Saturday, January 5, 2008

I'm Crying Wolf!

Two things of interest tested my patience at the end of the Old Year before I was ready to accept in the New Year of 2008. First and foremost, why in hell is the National Science Foundation funding the design of crap video games in efforts to teach humans about the behavior of wolves? Hey, one would think that a so-called “Science Foundation” would be on the alert against more obesity instigating ideas. Instead of video games, how about outdoor games, like running? Wolves like to run. They don’t sit around in some stuffed up cave on their ass doing crap nothing. Maybe the real “foundation” with this outfit is missing. Really, this type of free-for-all waste that utilizes the taxpayers’ money garnished away from hard earned paychecks is a scam against humanity. Why in hell are there assholes out there that would take advantage of this type of money waste. Americans, get a grip on what is happening around you. Assholes are getting rich on your buck. Why in hell should a CEO of a defense contractor make billions? It is your money squandered upon, as without defense pork projects these guys would most likely be on the lam, in jail or just another failed Wall Street hood. I am serious about this. When America has lost control of the Treasury, we are doomed as a capitalistic society. Ethics is lost not only on the political scene but also on the layman’s scene. Monkey-see then monkey-do I guess, as some don’t know when to say “NO, Stupid Project”. Anybody who takes it upon himself or herself to waste my hard earned dollars in efforts to create a cushion job wherein they do nothing but drink fine champagne, they are terrorists in my book. It is time to say “NO”, to wasted projects and pork addiction. Now, back to the wolves. Did this new video game gig include a demonstration on how a “Canis lupus” pack liked to eat pet dogs? Like is happening at an alarming rate right here in Anchorage. Besides the highest crime and rape statistics in the nation, this city has the highest incidents of attacks by wild animals upon humans. And road rage against pedestrians? Hey, based on a population base statistic there exist three wolf gangs that roam the Anchorage bowl. Right in my backyard! See, this state’s game managers were instructed via a Pac-Man like mentality to manage the health of the wild animals around town. With that, we have created a nightmare on L&M Street within the city boundaries. Basically, everything went extinct and now the - almost gone after all these years - species have rebounded. See, nature is interesting. As the eagle and wolf and bear species were most recently removed from the endangered list - as the population of each species is exploding in the lower 48 - the animals started a trend, moving back into populated areas. It provides protection! Which means food for some. Animals are not stupid. How many moose call the Anchorage bowl home? Enough to support a population of 200 black bears and 50 brown bears. And now three gangs of wolves, hungry at that! Now bears hibernate. The wolves are not that smart, so must eat to survive. But are smart enough to realize that pet dogs are easy prey, like a 30-minute Rachel Ray meal on the hoof.. It’s called game management, the wolves’ way. No catch and release practiced here, just that supply and demand thing working. Even if the dogs are accompanied by humans with sticks and stones! See, the animals that were scared away from humans then slowly introduced, they are no longer afraid of humans. It is an evolutionary scary thing. I had a close encounter with a brown bear this past spring right in my own neighborhood. Like the wolves, the bruin was interested in my dog. Basically, it is no longer safe in Anchorage. We need a militia. Wayne, where are you? WAR, what is it good for? Now this thinning of the “pet” species could have a drastic effect on the air quality. See, Anchorage has an air quality issue, because of dog feces. In the winter, the estimated 1-million pounds of crap freezes and breaks down very slowly. Come break-up, the now powdered like dog waste is mixed with snowmelt runoff into a free-flowing media. When it dries, it is prone to going windblown with the springtime Chinooks, so the air in the city gets a nasty disposition of particulate matter - a fancy term for airborne “dog shit”. Now left behind crap that doesn’t infiltrate the air makes its way to the waste-water facility through the maze of underground run-off pipes. This stuff is eventually pumped into the main Cook Inlet current heading out to sea, via the Kenai, right smack in the middle of the returning salmon runs. And guess what, salmon love this stuff because it is easy to digest! Remember this, the last meal a salmon has before turning off the stomach and heading up river is…. Tourists take note! Where was I going with this? Anyway, it is good to see that Alaska has a bunch of newcomers. See, that makes it easy for guys like Ted and Don to pull the wool come re-election time. I see the Daily Stool had a misprint. It made mention of something to the