Sunday, January 6, 2008

Alaska - Room for a Makeover

Makeover or curveball? This state needs a makeover. First we need Mrs. Vogue Mature to change something! Yuck is my sentiment. Get rid of the “Cyclops” like glasses. Really, every time I have a nightmare it is Sarah acting out as the “monster” Cyclops on the loose and attacking Juneau! And that Randall, she must be desperate since the Milkman took away her endorsements, as she’s finally trying to win something. But she is older now and will never make it to the podium with the gold. Just my prediction based on the fact that there are or were stronger competitors out there that were sidestepped for reasons unknown. Hey, either bring home the gold or go home. Same sentiment that this state has had with its representatives, bring home the bacon or go home. See, this state has become the biggest recipient of Federal welfare. And that can only happen if ethics was abolished, as it was in the beginning with Ted and Don and Frank and now MoanaLisa and everybody knows about it. It used to be that outsiders thought upon Alaska as “wow” wild, but now it seems as though I get greeted outside affiliated with the “Corrupt Bastards”, which I am not. Yet guilty by association goes a long, long way. Now what is with the Daily Stool? Did the printing press get confused or is this outfit for real? The makeover I am talking about. Sure the Iraq war and Hilary’s hilarious campaigning and Laura trying to save her husband’s memoirs are old and warn-out news, but to send this stuff to the back burner, it is really odd. And I just love to see in print statistics of just how unsafe Anchorage is again, front page news it isn’t! Tourists should stay away from this place, just like tourists are staying away from Baja, Mexico. It isn’t safe in the streets of Anchorage. Rapists, molesters and corrupt politicians are still on the loose! What the hell happened to Alaska? I heard that there is a new book ready to hit the bookshelves, its called “The Five Crooks You Will Meet In Alaska”. So before the book signing ritual, let’s see who is in the running for this title and prestigious printing of such. Representative Tom Anderson is in the running. Pete Kott for sure. Kohring makes three. So the verdict is still out on the characters that may compete and complete the ranks of rank. Maybe the writer has a heads up on the “who’ll be the next in line”. Regardless, there remains a bunch to speculate upon. I would hope that the circle of five is complete with Ben and Ted. But Ted will most likely get a rain check in disguise as that of a presidential pardon, so maybe the substitute in this case will be Don. And if all else fails, MoanaLisa fits the MO image. Imagine casting a vote for MoanaLisa, or Ted or Don, unless one likes “Fool’s Gold”. That is basically how this corruption has reigned so well and for so long, as “pork” infiltration in efforts to make hostage the vote. A vote for jobs is for “fools” only. Bottom line, this state is foolish that we have to rely on crooks in office to bring home the bacon in efforts to maintain a sustainable infrastructure. We have none, not now and the future doesn’t look so promising that we will get it right this go around. Really, this state could sure use a makeover, as just the other day somebody made mention that Mrs. Vogue Mature is the best governor this state has ever seen. What the hell are they thinking? It may be a younger generation thing, or a valley mentality thing made famous by Ben, but my son has been taught about righteous politicians. Like Jay Hammond or for those who remember his true character, that of the “Bush Rat”. If this guy were in office, there would never have been the corruption follies, as he would have kicked ass, John Wayne style. And the crybaby “Big Oil” is trying to kick Mrs. Vogue’s ass into shape. If she can beat them, then maybe she deserves a takeover and forego any makeover. But with all the political corruption making this state look like San Quentin with an “open door policy” in effect, what can we expect. We want to see a change in something. What that something is isn’t clear. Now what is with Conoco, with these full-page adds about some off the wall crap. I am glad to see that it sits next to the obituaries in the Daily Stool Makeover Edition 1, as that company’s proposal for a natural gas pipeline was DOA. And didn’t Conoco’s CEO have something to do with the Bill Allen follies? I am sure BP instigated a lot of the intrastate corruption, as that company is of British descent and the British are still mad at us over loosing the Trenton War. Really, why in hell does the British flag fly over downtown Anchorage on the 4th of July? It is for political bashing purposes only. A good governor in my book is one that would introduce legislation that would stop such an outrage. It may be a minor thing with respect to the big picture, but this state must start over, in efforts to get things back on the right track. Seceding or going back to territorial status may be a starting point. Then baby steps could march us along the way wherein we could once again gain respect with “outsiders” and have safe streets without record breaking homicides and rape a thing of the past, wherein we can raise our children without fear and corrupt politicians will be but bad dreams. It can happen, but maybe we are afraid to say bye, bye to the likes of Don and Ted and MonaLisa and her nepotism ways and means. Until we are ready to wean ourselves away from political corruption in disguise of a “pork only” infrastructure, then we deserve to be ridiculed. We still have some talent leftover from territorialism and maybe it is something we should pay special attention towards, especially this time around with the “Big 50” coming our way. So to begin with, I propose a park, right next to Resolution Park in downtown Anchorage along with a statue of the “Bush Rat”, we can call it “Revolution Park”!

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