Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Year of the RAT

The question before us today, the day after Ruby Tuesday is as follows: When not to vote? This question may get a workout this time around. Calm down, as I can hear the mumbling rumblings crying out loud already. Sure it is a responsibility - to exercise the right to vote - but it is also a responsibility to protest to protect this guarded liberty when government has gone astray of logical thinking and set this country on a collision course with itself. That is where we are at, almost to the point of no return wherein the collision will make a bunch of money for those that thought they knew what was best for this country and everybody else’s country too boot. Hey it is already goodbye to this Ruby Tuesday workout. And are not we all sick and tired of dirty politics? Well this goes above and beyond and if it is indeed true - it is - then McCain should have stayed in Vietnam. Who let this guy come home to enjoy a worrier’s welcome? Oh that’s right, we didn’t welcome Vietnam vets home! And I for one discredit his stories of torture when a POW. Why? Well he wasn’t the only prisoner during that long drawn-out conflict, but he is the only one that still talks about it. Like maybe he has something to hide with what really transpired when incarcerated by the enemy. Matter of fact, had he been tortured, then there is no way in hell that he would allow it to occur today, this torture stuff with enemy combatants. He would see to it that it was stopped. He is a Congressman, he has that power. I wonder if - help us God - the sad reality hits and he becomes the Commander in Chief, will he place a ban on water-boarding? Or is it an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth mentality? In fact, it would be interesting to interview one of his abductees to get the straight scoop. His story needs an audit! But honestly in all honesty, this country would have been better off if he would have accepted citizenship over there, maybe started a brothel wherein little girls could go exploited by rich American doctors on the loose. Did you ever see that MSNBC reel on that American doctor that was into girls that were most likely still of diaper age, but had to work as baby whores for the clientele that would pay for such an atrocity? An American educated doctor of American citizenship! He is a white guy. I hope not to see this pervert around someday in Heaven. I will beat his ass, and take my punishment. Honestly, if this guy goes to heaven after repenting, I will commit “hairy scary” just to get away. I think hell would be a better place to hang out then to be in the Garden of Eden with this scumbag. In my book, it is as sick as McCain politics. And it goes to showboat that Mad Mac McCain is a desperate desperado that will do anything to get his mug-shot in the same back cover of the Britannica as George Bush senior, Bill Clinton and George Bush baby face dumb ass. See, his campaign - in which he is the chief - banded together their votes and voted for Huckabee - so Mitt wouldn’t have a chance at winning the Tennessee delegation winner take all. McCain couldn’t win this state’s delegation outright, so they fixed the voting. It is called “College Politics”, named in honor of Dick Cheney. Would you use a recipe from Dick? It is like having an independent in a race and scavenging votes away from the other candidates. Isn’t there a law against lying? This is sick politics. It is as sick as it can get. Maybe the LDS’s deceased leader that was memorialized just last weekend can cast a spell on McCain and company, before he casts a spell on this country. Hey, in my book, if you play this kind of game to get to the WhiteHouse, you’ll have no problem continuing this game when in office. Why doesn’t Mitt just buy America? He is supposedly good at buying up businesses in distress and selling out the assets? Sounds like this has already occurred in the private sector here in good old Hillary land, so maybe he could clean things up on the government side of things. “This job was your job, this job was…” Our politicians can’t seem to get out of the dugout, as they have dug themselves deep down way past hell. Maybe there is no way out without passing through “their” promised land. But rest assured, if you thought this country has bottomed out with ethics, with equality, with hypocrisy over democracy, then just wait as Mad Mac has the potential to take it too another dimension. Maybe McCain, as a matter of fact all of the executive branch and all members of Congress, they should all be subject to a lie detector test and a psychoanalysis evaluation, just to see why crazy people get into office. They are all crazed and confused, as their agenda is not to better our standing as a model social order, but suspend all good so that their ways and means become the norm, as that is all they know. See, there is good and there is bad. If you can’t beat them at it – the good, then make everybody embrace the bad by joining in. That is what they are good at. Since they are evil, they want everybody else to succumb to evil. When you see politician at church, they are still at work. It is just another forum wherein they can practice their evil ways cloaked by God’s blessing. We have become a sick nation and maybe the fever has a few more degrees to go before meltdown. So this time around people should hit the voting machines but instead of casting a vote, piss in the machine. That will contaminate the machine and any vote that was cast. If every voting machine is pissed upon, there will be no votes to count. Think about it. You are behind that blanket that covers what you are doing. You can pick your nose or piss on it all. So this time around, fill up on Sam Adams beer and head over to the depository, but be careful, as once it turns into a latrine, that guy in the next stall could be Larry Craig. Talk about sick representation, here, there and everywhere. In fact, I would go for socialism over what this political climate is heading towards, like a communistic regime. Congress is at a stalemate. The war has failed this democracy, and it is getting to the point of desperation with the people that we may see another remake of Vietnam, with the way we look at the troops and welcoming them home with the finger over the heart. One more thing, McCain, go home!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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1 comment:

  1. I like what you have to say about McCain. It seems there is little rememberance of John McCain in the Keating 5 Savings and Loan Scandal. He spent 5 family vacations at the Bermuda/or Bahama home of Keating. McCain talked his way out of this scandal. What Congressional panel would find an ex. POW guilty! I personally think he was as guilty as the other 4.
