Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bi-Polar Express

So the medical establishment has established another goldmine! I am talking about FDA approved “Drug Lords” doling out medication to a generation that is still in diapers and this “must have, must obey” mentality approved by parents that “Aren’t Smarter then a Slug”. The other night I sat in astonishment and bewilderment watching a TV documentary that interviewed individuals that tried in vain to support these “Lords of the Pharmaceuticals Industry”. The subject matter that warranted this drug free-for-all had to do with medication associated with something called “Bi-Polarism”. Whatever this fandangle name is supposed to camouflage - kid depression because mommy is too lazy and sits around all day watching soaps because dad must work his ass off at the mill - the prescribed medication for such was on the increase, a whopping 4000 percent increase in a years time! Right here in America. This is mind-boggling to say the least. But why for? Now I know that “Bi-Partisanism” is a dreaded disease with no known cure, but what’s up with this other “Bi” stuff? There came no definitive answers from the experts that testified in front of this public broadcast, but for the most part is seemed to be a smoke screen cover-up. Hey, has anybody seen Bill “Cat Killer” Frist? He was the senator that single handedly changed the rules and regulations governing anything and everything a health care provider could get away with here in America. It was to the disadvantage of the people he swore to represent. Why? Because he was once a doctor and his family owns the worlds largest “sometimes we provide” health care provider. The kind of health care provider that may on many occasions refuse to pay for operations for the needy, like that little girl that desperately needed a liver transplant but the HMO said “No”, even when a compatible liver was readily available. See, the liver could be used elsewhere, going to the highest bidder and to a person that had “premium” medical coverage! Money talks. Now Bill himself was under investigation, but he was sent into the Congress for one and only one all important not impossible reason, to screw Americans. He was successful with his mission, so that is why I ask where is he today? Oh, the “Cat Killer” label? When Bill was going through Harvard Medical School, he experimented with cats that died under the influence of experimental drugs. The cats were freebies from the animal shelter, improperly obtained! The cats were supposed to be going to good homes under an adoption program, not for experimenting! We allow the killing of cats and now we are allowing the killing of kids. This drug store cowboy mentality to addict kids for no other reason then to get rich seems to fit under the MO of get elected, mess with the rules, sleep with the lobbyists, then go away a richer man. I wanted to say “rich man”, but it seems that nowadays all of Congress’ members are rich to begin with, as the common working men and women doesn’t have a rat’s ass chance of representing this country. Money buys reckless votes. Just look at what the Clintons have accomplished. It is a sad state of affairs here in “this is your land this is my land” when you have to tell your kids to shut-up, take their meds and “No” they will never get to D.C. because only rich people get to become servants for the lobbyists. This country, this nation once under God, we once had a Constitution by the people and for the people. Nowadays, I don’t know what we have, except more of the same corruption. When I hear Hillary talk about change, what does she mean? It seems the culture and mindset in Washington knows only one direction, the same direction that has catapulted this once great nation to shame. So what type of change are you talking about? The same with old man McCain. The way this guy changes his tune, it is a dangerous scenario that we face if he is elected. I wouldn’t trust him as a Wal-Mart greeter. The aspirations that these “one too many terms” senators and congressmen desire are for selfish reasons only. They haven’t helped this country in the last 16-years or so! Look at the dollar? Look at this country’s crude oil addiction. Look how this country’s industrialism is a thing of the past. Look now how we medicate our babies, like we can’t get anything right unless corporate America is behind it and continuing to control us through lobbyists controlling them! So, who in Congress is behind this atrocity to drug our babies and get them addicted at a young enough age wherein they will be chemical dependent the rest of their lives? Think about it, as it can be a calculated investment! There must be someone at the helm that is making a bundle off of this scam. We can have Congress investigate Baseball players with respect to “Steroid” drug usage - not abuse - but why isn’t there somebody of righteousness coming forward to investigate this Bi-Polar drug addiction phenomenon? It is mind boggling that this type of thing goes covered up and finally it surfaces as a concern on the public broadcast media, once a 1st Amendment Right means of getting the truth out. Really, here in Alaska the transmitters used to broadcast this stuff to the outlying towns and villages were supported by Congress, until the public started hearing too much of the truth about our own representatives and their dirty political shenanigans. So the funding from the Federal government was short-circuited. Over time, this media has been dealt a death wish, just the way the scoundrels planned it. So one more issue before signing off. We all realize that ethics was lost forever when Bill had an affair with the Devil in the blue dress, right in the oval-office. After that extramarital affair, we should have burned down the White House and started over. So I am sure that this new-age child abuse for profit is well known in the Halls of Congress. And if ethics is a lost cause with our leadership, then it is a monkey-see, monkey-do lost cause in other venues and professions as well and follows the hierarchy of the rich trickle down theory, with the sentiment that if everybody else is getting “richer” off of this thing, me too! So doctors are most likely profiting from the drug addictions upon others. And teach them young that they need this addiction by coercing their parents into believing it also, and by the time they get out of diapers and have a voice and could opinionate their own well-being, it is too damn late to turn back. This is something that should be outlawed and if the FDA has approved it, jail time should be a remedy. Now according to the FDA spokesman - must be an appointee - because they don’t have any adverse data on kids taking this stuff, they can’t “black-box” it, which means they are doing nothing when at the same time they realize that this could be ticking time-bomb. And it all boils down to the buck. It has nothing to do with anything else. Doctors forever all over complain about the high cost of medical mal-practice insurance. Hey, show me a poor doctor! Health care, it has become a business onto itself and the investors and stockholders - like ourselves - with investment firms bidding on 401k diversification. We are all guilty of this atrocity. We want more back and less given away. It has become one vicious circle and now our own children will suffer, just because ethics has become a lost cause here, there and everywhere. With the presidency, Congress, Doctors, Lawyers and more all acting as crooks, and now parents have been sucked into that arena. I wish Woody Guthrie or John Lennon were still with us, so they could sing out what we once had or how it could be, if only we cared!

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