effect that Ted was the “Alaskan of the Century”? It should have read, “Alaskan Crook of the Century”. Anyway, Revenue Commissioner Galvin gets the privilege to write an opinion stating the misconception theory that the oil companies are here to stay. Sure they are, as they always cry “wolf” and get what they want. In a nutshell, the proposal that Conoco sent to Mrs. Vogue Mature - which didn’t meet the state’s bidding guidelines - this outfit wants a 30-year moratorium on natural gas taxation. It is a scam. Maybe the wolves should head towards the downtown office buildings for some fun. And this crap over the fact that BP and the state have finally settled on a tax case some many years old and eons overdue? It is just one in the lineup of many overdue settlement cases for crimes committed, as this once oil rich state spends more money defending our resources then any other oil rich nation. I said “once oil rich” because the resources have been raped and the only thing left is more rape at a reduced sentence. Like going through the tailing pile again. The oil companies operating here in Alaska are like repeat criminals. They get away with it once, twice and “No” three times doesn’t mean out! The citizens of this state never get to see what we are legally obligated to see. This state has an open records statute, except the oil companies changed that by crying wolf again and again. As far as the oil companies operating in Alaska nowadays, well, I wish SOHIO and ARCO were still around. Those were the good old days. And most of the time it is pennies on the dollar that this state settles for, as it is huge sums of money that are in question to begin with. Had we listened to Jay Hammond, who invited the consultation of experts, this state would have maintained an infrastructure like Kuwait. We would not have a bunch of crybabies and diaper stashes in Juneau. Self-sustainability we would have achieved and not had to worry about pork addiction. We could have elected decent congressional delegates to represent us in Washington. Nepotism would have been not! Sorry, but I must go over the quota. So, how many of them work for BP and live outside but use BP’s address as a bonafide residency in efforts to steal a PFD check? I tried to turn a vagabond in to this state’s revenue department, they told me I didn’t have enough evidence and the fact that it was just speculation - this guy using BP’s address - wasn’t enough to go on. This guy still collects the PFD. Ripped off again. See, with the “open records” statute a joke, the state can’t ask BP for information about who uses their business office address as an Alaskan address of residency. It happens all of the time. And get this with BP’s crap. I was on a job on the pipeline. Nobody was working even close to their ass off. Why? It was too easy a job and nobody understood what the boss said needed to be done because most of the guys had Cajun accents and were form Louisiana. Good workers, but when the icing on the cake keeps coming, why worry about ever finishing to end a good job, as it may mean a job back down in the Bayou, an 8-hour day job instead. And the company paid their transportation costs from the lower 48 to Anchorage, then BP picked up the north bound fare. This isn’t fair! Local hire, what a joke. Hey, with respect to wages, Bill Allen screwed this state, by bending over to BP and forming a sweat-shop of qualified workers at mediocre wages. It all boils down to lost cause ethics. Here, there and everywhere. Kevin Meyers, ha..ha..ha, is proposing an ethics ordinance? Must be a misprint. This is the same guy that tried to get money for private sidewalks up at some exclusive subdivision on the Hillside. Why? These walkways would meander between the 1-million dollar houses, so kids could walk to the school. And guess who would pay to build and plow this ridiculousness? And we have Alaskan women dying of cancer at alarming rates, rape out of control in the streets of Anchorage and wolves eating pet dogs. Hey rich assholes, tell your kids to run to school. And the only reason Meyers is offering up this legislation is in efforts to protect Don Young. See, his proposal would not allow a representative to raise campaign money when in session. And one of the sitting reps is trying to unseat Don “Billy Goat” Young. We are indeed surrounded by crooks. What a way to start a New Year’s off, business as usual! Now I must admit the 1-million dollars spent to design a wolf video game almost climaxes the 1-million dollars spent here in Alaska – courtesy a “grant present” from Ted – to study the penis size of the Musk Oxen! We are truly getting F$#@ed. And that “grant present” mentioned, never to be paid back as a loan would have been required, it is Treasury money. My money, your money, not Ted’s to recklessly give away, not Don’s to recklessly give away, nor MoanaLisa’s to recklessly give away, but our hard earned sweat money, recklessly stolen away by a crook’s crook extraordinaire. Corrupt Bastards they are! Maybe I should “Cry Wolf”.

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