bush’s incompetence is our responsibility. There came the insulting lie attempts and the trumped up charges behind weapons of mass destruction. Now George sits in the same citadel as Hitler, with “War Crimes” his future. And get this, since he was labeled as such by some top U.S. Army brass, his cohorts in the “War Crimes” are running for cover. The greatest threat to this country came not from terrorist, but from neo-conservative members of a “Think Tank” organization called PNAC, or Project for the New American Century. A recent trip to that organizations link caused an error: “This Account Has Been Suspended”. Wow again, PNAC is in hiding! All because of the “War Crimes”. But they cannot hide, as the Internet has become the greatest “Time Capsule” ever and with that in mind this organization’s ways and means of destruction upon my country’s Constitution will be preserved forever, as “My” Constitution gives me power, that 1st Amendment Right. So for a list of those responsible for the “War Crimes”, one need only go to a site like Wikipedia. Oh happy day it is, when PNAC has retreated. With that in mind, as we are revisiting George’s evil doings, the list has swelled over time. So here is poem written about PNAC, when the signatories of the “War Crimes” thought they knew what was best for this country:


Rotten to the core,
our masters of war.
Battle plan approved,
exit strategy stranded.
Black sheep doctrine,
fit to be tried,
for our sons and daughters sake!
why denied?

Nothing but a whore machine,
this modern day war machine.
With masquerading cheaters,
disgustingly disguised,
just war monger breeders,
hardly world leaders.
My Red, My White, My Blue,
becomes the venom of fools.

Nothing but a poor machine,
this modern day war machine.
Profiteering looters,
Showing off at Hooters.
Wool eyed believers,
Stool stuck.

George hides in the bush,
Don is drunk on rum.
Paul digs the big bad wolf,
Richard seeks his mother of pearl.
While Willy sees it crystal clear.
This PNACkle debacle!

Democracy, Hypocrisy, Lunacy.

War ejaculating whores,
rotten to the core.
Warlord masturbators,
enjoying the orgasm of war.
And Portnoy had a complaint!

Copyright 2004 MSK Media

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press

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