Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty was indeed that, a lady! So why in hell do we get harassed by curbside vendors endorsing Lady Liberty wannabes with beards and other facial hair gone wild? Isn’t this just like flag burning, or disgracing the colors? It happens each and every year about this time when we get confused that its takes a professional to prepare our Federal tax return. It is a big American rip-off. And what is probably the biggest American rip-off trumping earmarks sent to Alaska by members of Bill Allen’s Corrupt Bastards Club, is how the rich bastards enjoy yet another tax loophole. Anybody who believes what Congress keeps saying about the rich paying their fair share is constipated. So here is how it works. Many very rich people do not file a tax return. They are required to pay an income tax, but they get the privilege to pay up when the tax year comes to fruition, at the end zone. The no return policy scam is done purposely but not fraudulently. To file inaccurately is fraudulent. So finally, after many years of neglect, the taxman sends the rich bastard a notice. The rich bastard throws the letter away. Now it used to be that the rich were good for a fat return check so were good at record retention and filing on time, but this new age system of retaining their wealth through loophole legislation yields a higher return then a normal return. Remember, they are all in it for the money and would sell your sister to Dubai in a heartbeat. Called foreign investment risk-taking write twice as much off who cares! Anyway this goes on for many years and up to this point in time zero tax has been forwarded to the Treasury Department. See, the IRS is a new age friendly servant wherein they want to help people instead of intimidating its customers, us! So eventually the taxman catches up with the delinquent filer and gets nasty in a nice way. So, the rich bastard then provides a box full of returns, many that have accrued several years of unpaid taxes plus penalties plus fines. Remember now, up to this point in time, the rich bastard had not paid any tax at all - unlike the hard working Americans that have a tax garnishment applied each and every payday. Part of the system of checks and balances for the workers only and not the rich. So the rich bastard has neglected paying taxes and enjoyed using that money to make more money. So lets say for example that Mr. Rich Bastard now owes the Treasury 5-million dollars, again in back taxes, fines, fees and penalties. Being generous, it amounts to a 15% tax-base as that is what Warren Buffet has determined is the official taxation for the rich when no loopholes are taken advantage of. Keep in mind of course that this percentage is very conservative, as to not abuse the “loop gravy train wagon train” is unorthodox isn’t it? Really. Warren ran a test. He had his tax specialist prepare a tax return without abuse. The results were then compared with several of his office workers. Like the administrative assistant and the office clerk. Guess who paid the lower amount? Now Mr. Bastard realizes that the IRS works on a closure quota system, wherein the operatives get rated on taking a case and doing whatever it takes to “close” it. A closed case is a win as it makes the auditors look as if something is getting accomplished. Now the Rich Bastard’s lawyer, who handles such cases for the rich clientele that can afford to rip-off Uncle Sam and use the savings to pay for the legal assistance, they realize that “An Offer In Compromise” allows paying off the debt for pennies on the dollar. It has become one of the biggest loopholes available in this modern day outdated system of stealing away my hard earned income. Actually, it is not a loophole but a bonafide and accepted method for taking care of business. In fact, you see TV commercials all the time now about this “procedure” wherein the advertisement specifies just that, tax burden settlements for pennies on the dollar! The ad is specific in the fact that “All our consultants are ex-IRS revenue officers”. It is true, as you can pay these guys 30-cents to handle your case, pay the Treasury the other 30-cents and you make out keeping about 30-cents. So your real tax burden is in the 10% taxation bracket and that offer includes all the hidden costs like interest, fees and penalties. Basically, that other stuff is just fiddle fodder that keeps most of in line to respect the system of garnishment not justice for all. So an offer the IRS can’t refuse is entered for consideration. The IRS is told to diligently settle such cases. It is difficult for the IRS to question such an offer, as it is a calculated offer and the IRS is not prepared to spend time coming up with an excuse to differ, as that would involve infringement upon Mr. Rich Bastard’s rights. And with the Taxpayer Bill of Rights waiting to get trampled upon, there is no room for opinions. And it takes resources to argue equality. And precedent has been set, that is why some organizations set up office to deal with this phenomenon and at the same time make some money. So yes, it is pennies on the dollar that gets rich bastards off the hook. It can happen time and time again, as nobody is watching the henhouse. See, this “Offer in Compromise” was designed to help out the poor bastard taxpayer, like you and I. Now though, it is yet another scam. See, according to filings, it looks like Mr. Rich Bastard is paying his fair share. But the statistics do not paint a true picture comparing what is due to what is actually secured away at the Treasury once the smoke clears. So Lady Liberty, bon voyage, as the rich get richer and the hard working American taxpayer gets swindled again. We work for it, we pay for it as they play for it. It is time well overdue wherein the only way to get out of this mess is a system wherein everybody pays their way, equally, the Huey Long way!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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