Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Freak Show

“There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with a badge over there….” My favorite tune when Ted or Don are mug shot favorites. Really, what is going down? It is Super Tuesday eve, and I have yet to receive a call – prerecorded with no return address – from Ted, Don or MoanaLisa. I wonder why? That shouldn’t be hard to answer, as this time around to hear any one of the latter named crocks would definitely help lose a “republican” vote here in the “once a republican state always a republican state”. Every other election cycle, when Ted, Don and MoanaLisa were in good standing with the law and abiding citizens, and their individual “war” chests were awash with overflowing “dough rob me”, such popularity and tax-free cash were used to muster up party votes instead of wasting it away on a “personal” defense campaign. Back before corruption became this state’s favorite charitable organization, when the FBI could hibernate instead of having to be on a constant vigil, it was not unusual to get bombarded by the local stooges in efforts to sway votes towards their party affiliation. It was the “Three Stooges” extraordinaire when Frank was still part of the trinity. And since there is a direct nepo-affiliation between Frank and MoanaLisa, the show must go on until the “Fat Lady” sings. You hear that Nancy? Anyway when corruption was still under immunity, Ted gunned for Don. Don gunned for Frank and on and on and on. On some election eves the phone would ring continuously, and I wasn’t even a registered republican. See, it doesn’t matter in this state. I guess now though it is an embarrassment to the party. So maybe they were asked to bug out. Then again, maybe they are in hiding or booked up trying to talk their way to freedom. Of course Frank is back here in the state. Nobody else wanted him around. He must have locked down some kind of deal with “Big Oil”, maybe an illegal deal, so he is trying to save his you know what. What is it that some lawmakers think their title means lawbreaker? Anyway, I miss Ted’s voice. I miss Don trying to talk and chew pork rinds at the same time. Frank always talked like he had a whopper in his mouth. Now MoanaLisa, sounds like gnocchi fills the air voids. But they are busy, so maybe they have no other choice then to talk and eat at the same time. It was like a freak show. It disrupted the peace and quiet, even though I have the Constitutional right to be left alone. One time my daughter was freaked out by the answering machine broadcasting one of Ted’s election campaign speeches. It was like the big bad wolf had infiltrated the living room! Now talk about a freak show hitting home. What is with Kohring trying to short-circuit the circuit courts? See, he is following suit of our very own crocks when it comes to picking battles. Ted tried to discredit the circuit courts, especially when a recent nominee wasn’t his “choice”. In fact, it was George Bush’s choice. But Ted and MoanaLisa went on the whorepath and warpath, trying to overturn the decision that came from the Commander in Chief. Maybe, just maybe that nominee had something to do with the upcoming trials wherein Ted may be the defendant. Maybe, he was trying to seat characters that would sympathize with what he did or didn’t know with the Bill Allen corruption follies. See, George was sick and tired of what was going on with Ted and son Ben. That is why he authorized the FBI and IRS to investigate and raid Ted’s domain. Anyway, Judge Sedwick is a very honorable judge. I wish I knew him personally. And Judge Holland has helped this state out with legal issues above and beyond. It seems that this state has been overly blessed with fair and honest judges of the circuit courts. Kohring must be desperate, to attack a judge with a bias complaint. I guess Sedwick’s wife had something to do with honest government so that didn’t fit well with Kohring’s edict to destroy ethics and paid for by Bill Allen bribe money, from cash leftover after crack whore affairs. It is very un-American what Kohring is doing. It blasts away the foundation of this country. But robbing the country blind through bribes is also un-American. See, we have rules and regulations that are intended for everyone to follow. That means you Dan Coffey! This is a real freak show. This assembly guy, or lawyer at that, thinks that a state judge can’t overturn an assembly’s vote for rezoning residential property for commercial property so Wal-Mart can continue Hillary’s campaign. And guess what, Coffey owns a whole bunch of property that would increase tremendously if this rezoning were allowed! He voted on it. In fact his vote “by himself for himself” instead of “by the people for the people” was the deciding vote that allowed the Anchorage assembly to disenfranchise the residential property owners in that area. Hey, this redistricting was about to disrupt the peace and quiet of real Americans, especially when the Wal-Mart “Super Dosage” store was to open up. Anyway, a state judge has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, that Coffey violated the rules and regulations by refusing “recusal”, basically a flat out conflict of interest that is. This guy sucks if he thought he could get away with it. Bravo to the individual who stood up for the rights of the residents. Brings me back to Ruby Tuesday – a.k.a. Super Tuesday – as I would prefer listening to the Rolling Stones’ “Turd on the Run”, as that is what it is all about now, a bunch of “turds” running for office, except Obama and Huckabee. Anyway, maybe it is time to give McCain a second chance, as he made it clear and convincing what he thought of lawyers. Really, on the campaign trail the other day, he told a joke. “What is the difference between a catfish and a lawyer? One is a scum sucking bottom dweller. The other is a fish.” Bravo, bravo Mr. McCain! Hey Dan, read it out loud! Like I asked early in this muckwriting, why is it that lawmakers get the “law” right but not the “makers” and like it as “breakers” instead? It is truly un-American and here in Alaska we are entertained by the Greatest Freak Show on earth with respect to our disrespectful politicians, those close to home, those far and away, and those soon to be put away for the “good”! Damn, the telephone is ringing! Could be that horror call I was waiting for.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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