Monday, January 28, 2008

Mission Out of Control

Why is it that the righteous citizens of this state never get the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I am talking about the latest gossip over a “Salmon Hatchery Learning Center” dream-ship for Ship Creek. Maybe it is in efforts to satisfy the three strikes you’re out philosophy. See, the Seward Sea Life Learning Center is a waste of money as is the Challenger Learning Center down south somewhere out-of-sight and out-of-mind - still in Alaska but too far away to be of any good use for our city kids as bus fare is no longer subsidized. And Prevo’s bus service is available only on Sundays to “bus” trailer park kids to his kingdom hall of worship. Wasn’t busing outlawed? Now these two so-called “learning” entities could not survive without Uncle Ted’s pork addiction. Is there a cure for this kind of dependency? Ted went addicted so was successful in baiting in his entire constituency plus some. Dependency sucks! So now we are at it again, with the visions to build a new hatchery for the tourists! A “Salmon Learning Center”! You want to see nature at work? Get off your ass and walk down a river’s bank! Now this tourist attraction will be built a little differently, as it will use money collected from Alaska’s first tollbooth! See, back east way – before Ted and Don infiltrated the Treasury – states relied on cake raffles to collect money. Now somebody came up with the bright idea to charge a fee to use the roads leading to the grange, wherein the raffles commenced. It worked. This idea in turn allowed better freeways to be built through the collection of a surcharge – toll – to be collected until enough was garnished away to pay off the mafia. That was the original intent. Now the crooks in office and in charge of your taxable income - not the mafia men - are smart, as once the tollbooth mentality was accepted and the booths were manned, why ever shut them down? So over the long haul it has provided income for other things. Long past the pay-off date, basically indefinitely to infinity. One tollbooth along a Massachusetts turnpike most recently made the Historical Society’s list of historical sites to see. So Alaska started a pseudo-toll, by charging a surcharge on your sport-fishing license fee. It was supposed to be a surcharge for a short duration lasting about two-years from its inception. But forget that, as the collectors are already spending the money that will be collected when I am long gone. Now what is interesting and on a need-to-know basis is the history behind this “surcharge”. I see where that guy Rubini made a generous donation to the Providence Cancer Imaging Center during the most recent ribbon cutting ceremony. Must be nice to have “extra” money to give away on such a great cause. I see Lesil McGuire’s dad and mom are also rolling in “extra” dough to give to the same cause. I think they own the Ann Stevens Building. He’s also a partner with Ted on some racehorse deal. I wonder if Ted will do a Paul Revere runaway with that racehorse once the FBI gets the green light. Anyway, there is a real sad piece of history behind this sport-fishing surcharge. It started back a few years ago, when “greed” was used to make somebody wealthy. But that wealth needed a friend in high places, like “MY” U.S. Senate. In the beginning there came an edict, from when Bill Clinton was the official head honcho, to mandate the government get more energy efficient. Of course like anything else in Washington, ethics finds loopholes for everything. It was determined that “military housing” should be privatized as part of this energy efficiency game. Many military bases constructed when the cold war was upon us were built for independence, as it was considered the “militia”. This infrastructure didn’t rely on power or other utilities from private entities, as these sites were sustainable on their own. So the base would provide both heat and electricity to the housing for the troops. Now comes “privatization”. A 400-million dollar housing allowance earmark was sent to a friend of a friend to construct new housing up at Elmendorf Air Force Base, right here in Anchorage, Alaska. When the smoke cleared, it was realized that the base power plant could no longer provide the heat and electricity, as the government can’t compete with the private sector. And a senator was indeed allowed to secede away the housing land that was once military to the slob slum lord. Whereas the base could no longer provide such services, it meant an outside entity would also profit. Now what makes it sad is the fact that once the base power plant lost a whole lot of customers, well it became very inefficient. So it was moth-balled. Now before the wrecking ball was summoned, the power plant provided free heated water to the Ship Creek hatchery. For free, as it was waste heat! The hatchery guys would mix this “free” heated water with the cold water from Ship Creek to provide the ultimate rearing environment. All for free! But when the wrecking ball hit and the warm water went away, so did the hatchery’s bloodline. So the panic button was pressed and came the surcharge, in efforts to purchase huge boilers to heat the water. Boilers that use a whole lot of expensive natural gas – also covered by the surcharge. That is why it will never go away! So in reality this surcharge started way up at the top and with the trickle down theory, we peons get to pay for it - just to wet a fishing line. In fact, Ted himself made a bunch of money on this privatization crap. I think the state should bleed him of that wealth then go after us for a surcharge. It sucks the way these crocks get away with murdering my income. So in a nutshell, we can thank Ted for the surcharge and also for the gift that benefited the Cancer Imaging Center, as without Ted’s out of control steering all this wouldn’t have been possible. And we thought Captain Joe Hazzlewood was a bad driver! Now comes part 2 of this Alaska style crap. The Kodiak Launch Facility needs another 17-million dollars to build another launch pad. See, the other launch pad was really booked up last year, with 2 rockets scheduled to blast off! According to the officials that probably get paid enough money to give “extra” cash to political campaigns that keep the crocks in my business, another pad will give the facility the capability to have 2 and a “half” launches each year! What defines a freak’n half of a launch? We are surrounded by idiots. They must think the general populace is stupid to believe what they say. Anyway, it is basically a monkey-see, monkey-do mentality. Our representatives went corrupt, no doubt about it. And one can read all about it hot off the press here in Alaska, the “Corrupt Bastard” state. This state is keeping many other states entertained. So like the lemming race, con artists followed suit, as did others in high places by practicing this corruption stuff. Hey, if our leaders can practice corrupt ways and means against the populace, then it must be the right way regardless of the outcome. Oh, and here is a word of warming to that Brian Wenzell, Conoco’s spokesperson to Mrs. Vogue Mature. He makes it almost clear and convincing that it is up to the Federal bureaucrats to give permission to build a natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to somewhere. Hey, this state has eminent domain. Please don’t try to scare us with this crap tactic. If you don’t like this state’s constitution, this state’s statutes or this state’s rules and regulations, go fishing! And if the fish are few and far between, thank Ted. As it will take a long, long time to get the Ship Creek facility back in order. What’s that? The privatized military housing is so expensive that the troops can’t afford it. So guess what, another Uncle Sam subsidy, courtesy my income!

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