Thursday, November 29, 2007

U.S.S. MoanaLisa

Heist of the U.S.S. MoanaLisa
Hey righteous citizens of the 49th state, be on the look out for some $55,000,000.00 missing from the U.S. Treasury Department. Rumor has it the money was last seen on Ted Steven’s behind closed doors desk specifically dedicated to appropriated misgivings. OK, it was money earmarked for yet another taxpayer rip-off. Ted tries hard. At what, I am still trying to come to grips with – so is he now that his peace and quiet has been interrupted by FBI and IRS agents knocking at the door of his charitable donation remodeled house up here in Alaska. Do you have any idea what it takes for John Lawman to get permission to raid and search a sitting duck’s residence? I meant sitting senior senator. But Ted is smart, as he hired the best and most expensive lawyer that specializes in nothing other then, “Presidential” pardons! And another clue to this mystery disappearance of precious payola, is the scent of TEA! So that could mean a trace of evidence that Don Young knows something of interest with respect to this heist. But nobody seems to know his whereabouts. Last time he went spotted was down in some coconut grove. Could it be that he suffers from confusion from a coconut bounce off the head? Or maybe from the side effects of being bit by a rabid skunk? What the hell is so important in Florida over what is important in his own state? OK, this “missing money” was really set aside in efforts to help create a sustainable infrastructure in Alaska – thy “Welfare” state extraordinaire. But in actuality and like usual, it was just more of the same crap, wherein it shows that ethics in politics is a lost cause. So in my book, this missing money amounts to grand theft lunacy. Just what the hell is going on with my hard earned money that is penalized with a tax burden so Ted and Don can continue their destructive ways and means? Pork unlimited for a sustainable infrastructure has been the dream of all dreams, but it has been the same bad dream since statehood, as this state is still way behind many third world nations when it comes to toilet flushing. And how much have the taxpayers paid out in efforts to design a tundra toilet? Nobody seems to know, but an awful lot. And the entire state of oppression was all part of the Three Stooges’ plan – a.k.a. Ted, Don and Frank. It is still all in the family, as Frank bailed out and left his daughter in charge of his own failed senate seat. What did she do to dad to deserve such inhumane treatment? Isn’t cruel and unusual treatment against the Constitution? Oh, I heard someone voice, “What Constitution”? I second that emotion, as our rights are eroding away faster then is coastline from global Goring. Then again, maybe Frank believed in once a failure always a failure wherein MoanaLisa was the best candidate to keep the tradition going. For one thing, she hasn’t failed at real estate swindling deals. Maybe, instead of calling representatives just that, “Swindlers” would be a better fit. Back to the money theft. Why is it that Ted feels it necessary to steal away my money just to waste on this thing called the E-craft? It is a boondoggle! The Navy – who was threatened to build this contraption or else would be required to paint all war ships pink – already rejected the concept and according to FOIA documents, “had nothing to do with the funding request”. But according to reliable informants, that is where the money is hiding. Ted had the money earmarked under the defense department budget, in the beyond ridiculous category that has a bunch of fine print nobody dears to read. You know what Ted, why not “not” waste the money and give the kid troops a raise – for fighting your stupid war? I am sorry again, you don’t understand “stupidity”. Hey, understand this, it is my hard earned money and should be used in return for hard work, not some gift to produce more Alaskan crap. Ted, Don and MoanaLisa have no idea what it is like to work “hard” for a living. So they feel wasting is justified under false pretences. In my judgment, theft and taxpayer abuse by our own representation is one in the same. It is abuse that should be made accountable for. And why continue the wasting? Especially up here in Alaska, as this state can’t even keep a milk dairy afloat. And it has nothing to do with economics. Let us face the facts. For all those” Alaskans Left Behind”, the Matanuska Colonists proved that a farming community – eggs and milk included – was possible. That was before statehood, so welfare handout was not an option or interest. See, many with and without intelligence - true Americans and politicians respectfully - realize that welfare “interest” is not worth the bother. Herein this “interest” thing equates to what we have to payout in return for theft legislation, our votes! Welfare keeps us hostage, so we have no option except to vote the thieves in time after time after time forever. That is the real reason Frank gave the seat to MoanaLisa, as it will be just more of the same, theft for re-lection. Back to statehood verses territorialism. Everything was going Frontiersman like until Ted and Don came upon the scene. How in hell did we get stuck with these two misfits? And the theft mentality runs rampant like a virus, as the Alaskan citizens cannot get a tax increase right here in their own backyard wherein the ground below is saturated with “Black Gold”. Here it is in plain English. We want more corporate taxation because it makes the PFD bigger. But “Big Nancy” - a.k.a. “Big Oil” - cries like a bunch of spoiled politicians. So politicians steal away our hard earned money and “Big Nancy” steals away our resources. Anyway, my preliminary calculation is off a wee bit on the theft affiliated with the officiated construction of this E-craft. That $55-million that has gone missing from Uncle Sam Adams is more to the tune of 3-times that amount. But it creates jobs, about 50 – or to the benefit of about “1” one thousandth of the present day Alaskan population. So why not just pay the workers off? It would be cheaper then creating cheap job prospects that have no future. Just give them a million dollars a piece. Then they would never be heard of again. Anyway, why in hell is the Navy being forced to build something it doesn’t want? You know what, the way Don and Ted force crap down our throats in the form of corrupt bastard like crap, these guys should be called the chokesters! Talk about a crying shame, we’ve all been deep-throated! Look guys – MoanaLisa take note – we don’t want the bridges or this crap or that crap or your memoirs. And the E-craft boondoggle to date is hilarious. Sorry, I am laughing so damn hard, but when you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel of waste, it is so sickening one must laugh. OK, enough