Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sick Nation

Has Armageddon hit with a warning? Really, how in hell can this be happening, that McCain or Hillary are the best bet to lead this country into the future? Get a grip people, as this is as bad as it could get. No way in hell should Hillary and McCain be able to get this far in the running for president. It goes to show that we are a “sick” nation. This is just more of the same isn’t it? We have a failed executive branch, now acknowledged by Bush and most likely orchestrated through his past alcohol and drug addiction. We have a failed Congress, wherein that branch of government suffers from a stalemate addiction. It means failure! And are not Hillary and McCain part of that team that failed America? Bush is, but he is going away. Good riddance is my sentiment. If you were the owner of a baseball team and all of your players staged a coup against your fans, would you ever hire them back? Of course not, as it is a “no brainer” of a decision. It should be no different here and now on the political scene. Remember, the entire world is watching this upcoming election. As I travel throughout Canada, people from that country laugh at the fact that Hillary – Bill’s wife – is a favorite of the people. And I get the same indication of frustration when I talk to my friends in Sweden. Hey, they may not have a vote in this country, but they are concerned and care what happens - as what happens over here has an effect everywhere. And outsiders realize what Americans have gone though the last two terms of endangerment with George at the helm. So they do not want to see a repeat. And that is what it looks like, a repeat of incompetence. Sure they are incompetent, just in the simple fact that they must resort to lies in efforts to keep ahead of the race. Bill is lying for Hillary as is McCain lying for himself. And some of Hillary’s speak is very close to being untrue. So why even consider a promotion for these cheating liar lepers? To vote either one of the two into such a high office of responsibility is dangerous precedent. There exists a grudge match now and it will continue if the American vote allows this to happen to “my country ‘tis of thee sweet land of liberty.” And is it such that the young voters are so disenfranchised that they have no idea what has happened in the past to “this is your land, this is my land”? I thought we were into the century of “No Child Left Behind”! Goes to show that this was all fluff, as these kids - if they are involved in the political scene - they have no idea what is going on around them. If they did, Hillary and McCain would be where they rightfully belong, in retirement instead of this foolhardy greed campaign to become president and at the same time forever screw over America. Sure they have the right to run, but they should be running away from their past instead of for this office. Don’t they have a job to do instead of running all over the country trying to convince us that their “crap” agenda is not Armageddon in disguise? And what the hell do either one of these candidates know or care about ethics? Nothing at all! They were all part of the traders’ rebellion that sabotaged Congress and sent ethics away from the political scene. This was nothing short of treason. It is these same individuals that have coauthored - along with colleague cohorts in crime - legislation that has allowed the furtherance of war and pestilence to thrive, right here in America. So youngsters take this as a warning. Draft Bono if you want this country to get back on the right track. To have Hillary or McCain at the helm, well you thought the EXXON Valdez hitting Bligh Reef was destructive, you haven’t seen anything yet. Don’t let this happen for my sake or for the sake of the future of this once great emancipator of freedom. In fact, if one issue were of great importance during this upcoming race it would be freedom, and Hillary and McCain voted to lessen such Constitutional rights, by allowing torture upon enemy combatants. You know anybody can be considered the latter. Even with this writing, although a 1st Amendment Right, I could be singled out as such and be subject to something called water-boarding, which is a fancy name for the authorities to legally stick your head down a toilet and then commence flushing. So it is time for the retirement home to open up for the likes of McCain and Hillary, so vacancies on the Hill can invite young at heart righteous followers of the Constitution, with a new-age mission to give this country back what it deserves, respect! Hey, McCain and Hillary signed the Defense budget. How come Indianapolis 500 racecars have better armor protection for the drivers then do the Hummers being sent over to Iraq and Afghanistan? It was typical McCain and Hillary “crap” legislation. As most of that budget ended up filling the coffers of defense contractors that make money cutting corners, instead of protecting our troops. I get the impression that McCain, being a reformed hostage of war, thinks everybody should be subject to the same pain and suffering. And Hillary - because Bill cheated on her - she must think like McCain, that everybody should also suffer through the same humiliation. Sick nation it is when people run for office upon selfish reasoning. Kids, young at heart, get off your ass and away from those video games and revolt against this crusted over mentality that is bringing this nation down to our knees, get out and crusade for a new age rebellion, just like our forefathers did, all for “respect”!

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