Sunday, January 6, 2008

Send in the Clowns

I must give Mrs. Vogue Mature credit, as she is trying hard to change the fashion side of politics here in Alaska. It will be a battle, as some “bloggers” think she is the best governor this state has been blessed with. I guess they don’t remember the “Bush Rat”. Now compared to Bill “Nose Bleed” Sheffield, they are right on! But I do believe that maybe Mad Magazine would be a better fit for her politics, “send in the clowns” I am talking about. With representatives like Meyers, it is a Bozo bus state of affairs. But the “Big War” is upon us. See, the state just published the “Winner” in the bid to build a natural gas pipeline north to south. What is interesting about the participation is the lack of, from the crybabies. There was no bid from BP. Nor was there anything from Exxon and it seems as though Conoco doesn’t know how to read the rules and regulations for submitting a proposal. “We are not smarter then a slug” should be that company’s new motto. Now Exxon has always been a silent partner in the oil industry here in Alaska, except when the Exxon Valdez was sabotaged to target Bligh Reef, on a moon bright night with calm upon the seas! I think Chuck had something to do with the wreck, as he was a disgruntled oil broker that went broke trying to compete with the crybabies. Anyway, Conoco did send in a bid, but it didn’t meet the “bidding” guidelines. So it was automatically sent to the shredder. Now, the state bureaucrats will tell you that it is still on the table for consideration, but that table was confiscated by the FBI, so forget about it. So why didn’t the majors jump all over such an invite and submit a proposal? Hasn’t this state talked cold turkey about a gas line for 30-years by now? So why then, when finally Mrs. Vogue Mature allows incentives, does it fall on death ears? It is simple! Natural gas is the enemy of the oil companies. BP, Conoco and Exxon are “OIL COMPANIES”. Not “energy Companies”, Not “Green”, but filthy dirty “Oil Companies”. Take this simple example. What good is crude oil out of the ground? Nothing. It must be processed somewhat before it becomes a marketable product. Don’t believe me, then why is it that there exists not one storage tank for crude oil in Prudhoe Bay? In fact, the crude oil relief tanks along the Trans-Alaskan-Pipeline are for relief only and cannot be used for storage. Why? Once crude oil is placed in a storage tank, wherein time allows the entrained gas to be liberated and the water to settle out, it is then marketable. This happens in only one place for the Alaskan oil trade, in Valdez. And it was all designed this way for a reason. The first storage facility is some 812-miles away from the action. Why again? It is called the marketability milestones, or pumpability in technical terms. Basically, there exists a whole lot of miles in between unmarketable and a marketable commodity, so the cost of turning it into something of added value, it is part of the well-head cost inflation index – or consumer rip-off equation. It basically allows a treasure chest of additional costs to be secretly hidden away, just like an offshore tax shelter. Now take natural gas out of the ground, it is already marketable. No added costs can be added. So it sucks, as it is too out in the open for manipulation. That is why Big Oil is just that “Oil”. Now there seems to be a dilemma with the current state of affairs, because these crybabies are not interested in a gas line, which means that they aren’t interested in selling the “gas”. Regardless of the present day situation with respect to energy needs and an energy hungry America! Now this natural resource, regardless of what the crybabies think and say, it belongs to the “people” by right of this state’s constitution. But for some 30-years, this resource has been held hostage by “Greed” companies, one that even flies a foreign flag of ownership. See, for the existing owners of the natural gas, they can only sell it for what it is worth, based on the Henry Hub index. See, our congressional delegation - under son Ben’s control - saw to it that this state’s natural gas would be tied to this benchmark index. Henry is some obscure place that is located way down south, far and removed from this state’s natural gas infrastructure. But it allowed a foreign company, based out of Michigan, to make a whole bunch more money by selling natural gas to heat our homes. Ben was on the Semco board of directors during this manipulation period. We got screwed. So that has in effect screwed the natural gas scene here in Alaska. It has tainted the slate! See, once again this state has shot itself in the groin. That is why tax breaks above and beyond the norm are being sought by the big oil in control of “OUR” natural gas. Now what is more exciting is the fact that this gas, in efforts to get to market, it must pass through the Canadian Hub, down in British Columbia. It is here where the purchase of natural gas by consumers in America can be made from several different producers. Add the Alaskan natural gas to the picture, and that supply and demand competition thing will start a price war. It can only lower the costs to buy gas. It will bring in less money for the crybabies, as in order to keep the gas flowing, it may mean bargain basement discounts. The competition will be stiff. So besides a transport tariff - collected by the pipeline owners and not by the crybabies - there is really no incentive to get this much needed commodity to market. So as far as “Big Oil Crybabies” are concerned, it is better to use the gas back home in efforts to lift more crude oil out of the ground, as this is where the hidden costs are still allowed. So they will try to keep “their” gas in the formation. Now it is not “their” gas, it is our gas to begin with. So even though they may have a sacred piece of paper that tells a different story, I say it is time to call their bluff. We have been waiting for 30-years by now, for a gas line. It is time for taking control over what is rightfully ours to begin with and there may be hope on the horizon. The Supreme Court has recently ruled on eminent domain, and basically from that ruling, this state has the right to take over anything and everything within its borders for economic reasons. The same could be said about ANWR, but we would loose all welfare freebies - so what! Anyway, eminent domain is what is needed now, to take back the leases and let the lawyers sort it out. We have the right to take it all back, as the crybabies have refused to market it. It would indeed be a Hugo Chavez like move, but the Citgo sign still lights up the horizon over Fenway Park! And even though Hugo has made the oil infrastructure his own, for the people and by the people, the Exxons, and Bps and Conocos, they are still working out an escape plan with involvement in his country. In fact, I was told by a reliable source that Hugo was giving a 43% ownership to the crybabies and paying up on their assets that have become part of Venezuelan oil infrastructure. But the crybabies don’t want the pay-off, as that will show a huge profit and they have already taken the write-offs, so they want the assets’ value hidden, with an increase in the ownership percentage. So they can once again rip-off Uncle Sam with respect to corporate taxes! This is what is happening right now in HugoLand. So if we play our cards right, when the Trans-Canadian boys get that pipe in the ground, “our” gas will be available for sale, for the people and by the people. And I hope that when this eminent domain thing takes a grip the crybabies decide after all these years of false bluffing that they are indeed “leaving” and the port becomes a very popular place, for quitters leaving to go back home. Matter of fact, I will donate free time to help them pack their bags. In the end and a new beginning for Alaskans, I hope to see an end to the Meyers like Bozo bus mentality, and container ships heading away forever more, with the crybabies trucked away for good. By the way, who the hell has taken to using camouflage bags to hide away dog shit? Really, I have raved on before about the “Orange Blossom Special”, but camouflage? Really, the Anchorage Daily Stool comes in this orange plastic bag and people have taken to using these bags to capture their pet dog’s shit when out and about the trail systems here in Anchorage. The bad thing, they think there is some migrant worker that comes through the woods at night to retrieve the crap bags. So you see these bags hanging from trees and littering the paths along the way. Now, I am not the only one that has complained about this desperado republican like action and even mentioned in writing that the Anchorage Daily Stool should change to camouflage bags, so they remain out of sight and out of mind when re-used for this purpose, but has somebody really taken me up on this idea? Talk about a Bozo bus mentality. Mrs. Vogue Mature, what a hit, somewhere!

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