Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ted "Strom" Stevens

Ted "Strom Thurmond" Stevens Demoted
Wow, all kind of information is readily available at one’s fingertips these days. Herein, fingertips literally means exactly that. When spending time at the keyboard and surfing the Internet – letting your fingers do the walking and the talking! Now Internet traffic is half pornographic and half not, according to a survey made possible by our representatives. I bet some of them enjoyed the “porn” when the survey results came available. It was probably the only time in a long time that Congress went into a late night session without a recess. Members of Congress don’t hang around the House that often, as there is reportedly a rabid skunk still on the loose. Just ask Don Young, as he has been hunting the so called bitch down. Now getting back to that half not that is not nakedness or women in awkward positions, I would speculate that half of the half not fits the “outlandish” profile, basically “trash” talk. Especially from the “blogisphere” domain. There exist some angry people out there! But all in all, it is to be expected with such advancements in technology wherein early on its worth is taken advantage of. Then from the abuse comes control, wherein everybody looses out – with freedoms. But beware, as what you say with those fingertips dancing away to serenade your madness, your opinions, your right to "free speech", it is a tapping time bomb of guilty until proven innocent. See, there is this thing called TDR, for Time Domain Reflectometry. Basically, you send it and the G-men can apprehend it and find out who you are and where you are hiding out. Your whereabouts is easily discovered, as your “Send” command acts as a guided missile fingerprint with a return address. And that “reflectometer” stuff does the pinpointing, by an accurate measurement of the reflective signal source, called the “bit bounce”. On the upbeat side of things, innovation gains favor from new found technologies. And it is this same advancement in technology and innovation fallout that is helping to advance our 1st Amendment Right, to “bear opinion”. So with respect to the truth of the matter over the untrue, there exist several web sites that can be trusted, some not to be trusted. Wikipidea seems to be one that can be trusted. Now visiting a politician’s “Historical” can be a real “eye” opener. I read something of interest the other day, about my very own Alaska state senator, Ted Stevens. I’m sorry, as that word “own” misrepresented the truth in the matter. Politicians “own” US! Egad, and did I really mean to use “my”? Anyway Ted Stevens is under a whole lot of scrutiny these days. What the hell happened along the way that has placed this guy in the crosshairs of the FBI and the IRS? It takes the President to OK such an undertaking. And having to retain the same lawyer that represented Oliver North, well things aren’t to rosy up on the hill. Now according to reliable sources, when he was a student at Bergstrom Air Force Base, during the graduation ceremony back in 1944 an unknown assailant student “booed” the colonel delivering the graduation speech. Now that was rather bold, as these individuals receiving a sheepskin were military men in uniform. It was treason, as this kind of behavior was a ticket to the dungeon of military like incarceration. It meant a direct connection to the “brig” for a long, long time. And you thought Gitmo was brutal! So the entire graduating class – trained as P38 pilots – they never saw action as pilots but were demoted to copilot class only. Rather strange when a war was going on and pilots were badly needed. So I ask, was the entire graduating body disciplined because the colonel was not able to determine the culprit that broke rank and as a body of able bodied recruits, did they decide not to “rat” out their fellowman realizing that silence would no doubt derail one’s career? Or was it Ted himself? Who cares, as true or half true, it is old and outdated news! But Ted never flew as a fighter pilot in combat. I wish the connection herein was clear, but like already mentioned, past garbage. What is more interesting in Ted’s “Historical” is a comment by his brother, Daniel Inouye. Dan is the democratic senator from Hawaii and these two men insist that they are “like” brothers of blood. Anyway, during a recent Senate “Toast” honoring Ted as the longest living senator, Daniel was quoted as saying, “Ted is the Strom Thurmond of the Arctic Circle”. Egad again! What the hell is this guy referring too? This is a hip shot to the chest, a direct and lethal take down. Brotherly love? It is verbal assassination. Strom Thurmond? Is this guy Dan really Ted’s friend? Hey, they are close friends but maybe the saying “stay close to your friends but closer to your enemies” has set precedent with this type of ridicule from the Congressional pulpit. It used to be called a “podium”, but since there is no longer separation of church and state, it is one in the same. Now