Sunday, February 3, 2008

SuperBowel Sunday

Isn’t Sunday supposed to be a day of rest, to honor the goodness of mankind? One day wherein we can put aside our obstacles for all out brotherly and sisterly love - in efforts to show our Creator that we are at least trying to design a better world as it gets bigger in population and diversity. And isn’t it a day reserved for good stuff over bad? I don’t believe in the doom and gloom watchtower prophecy, as I am sober with the fact that there exists more good then evil - it is what guarantees society a future. The element of good still quarantines the bad element on my “doomsday” clock. The bad element teaches us that we must refocus our priorities, for solutions. Remember what John the apostle told us, Lennon that is: “Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion. Well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions. Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I’ve lost my mind”. John was right, as there exists “in my life” only solutions to our problems. That is our “mission”, to fix things. And isn’t cruel and unusual punishment - pain and suffering - against the Constitution, found under Article VIII of the Bill of Rights? Then why is it that the FBI cannot finish up business here in Alaska with the Stevens’ family dynasty dysentery? It is painful and each day we suffer through yet another day wherein we want the results. Of course they are all guilty. OK, it is Sunday so I will not attack Ted and Ben or Don or MoanaLisa. And Frank, welcome back! Tomorrow may be a different story as I prepare to forge my way through the pain and suffering in “maybe” filing my tax returns. What in hell is all that money going towards? And how come everybody else gets a return? Really, how much is it costing the taxpayers with the Bill Allen probe? When the investigation went public and hit the streets back like 2-years ago, I was on a plane headed back to Alaska and counted 33-special agents coming up here to assist in the sting. When is enough really enough? And Ted will most likely get a pardon so his felony conviction will get overturned. Why waste when the outcome will be a slam-dunk atrocity against the justice system, for the people by the people? Look, most American Alaskans realize that this state was diseased with the leprosy of corruption, infiltrated by our representatives on the make and take along with Big Oil. I saw an interesting movie last night, called “There Will Be Blood”. It is about independent oil brokers. It finally sheds some light on Standard Oil. Too bad the SOHIO logo is missing from this state. Too bad the ARCO logo is missing from this state. Why? SOHIO and ARCO weren’t open to bribing public officials to the same degree that the existing thieves resort too when trying to get their own way. Don’t believe me, then why did these two giants of energy go under? It is that simple. Hey, for years another outfit ran the Milne Point field and was taxed to the hill, as this lease came after the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River lease sale. Not making ends meet with the same revenue luster as its neighbors, it finally said so long and the facility went into warn shutdown. Soon after this outfit packed the bags and workers went on the unemployment line, British Petroleum purchased the facility and lease outright and was able to get the royalty dropped from 20% down to the pittance royalty of 12.5%. Now during the time that the facility was under the 20% ruling, the original outfit tried in vain to get the royalty turned down, they were turned down! Time after time, even with the threat that forfeiture was a reality, which meant the state could also loose out on resource revenue. How come it was so easy for BP to get it “their” way? This would be interesting to investigate, as it may shed some light on when the corruption gang started infiltrating the back-pockets of our crooks down in Juneau. Anyway, now I read in the Daily Stool where BA, a.k.a. Bill Allen, may have had an affair with one of Alaska Industrial Hardware magnate’s crack whores. Hey, has Bill been in one of those “To Catch a Predator” series? According to Bill’s attorney, “Bill didn’t have an improper relationship” with one of the crack bimbos. This is neither an affirmative nor a denial, like a cover-up for a bonafide borderline pervert. How sick! Maybe Bill learned from Bill Clinton. “I didn’t have sex…” Damn, it is Sunday and I can’t get onto decent muckraking. There must be something of decency that needs a word or two spoken upon this early Sunday morning before or hell breaks loose with the SuperBowl? Here it is, in the obituaries. Another breast cancer victim! There doesn’t seem to be a day gone by wherein another victim to this dreaded taker of life and happiness infiltrates reality. It is cruel and unusual punishment, upon the victim and family members, for a long time to come. My own mother had breast cancer, when I was just a child. It cast a horrifying affect on the entire wellbeing of my family in that life, liberty and pursuit to happiness. It sucked, as my family consisted of all boys. My mom was the only female so it was difficult for my dad to educate us guys in the fact that mom was about to loose a breast. It is so much part of a woman. Think about it guys, loosing a “ball”? It is devastating, and surviving victims live the rest of their adult lives with this misery. Could death be a beneficial relief over survival? If I were a billionaire my “mission to accomplish” would be to derail breast