Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kid Cancer

Yes indeed, “The priest wore black on the seventh day and sat stone-faced while the building burned…Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull. From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol. Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth. You’re an idiot, babe. It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe.” A verse from Bobby’s “Idiot Wind”. Talk about idiots, it brings up a concern. Do you realize how many school districts from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans have banned the construction of cell phone towers on school property proper? Especially at grade schools – where our little kids roam. Most of the protest for denying construction permits for erection comes from concerned PTA members, that team-up composed of school kid parents and dedicated teachers. See, principles realized early on that like pop machines infiltrating the school cafeteria and preparing our children to the ranks of the obese, it was a way to make income to pay for school sports programs. Sugarize one population while you buy equipment to healthize another population. Rather strange thinking! The same thing started taking hold with the cell phone tower craze, as renting a little piece of property can bring in a hefty upfront advance plus monthly payments that average about $2000.00 dollars. It started as a money hungry feeding craze. Think about it. Cell phone companies were desperate to prove that “Can You Hear Me Now” advertisement. So schools became a target, as these facilities are everywhere. It was very convenient. But there existed enough information that warranted slow going on the cell phone tower placements, as the National Institute of Health had decided to place the cell phone tower radiation, a.k.a. EMF, on its list of known carcinogens. That in itself has slowed things down, as it is a real concern. Especially during the brain development years, when our young kids are at school. So protesting parents have proved to be a detriment upon the cell phone industry trying to build such empires. I wonder who is liable under this type of scenario? And there exists a growing concern that Alzhiemers may be caused by so much stray radiation that follows the hi-tech revolution devotion. The verdict is still out on the overall effects, as we are all guinea pigs in the testing that continues on today. Someday, it will go to show that going slow was a good prescription. So I am glad to see that these towers have been missing in action at the schools in and around Anchorage. What’s that? Wow, at Hillside on Lake Otis there is a cell phone tower and those little kids and the teaching staff are getting bombarded by stray radiation each and everyday that school is in session. God help us! See, there is a tower already erected on property owned by a corporation under the name of Abbott Loop Community Chapel, Inc., on the corner of Abbott and Lake Otis Parkway. The tower isn’t in easy view, as this place of worship covers over a good piece of tax-freedom property. But bordering the sacred grounds, the Anchorage School District owns a “public” school. And right up tight against the fence, guess what, a tower. In fact, on a sunny day the tower casts a shadow on the school’s roof and playground. Hey, that fence may keep the lions and tigers and bears away, but that stuff emitted from that tower is cooking these kids’ brains. OK, everybody will talk defense with this study and that study, but there exists enough evidence to say, wait a damn minute lets play it safe preacher. That is what God would expect. Seems that the money god has caused a grave like social disconnect. Now according to the celebrities that control the schools, there was nothing they could do, as it is private property. A mortar round would take care of it! I talked to an expert at the FCC about this. He was an intelligent guy so I didn’t really understand what he was getting at. So came the point blank question. “Would you send your kids to that school?” NO was the answer. That was enough for this guy, I did get the point. But again, there was nothing the administration said they could do about it even though the individual I talked with seemed concerned. I called the church guy, he hung up on me when I asked another point blank question. “If it is safe, how come the tower isn’t so close to his school”. Really, there is a school associated with the church. But the tower is safe and away from the school and church, so constant bombardment may not be as big a problem. Sure the soccer field is right below the tower, but like anything else, that is not a classroom environment, it is just a time out bombardment. So what may be safe for the reverend’s school kids is questionable to the public school kids – and teaching staff. And it is interesting as that tower continues to take on more and more cells, which means the original stray stuff has increased. See, more cells mean more phone traffic means more stray radiation. That tower should be destroyed! With that in mind, I sent the preacher an E-mail to shut it down today, before we hear of a cancer victim. I waited for a response, nothing. So I went fired up.

Dear Pastor or Presiding Pulpit Idiot
According to your “mission”, the purpose is to love God. “Jesus said the great commandment is to love God and to love others”, this from your web site. But then again, if “God does indeed provide time, people, money, facilities and equipment to accomplish his purpose for us”, them maybe that is God’s cell phone tower. So I guess it is all right to radiate the kids. Answer me this, how come you didn’t place that tower close to “your” school? How in this hell can you consider yourself an “apostle”? A true apostle of the Lord would not allow this to go on just for some tax-free money. I would bet that before placement your board had very candid discussions on where to allow the tower, as the effects were still questionable but enough of a concern to be a concern. Would your congregation allow a tower to be constructed on top of their own children? If I am wrong in my assessment, I stand corrected, but doubt it. The placement of that tower safe and away from your kids was for fear of your own kids over that of the “others” and all for money. If you are a true apostle of God, you will cease and desist operations at that tower now and forever, Amen.

In the end, I hope the first cancer victim comes forward, as that will be testament that we have been victims of the guinea pig syndrome. Hey, is this phone company eavesdropping bill before Congress also going to protect them with their cell phone towers? Maybe it is time to act now, with a class action suit.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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