Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Great President

Finally after all these years we have seen the true George Bush in action and in command. So after 7-years of phony baloney, I stand corrected that his memoirs will be nothing put a bunch of pages “Intentionally Left Blank”. At least something will go down in history as “his” accomplishment while in the oval office. With that in mind, maybe with the tax rebate he calls for I will buy a new dictionary, to have his mug-shot on hand. In his last State of the Union address, he makes it clear and convincing that “earmarks” will be destroyed, putting this priority right up there with his fight on global terrorism. I guess he finally realized that the enemy is amongst us, right here on the homeland. Right there in his own backyard! See, after all these years he had been blindsided thinking the enemy was a “Rabid Skunk”! Now this attack against theft upon the Treasury was a direct hit hip shot that places George in the same category as some of those historical Texan gunslingers. What a shot it was, perfect timing even though it was long overdue. And when the smoke of the muzzle blast cleared, it was poor Ted Stevens and Don Young as the sitting duck victims. I wonder what their eulogies will reveal. I understand these crooks are broke, so maybe blank headstones will suffice. Maybe instead of a headstone, a slab of bacon would be more appropriate. The rats would love it! And instead of graveside flowers, how about some coconuts. Anyway, George stated before a national audience that “The people’s trust in their government is undermined by congressional earmarks, special interest projects that are often snuck in at the last minute, without discussion or debate”. And to make sure about all of this, a Presidential Executive Order will also be produced to stop the theft ring from ever again thriving. Wow, as this is powerful stuff! Now Ted and Don were allowed a few last words about this, which indicated that they had never been asked to repent against their corrupt ways and means to screw Americans. Ted: “I don’t ask for money, I just take the money”. Don: “That’s really what you ask me to do.” Being weaned from bacon fat is probably not an easy thing to do. And I understand that when a “loophole” is greased with this fat, it becomes an even bigger and better loophole. Anyway, I looked back at my history books of old. I even looked at some modern day history books of new. And nowhere does it indicate that we are supposed to ask our representatives to steal! Bottom-line, earmarks steal away the steam of the economy. Sure putting my taxable income back into the system is a way to keep the economy on track. The bad thing about “earmark” infusion is the fact that the Return-On-Theft – ROT – it doesn’t come close to what would happen if I were allowed to spend “MY” hard earned money instead of Ted just taking it without asking. See, earmarks are designed first off to help out friends through the buddy system – that “special interest project” thing George talked about. Earmarks are free money, not loans, but granted to the recipient. When the freebie arrives courtesy Ted, Don and others, the cream is skimmed off the top. Then another buddy confiscates the buttermilk. So by the time it does anything of any good for the economy, it is wilted down. Earmarks have created more millionaires and billionaires then any other theft ring. And there remains the solid fact that the rich people at least put an equal amount back into the economy, but no more then the hard working middle class Americans. The needs of the class system is basically the same, food and shelter. So a whole lot of money gets squandered away and never assists in keeping the economy buoyant and on the move. Sheltered money does nothing! But it was the same crooks in office that allowed the “shelter” to become yet another tool to protect the rich people’s wealth. On the other hand, had too much money been collected by the Treasury, it is the responsibility of these crooks to see to it that the theft is corrected. That money in my hands would be thrown back into the economy, getting a much bigger bang for the buck. So what earmarks did was create riches for the friends of crooks and what is left over is thrown overboard to help the economy from sinking, through construction jobs for “Bridges to Nowhere” or to study the penis size of the male Musk Oxen. Think of it this way. Would you really vote for an individual that was honest by campaigning that they would tax the hell out of your income, give themselves a hefty raise from “YOUR” income then regurgitate that garnishment’s leftovers back but only after their friends could also perform theft upon “YOUR” hard earned income? It is monkey-see, monkey-do us in mentality. Hey, that brings up another point. I see that crap Big Wild Life slogan here, there and everywhere in my travels. It shows these pictures of moose and bears making out! And this “crap” slogan is trademarked? What gives? Is somebody making money off of this “crap”? Must have learned from Ted and Don. Anyway, maybe it is time to have a real authentic slogan, one that is already known throughout the lands from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans and is not a trademark but maybe now a reality, like the “Corrupt Bastards RIP”.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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