Saturday, February 9, 2008


202-225-5765 Don Young's HOTLINE
Wow! I must be a potential candidate for the “Rabid Skunk” club membership. This is a prerequisite to becoming a bonafide member of the “Corrupt Bastard Club” - a.k.a. CBC - and well known throughout the “Last Frontier” state, Alaska - a.k.a. “Pork” capital of the universe. Now the “CBC” is as secretive as the Skull & Bones Club. Except the CBC has exclusive stake-out coverage by the FBI so this club of elitist crooks is known about inside and out. Inside herein means the “slammer”, as several members who were at one-time Alaska state legislatures have found out that taking bribes from “Big Oil” when John Lawman is looking can cause a slight derailment of freedom. And unlike the Skullsters, wherein it is required to kiss the skull of Geronimo, for the CBC it means kissing an ass. It is still unknown whose ass it is, except it is big! See, Geronimo’s head was stolen by the Bush family way back when, after Geronimo was buried to rest in peace. Yes indeed, a genuine American grave-robbing family at the helm – twice! John Kerry has supposedly kissed the skull and a lot of ass along the way. What a looser this guy is. It goes to show that good looks and money can make you an idiot. I am down on John because he let John Edwards down. Kerry: Webster’s definition of an ass! Now the ass that the CBC members must pucker up too is a mystery. At one time it was thought to be Nancy’s ass. But this is Alaska, wherein men outnumber by 6 to 1. That means it is definitely a hairy ass! So some think it is the guy that runs the GOP here in Anchorage, where the CBC flourishes. Probably a fat ass at that! Talk about a fat ass, what do you think of that columnist named Cal Thomas, who believes that the Iraqis should give us oil for free to pay for our invasion! Anyway, I feel the requirement to kiss the “mystery” ass may be my demise and forfeit my acceptance to the CBC. I don’t think I could do it blindfolded. Maybe when the crooks already incarcerated write their memoirs, the “Deep Throat” of this mystery will be realized. But I am jumping the gun here, as I must accept the “Rabid Skunk” club membership offer first. That is the club wherein you always agree with Don Young, right or wrong. It doesn’t matter if it is about bridges over troubled waters or the fact that there is a rabid skunk – a.k.a. Linda Pelossi – trying to take that appropriation’s “magic pork wand” away from Don. Of course the “Billy Goat” denies ever calling Pelossi a skunk on public radio here in Anchorage. The commentator tried to correct Don after a call-in asked about it a year later. He still denied it. Even after a recorded playback, Don denied it. Don is good at denying things, it is his trademark. Anyway the other night I received what I thought was the “CBC” invite, from Don Young! Actually, this was more like one of those suppertime peace-time telemarketing destroyers of senior retirement money or another Medicare screw job. How come Medicare continues to be a fountain of free money for thieves? Because the real thieves – Congress which includes Hillary and Mad Mac McCain – give the Medicare thieves the tips on how to screw the American taxpayer! It goes on and on and on. The war against the American medical rip-off disease has been going on for well over 50-years, and it is still a crying shame. Why? Because Congress has no interest in fixing it as the medical lobbyist give generously to campaigns. Do you realize how much money is being spent to de-throne George Bush? It is a sin against what George Washington fort over, that “this land is your land, this land is my land”. It isn’t “my” land anymore, as I have no say in government unless I have my checkbook readily available. Our government has been sold to the highest bidder! When is enough going to be enough? Anyway Don Young was trying to harass me at home! “Sorry I missed you”. Damn, I was at home. So this was trickery as it was a prerecorded attempt to trick us into calling him back. That phone number is not a toll free 800 number Don? Is Don that hard-up that he can no longer use his office per diem to represent us with free calling? I take that back, he never represented me as I am not a crook, just a hard working American. So it was many years of misrepresentation. In fact, that long distance phone number registers the same charge per minute as a Bill Allen bimbo crack whore when one gives advice to the legislature. Didn’t one of the bimbos testify in front of the legislature about oil taxation? Kissing ass, what a legacy we have left for our children. And if it is true that Geronimo’s sacred skull has become a novelty for the “Skulls”, an elitist snob club that includes many members of Congress and our current sitting President, we have committed a sacrilege against our Native American brothers and sisters. Any member of Congress, that has an affiliation with the “Skulls”, they should be required to take a lie detector test, asking about the “skull”. The “Hell’s Angels could do a better job running this country then what we have in the rank and file nowadays. Maybe John Trudell should be drafted for the throne, as we are tired of ass kissing politicians. It would be poetic justice over political recklessness. We are tired of the money of politics. It has become a millionaires club, and money cannot buy confidence and well-being for the true American spirit. It provides a foundationalist government that cannot survive without money, cheating and bribery. We just want AMERICA back, for Americans! It may be time overdue for “our” government - by the people for the people - to revolt against “their” government of controlled deceit. How? A work stoppage across the lands, from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans! True grit America is made up of the hard-working middle class American heroes that are being “out” classed by crooks at the helm. The hard working class heroes of America we are. We provide the only foundation to which this country can survive. So instead of voting for more corruption come the next election special, I am challenging “REAL” America to join in on a “Work Stoppage”. Show up for work and refuse to work. Shutdown the mills. Shutdown the transportation system. Shutdown the airlines. Shutdown the military machine, as without us the “militia” cannot survive. A one-day work stoppage will indeed have unusual repercussions with that day’s economy. But it will testify to the winner of the presidential “RAT” race that we mean business “not as usual” and are ready to take back this country, once and for all forever help us God! And the person at the helm, either with us or against us? That will not be a question of choice!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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