Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Diplomacy Under the Influence - DUI! And we all thought driving a vehicle under the influence was dangerous. Egad. I listened to an early morning talk show that was being broadcast by the Brits. Maybe the guest speaker thought the rest of America was sound at sleep and would not hear this spin of all spin you dizzy with “crap”. Actually I was abruptly awakened by the conversation as my keen sense of survival was tweaked into the defensive mode. It sounded like America was under attack! Some guy - the guest speaker - was boasting about “obligations”. His name was Nick Burns and supposedly he has been at the forefront of diplomacy making for this country for 25-years by now. His existing position is “Under-Secretary of State”. What the hell does “under” really mean? And ever since Karen Hughes was selected as an “Underling” to fail at yet another Bush appointed position, like authoring the “Last Train to Cuckooville”, I think “under” has something to do with this country going “under”! That’s what I mean by the attack. Cuckooville is the ranch down in Crawford where Dick Cheney practices face sculpturing on friends! Really, I don’t think this country has been very good with the subject matter of “diplomacy” for about that same time span that Nick takes credit for. So what is there to brag about? Really, this guy had an early morning ego that was probably still not exhausted by the midnight hour of the day gone bye. A bigger ego then George and Dick and Don and Karl all together now. I bet this guy is still a virgin. I mean what kind of female could put up with such an ego of I, I, I? Anyway this guy went on to rob the time slot of any intelligent questioning from the person in charge of the microphone. I knew she quickly realized that this guy was full of “crap”. Crap originated in England, so its present day use means exactly that! Now the radio correspondent was being courteous during this interview. And being of British background and interviewing one of George “No Memoirs” Bush’s cronies, she probably realized that to let this guy go airborne like a loose cannon could only be amusing. It was amusing but started to get seriously confusing. I started getting a little frustrated, as the foreign policy that this guy was drooling about with over gracious achievements, it didn’t seem to be what was actually happening around the world - wherein this country has decided to provide a hand, sometimes secretively through the CIA operatives. Maybe it was an old broadcast, as the name didn’t seem to ring a bell of familiarity. Of course, there have come so many replacements in this present administration that maybe the lying pool is running out of replacements. Now it seemed that Iran came up over and over again, like it was a threat right here and now and the bombs of diplomacy had been launched! But the worst place that was quickly bypassed in conversation was Pakistan. Even when the radio correspondent tried to pester the guest about it. He raised his voice, an indication that something had been tweaked! Isn’t that the country we support with buckets of cash? The same country that allows Osama to live in peace and prosperity? I hope he stays alive, as this country can’t afford that 25-million dollar bounty. And if somebody did do the deed and recovered the head and delivered it on a plate to George, it would end up at Yale, along side Geronimo’s skull – at the Skull and Bones secret dungeon. To be kissed by the John Kerry’s of the world! See, George wants to trump his grand-dad in the grave robbing business. According to legend, Prescott Bush stole away Geronimo’s skull and carried it to the clubhouse. So lucky for me, the tape machine had taped the broadcast and I was able to listen to it over and over again in efforts to access just what this guy was getting at with respect to our diplomatic in-roads – dead end streets? It still didn’t make sense, as when compared to what we see and hear going down, there was a total disconnect. So I sent the broadcast through the cloning cycle wherein digital technology allows manipulation of the data. Where Iran was listed, that was changed to U.S. and vice versa. Low and behold, as now the broadcast made sense out of this guy’s camouflaged nonsense. See, all the time it seemed like Iran was the evildoer. But when the recording was played with the name change, it all made sense. We are Iran and Iran is us! I guess in his response he forgot to whom he is supposed to be working for - the American people! This “obligation” bullshit is something most of have been weaned away from, during high school days. Because of individuals like Nick wherein the “obligation” is nothing more then a fancy word that means kiss-ass, this country struggles with a diplomatic meltdown mentality. This clause of “with them or against them” stinks! Courtesy of George, that is this country’s bottom line diplomacy, but more akin to lunacy. When George gets to the Pearly Gates, will that sentiment bring foreclosure of this “with us” crap? We are all brothers and sisters under one Creator. It is past time wherein war should be considered a brutal social evil that stalemates our “mission” upon this earth. Just think of the possibilities if we all worked together upon that “mission”! What “mission” you may ask? Maybe that is the problem, as the “mission accomplished “ isn’t. Maybe because that mission has never been clearly defined. It is simple, love thy brother and thy sister. Help each other day in and day out. Share the resources that were placed here by the Creator’s will. Use your hands, body and mind to allow peace and tranquility for all. That is the diplomatic “mission”, brotherly and sisterly love. It is the social “mission”. It is the “mission: with a vision. Sign up for it now, as it is no longer a thing of the past, but the present and the only future! Then taking sides will be but a joke.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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