Friday, June 20, 2008

Joe Lieberman -- True Statesmen

What? It is true, as he isn’t hiding behind closed closet doors. I am talking party loyalty here! For years, he deserved and garnished the democrat vote to fulfill and fill a seat in the U.S. Senate. So is he a true-blue “Turncoat” now that he claims “independence” and has agreed to speak at the GOP rally – for McCain. Sure he is a “Turncoat”, as it should be against the law to change horses in midstream. If the citizens of this great country vote into office an ethical representative that turns towards corrupt ways and means, is that what we expect to occur without repercussion? And I am sure a Constitutional scholar - like Jonathan Turley - could find something somewhere in my “American Bible” wherein it is “un-American” to change from a democrat to an independent to side with the republicans. It is trickery! There should be a moratorium, that if voted in by a democratic or republican constituency, then one must remain loyal to that party, or else “treason”. And what is with this “Independent” status? Must be preferential treatment, as this country still cannot muster up an independent nominee on the “presidential” ballot. What are the Democrats afraid of? Failure. What are the Republicans so afraid of? Failure. But Joe is being honest. He has come out from behind the closet’s closed doors. Even though he declares himself an “independent” and was re-elected on that premise, for many of us watch-towering American politics, we knew all along what was behind this behavior. Remember, “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time”. Thank you Mr. Dylan! And believe me, that closet is filled to the brim with wannabe republicans. Take what happened this past week, during the summer when true Americans are trying to enjoy summertime with gas prices so high that this country has no other choice then to stay in Iraq for the next 100-years, for the oil! Just this week, a House and Senate under the democratic gavel, voted for two things that indicates that we are a country on the verge of a successful lobotomy. Bottom line, the Democratic party lost ground many years ago and the recovery to power was something some scholars said would never again be possible. It is like a great boxer who is banned from boxing because he is a Muslin and refuses to put on a uniform to defend this country in a war promoted by lies. So he is banned from boxing during the height of his career. When the ban is lifted, because he was right in the first place about the war, well entering the ring again is just not the same. Anyway, the democrats passed a bill that would allow funding the “war of lies” without any benchmarks! This is a crime, as it gives George “War Crimes” Bush - the selected president - carte blanche to invade Iran. With this kind of mental mentality, we should start building “another” wall, as the death toll of American kids will indeed surpass the deaths from that other “war of lies”. Hey, without the money, there would be no more war! And the fact that the elected officials supposedly in power voted to give total immunity to telecommunication companies for aiding and abetting Bush’s attempt to listen in on anybody conceived a threat to American interests, it is preposterous. And not only that, your home is no longer a safe haven away from the “G-men”, who will have the power to enter and confiscate your sons and daughters – to support the “war of lies” – along with your pet cats and dogs. Even though an international peacetime organization has placed a ban on “wartime” rape, the passage of these bills is nothing short of rape upon my freedoms. What the hell happened to this country? Well there is a reason why the FISA act has been derailed, giving Bush power over my privacy. Because many democrats in power are guilty of treason behind closed doors! Now known is the fact that all the time many members of Congress – both democrats and republicans – were well aware of illegal “crap shooting” going on in the oval office. That is why we have not George “Mission Accomplished” Bush, but George “War Crimes” Bush. This is serious business, especially with the truth coming out that many stood behind Bush, so are guilty by association. Not only republicans, but democrats who swore to uphold this country’s Constitution. They failed. Which means they failed US. Why the lights remain on in Washington is beyond me. This is our country, not theirs! I am sure Linda “Rabid Skunk” Pelossi is guilty, as is Harry “Take us on a ride” Reid. So they are just as guilty as the Son of Barbara, but they control the party that is the majority. It is a sickening sin to what is going down on the Hill. Not only will George Bush go down in history as “that idiot missing from that town in Crawford”, the House on the hill membership during George’s terms of endangerment will be those really in the blame, as they did nothing but protect their own interests. I hope when Obama gets into office that he cleans House. At least Lieberman was man enough to not hide behind closed closet doors and made it known under no uncertain terms that he was a “Turncoat”, at least honesty seems to be the best policy in his book. As far as those that voted to extend the military budget without benchmarks to end the war, you are all as guilty as George Bush in the “War Crimes”. In fact, now that it is well known that many knew all along about inproprietaries circumventing the laws of this land, the “trail of guilt” will indicate a widespread problem. I hope the closet door “Turncoats” rethink their present malfeasance and dereliction of duty, just come out of that closet and admit you cannot stand being a “democrat”. And thanks Joe for showing America that honesty is still the best policy when it seems honesty has been banned from the “Hill”. And to Pelossi and Reid and the gang of criminals, hope you like staying here in the states, as to travel abroad now that we have become the “War Crimes” nation, be careful as you may find yourself behind closed doors once again, this time with “bars” and no “Get Out of Jail” freebie.

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