cancer. I am not a rich man, it is still my calling and my hope and my dream. And if you listen hard enough you may hear my screams over this nightmare that is cast upon the women of this world. John Lennon was also all so right when he sang, “Woman is the nigger of the world”. Anyway it is SuperBowl Sunday. Now many women here in Anchorage forgo the game and take to the ski paths, as a protest. This is good. Maybe it is for a good cause, like for breast cancer research. But here is where I get down on the system that is wasteful and the money could be used to “fix” things. Hillary is running around this country in her quest to be the next Queen Bee. She was at one time in the running as the 1st Lady – along with Monica – so now she gets preferential escort service, a costly security detail paid for by “US”. It is estimated that her gallivanting here, there and everywhere is costing in excess of $50,000.00 per day, as it takes extra security effort to make sure where she is going is safe. And Bill is also on the campaign trail for Hillary, that also costs a whole hell of a lot of payola! They both get Secret Service security detail. It means free gas! It means free everything. Can we send them a bill? Again, it is wasted money as it is all for selfish reasons. At the same time, Hillary receives that senate salary and is not at work, but absent way past 3-days! What if that money – a pittance – were applied towards breast cancer? And what about all that waste in Iraq with defense contractors? Again, what if that wasted money was spent on breast cancer. Now we are putting together one hell of a “War” chest, to fight breast cancer. Here is my take in a nutshell. If I were elected president, it would be on a simple agenda. I would place a “cease and desist” order on any new military equipment, just use the old stuff. Fix it up. The money not wasted would go towards the cure. It would only be a one-year moratorium on the billions wasted on the war machine, but I would bet my Sundays that a cure would be found. And it would have other benefits. See, the world would see this country a whole lot differently, if money went towards our fellowmen and women instead of for bullets. We have the knowledge to cure this dreaded disease. It is locked up somewhere and should be exploited. So we waste money here, there and everywhere and breast cancer continues to devastate the female race. The other two things on my election agenda, Congressional pay would be equal to the Federally Guaranteed Minimum Wage, just so the bastards can see what they don’t understand. And the extra money saved from those exuberant salaries would also go towards breast cancer research. And last but not least, anything with “aluminum” as an ingredient that could or would come in close proximity to causing breast cancer, it would also be banned for the duration. Just to see if aluminum is the culprit. There exists evidence not to the contrary. But lobbyists – the bums that own Congress – have coerced our representation to do nothing, but bicker. And here is another thing that wastes money that could be spent fighting breast cancer. The Congress should get out of the business of baseball steroids. Bully the aluminum magnates around instead of our national heroes! And one thing before signing off. In a recent report published in the journal of Biochemistry, experts provided the following scary facts about breast cancer: “We have confirmed the presence of aluminum in breast tissue…Higher content of aluminum in the outer breast might be explained by this region’s close proximity to the underarm where the highest density of application of antiperspirant could be assumed. There is evidence that skin is permeable to aluminum when applied as antiperspirant. Aluminum in breast tissue might contribute to breast cancer. I honestly believe that a cure for this dreaded disease is only one budget away. That should be a priority above democracizing the world. I like Sundays, to bad government is shutdown. As tomorrow is Monday, and things will be as usual, wherein crooks continue to run Congress, run this country and I am sure the obituaries will have nothing happy to tell us but more of the same insaneness. Breast cancer, I ask every living sitting Congressman and Senator, WHY? And right now as of this writing and right before the kickoff, money is yet again being wasted as “MY” government investigates U.S. Senator Ted Stevens and U.S. Congressman Don Young. WHY? Because crooks don’t care about the wellbeing of the citizens. They care about one and only one thing, pacifying their friends in high places. They cheat, they lie and they let women die of breast cancer. Ted and Don, they had the power of the pen and controlled the purse strings, but what do we have to show for it? Obituaries! Money again wasted that could have gone towards a good cause, like treating breast cancer. “Women”, the niggers of the world! Sorry we are, as it could have been a whole lot different had righteousness been a part of the political equation and ethics was a law instead of just a suggestion! How about “SuperBowel” Sunday, in honor of the dishonor of Congress!

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1 comment:

  1. Please encourage women to get checked early and often for breast cancer. If there is one thing cancer has taught me..we are stronger than we think. If breast cancer is caught in time, we can now live a long and healthy life. I am so sorry that your Mother went through it, and the impact it has had on your life. Be strong!
