Thursday, November 29, 2007

Merry Xmas Ted!

Merry Christmas Ted!
So Ted, you made your THIRD trip to the Iraqi theater of war. Whoopee zippity-doo-dah! I guess you have been busy talking your way out of the Corrupt Bastard’s probe. That is probably more important then trying to find a way away from George’s mess. How is son Ben doing? Rumor has it that he is plea bargaining his way out of the Alaskan political scandal. I guess taking others down is the only power the “runt” has left and all he will ever see his way again. Anyway, according to what you witnessed in Iraq, “the surge had worked” and our young kids “are on their way home. They’re going to go home”. Wow, in time for Christmas? And how many? Maybe if the military planes heading back to America are overcrowded – as is the norm this time of year – would you consider giving your seat away? Maybe your BFBBLAT buddy Daniel can do the same. It could go down in your memoirs, as nothing short of a “Good Samaritan” gesture considering all of your other memorabilia was taken away by the IRS. But it is good news to hear that the troops are finally coming home. To a failed economy wherein more and more Americans are becoming homeless, ripped off by the mortgage scandal and all of us facing the high price of crude oil, all because of the cost of your stupid war or remiss in your paid and sworn duty to protect our interests - over your own. Answer me this. How come you would not let the oil executives testify “under” oath when you called them in front of Congress about humongous profits and all time high gasoline price fixing? And how in hell did so many Americans get ripped off with the mortgage scandal, under your watch? And you know what, from what you are just finding out in your most recent trip abroad to a war torn country, it seems as though you were a “Republican Politician Left Behind”, as most school kids here in Alaska know about the “tribe concept” and culture in Iraq. Where the hell have you been for the last 4-years of this conflict? Hey, can we get reimbursed for the money we paid out to you for a salary? Wasn’t there a warranty? Anyway, Merry Christmas Ted, and try this John Lennon song out - for penance. Sing it faithfully during the 31-days of December and we will forgive your incompetence and dereliction of representation. But please, pretty please don’t right a book about your time in Congress as we are already inundated with enough political memoirs wherein it is a book consisting of nothing more then “pages intentionally left blank”:

And so this is Xmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy Xmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

Come on now, everybody sing along with Ted. Hey Don, care to join in? MoanaLisa, you too! And Frank…

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

Happy Xmas!

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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