is enough. Then just how much is it really costing the taxpayers for this outrageous E-Crap amphibious assault craft that will be abandoned as a military asset and turned into a passenger ferry. First off, I petition that the hull be named “MoanaLisa”. All in favor, “MOAN”. And according to Mr. Phineas J. Whoopee’s 3D magical board, Point McKenzie to Anchorage is only a 3-mile excursion. That will be this piece of crap’s one and only water route mission. This E-crap U.S.S. Moan-more-Lisa can reach speeds of 30-knots. So whoopee, the voyage will be fast and furious and everybody will end up in the hospital with whip lash! It will be a genuine terror like ride. This ride could be Alaska’s first amusement park ticket, another tourist trap, as nobody in Alaska is going to dish out $25-dollars for a ride to nowhere. See, this is Phase I of the bridge to nowhere. There isn’t anything over at the Point except Don Young’s failed wood chip export facility. Ok, I won’t bore you with the specifics, but the dry dock down in Ketchikan - tasked to build the E-crap craft - it had to have the Chinese build the berthing at a tune of $9.5-million. Answer me this simple preliminary question. This is a shipbuilding dock. It means welders and erection guys that dream of.... A welder down there makes only $16.00 dollars an hour? No wonder the outfit that runs the facility can’t build the basic necessities. No way in hell can you keep good qualified help at such a mangy wage, so maybe that is the reason we had to get the Chinese shipbuilders to build the dock! Is there something wrong with me or do I just see things a little out of kilter? The dry dock was necessary in efforts to build the MoanaLisa. But the bid to build the junk had a stipulation that it must be built in Alaska. Again, forced legislation shoved down the Navy brass’ throat. Since when is it that Congress knows more about the military playing field then do the generals? See, that is why we are failing in Iraq and Afghanistan, as the true military genesis have lost control and are being asked to fight a political war. That is why Ted thinks he can boss around the Navy, with this E-craft crap. Now the shipbuilding dry dock has a failed history to begin with. It started back in the 80’s at a cost of $38-million to construct. It closed down in 91, because the line up of private operators experienced operational and financial difficulties! Basically, they weren’t getting rich quick enough. So the DOT gave the failure to the AIDEA. Now when this latter outfit gets involved, it is for a wasteful reason. See, this Guardian Devil is responsible for a huge chunk of the permanent dividend and can spend “our” money like there is no tomorrow. It all started back in the days of some brain-pinching device. I think it worked, on those responsible for running and ruining government. But it didn’t go anywhere as even the Russians considered it cruelty. With this and that in mind, this E-craft thing has failure written all over it! Dah, what do you expect. If you can’t build a berth, you sure the hell can’t build a hi-tech boat. And if you must rely on “grant” giveaway programs, it means up front that it is an economic disaster with no future. Not unless that mainlining money syringe is pointed in the right direction. It is? Now that would make for a great photo-shoot. Ted straddling a giant syringe. Remember when good old America was “good” wherein the business community relied on U.S. subsidized “loans”. But politicians became loan sharks, by getting rid of the “loans” – as that meant payback was required – an opted for pure welfare, in the form of “grants”. The latter requires no pay back, which is just like stealing. I was wrong, there probably is payback - of a different kind involved. That is why our representatives in charge of the money tree are crooks. Bottom line, “We the People” should be replaced by “We the People Screw all the other People”. When outlandish giveaway programs degrade the working classes’ ethics and morals, the people need to start standing up against the rape affair. Just because it creates jobs is a worn out and unwelcome excuse. If it creates a sustainable infrastructure, then I am all for it. See, why build something that has no use, as it continues to provide for a false economy. What’s that? Now this is the icing on the cake. Money for the floating crap was provided through the TEA-91, which is just a fancy and confusing pork giveaway program. I told you Don was consulted about this E-craft to nowhere. This TEA-91 legislation is so complicated for a reason, so nobody in their right mind could figure out why highway funding money is going to coconut groves. And guess what? The selling point for the U.S.S. MoanaLisa was VECO clout! Yes indeed, old Bill “Viagra” Allen had visions that when the high-speed ferry assaulted the pocketbooks of the taxpayers and ends up in the Port of Anchorage, it was for a purpose. Hey, about the only thing Bill liked assaulting was the legislative branch down Juneau way. He was pretty good at it. Anyway, Bill envisioned his company would ferry workers over to the Point every morning in efforts to build “modules” for the North Slope oil infrastructure. For some 30-years by now, the oil industry has relied on importing processing modules form other places. In all those years, guess how many were built in Alaska. ONE! And now that the oil fields are petering out, how many modules are needed? And you know as well as I that “Big Oil” would pick China over doing business here in Alaska. The ferry filled with craft workers heading over to the Point to build stuff is just a big pipe dream, a leaking pipe at that. So now that VECO is gone, isn’t this proof enough that the E-craft and the bridge are just that, proof that we have fools fooling around with our money. About the only future prospectus for this high-speed amphibious blunder is a quick escape vessel, for the corrupt bastards. But because of the delays in delivering the desperately needed vessel – as delays also make bigger bucks – it will most likely be too late. So maybe it can be used in a more beneficial way. In efforts to get Ted, Don, MoanaLisa, Frank and the rest of the crooks out of our sight as the huddled masses are sick, we are tired, we are weary and have had enough of political corruption, especially Alaskan style! So beware, as the MoanaLisa will soon be another failed eyesore taking refuge at some lonely dock, just another for the list. Hey what ever happened to the fish processing plant blunder built here in Anchorage? Oh, it was sold to a church, with an AIDEA discount. This state does indeed need a prayer! More like a miracle, called secession for success.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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