just ask Trent Lott about Strom. Trent was almost banned from America when he made the comment that this country would have been better off had the voters elected Strom as President. Strom was a pure blooded racist and represented the segregationist platform, even when segregation was a crime against humanity, namely the Negros. Strom’s famous quote is as follows, “All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches. We stand for the segregation of the races.” See, these imbeciles say anything they want, and get away with it. Sure Trent was sent to the sidelines for a spell, but his comeback was swift and quick. So maybe, just maybe it was Ted that “booed” the colonel, as it seems to be how politicians represent these days, by ridicule and no penance for such malfeasance. I guess it is just free speech! Just ask Don Young about “Rabid Skunks”. Now since we are having a history lesson, we must remember that besides a bonafide racist, Strom was the single individual who had the power and the insane vision to start a campaign against John Lennon, for deportation. I am writing this on the anniversary eve of John’s arrest. That occurred on December 9th, many years ago at age 40, when some imbecile shot John down in cold blood in America’s “Heart-beat” city. Cities are the “pulse” of America, so what happens therein has a carry over effect. Now I don’t bite the bait associated with conspiracy theories, but have to conclude that John’s assassination fit a classic “conspiracy” makeover. Why? First off, he was a socialist with money and power and above all respected “women’s” rights. The FBI started a campaign to collect dirt on this genuine peacenik, but with everything that was collected against John, it was nothing that John Lawman could have used to send the “War is over if you want it” Beetle back home. It was wasted time, money and efforts to demonstrate that the Nixon era was an era of misfits. Dan Quayle was the last clone from that era, the “potatoe” head mentality generation. What a depressing gang of creeps. Anyway, Ted is under close observation by the FBI and the IRS and who knows by whom else, maybe the CIA! So, I wonder if Daniel was wrong when he compared Ted to Strom. Maybe with an active “FBI File”, Ted is a lot like John? Of course, Ted was not a socialist, but a separatist’s socialist. What I mean by that is the fact that he catered to a segregated class that wanted it all, so it was maybe more in tune to a Marxist like attitude. Guys like Ted despised “Communism”, yet their actions to intimidate the voting public and inactions to limit lobbyists’ lobotomies upon the masses – more like sodomy – was testament to a class all of their own, at the taxpayers expense. What was good for most of the country treated as peasants was nothing when compared to what was good for “Buddies”, corrupt buddies that made it clear and convincing that “Corrupt Bastards” run this country, now headed into the ground. And MoanaLisa, Ted’s sidekick – literally – made a few comments during the “Toast”, that makes one want to laugh all the way to the puke bucket. According to MoanaLisa – Alaska’s nepotism Senator select – Ted was “inextricably tied” to the state of Alaska. I think she meant that the people of Alaska are by now “exhaustedly tired” of Ted. And no MonaLisa, we do not like to call him “Uncle Ted”. We are AMERICAN’s and despise political corruption, don’t you get it, yet? So someday, maybe we can apply for a FOIA request and see what is in that secret file held hostage by the FBI with Ted’s name written all over. But why waste our time, as Ted is already proved his non-innocence and without a doubt guilty of something in the eyes of the taxpayers. Now being a peacenik, John gained the privilege to be poetic, basically knowing what to do with the “word”. Idiots like Strom and Trent and Don “Billy Goat” Young abused the “word”, making free-speech a joking matter. So in honor of John beating Strom’s attack and in honor of us beating the segregationists’ attack against our brothers and sisters in the race to equality and in honor of the fact that the people will soon beat back the “Strom of the Arctic Circle”, hear the true word that echoes out a warning. “Woman is the nigger of the world…yes she is. If you don’t believe me, take a look around you”. This has meaning that reverberates around the world today and everyday as long as inequities of race and prosperity are controlled by the “Corrupt Bastards”. And as far as name-calling like “Rabid Skunk”, why not just use the “N” word Don? And Ted, if you indeed boo-hoo’d the colonel that day back in 1944, well we are booing at you these days, a sound that will be heard for a long, long time - as it takes time to forgive! And true Alaskan’s don’t mind admitting to it, that honesty is thy best policy. Ted, did you ever hear that one? Do us a favor, recite it 13,990 times, for all the days you selfishly represented special interests over the interests of America.

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