Friday, December 21, 2007

Blunder Thunder

Blunder Thunder from Down-under
I honestly believe that there exists a down-under belief wherein some think that the most important thing about political office “term limits” is a ways and means to keep the unemployment line not their own concern. What I am getting at is this. You are an individual that hates work and therefore have been successful in weaseling your way into a somewhat lucrative employment position that falls under the auspices of either a commission, agency or that of an authority, basically an entity surviving on a free-for-all budget wherein the money “granted” to such is supposed to provide some benefit to men, women and children in need. You also cherish the position because it includes free luncheons. Call it what you like besides welfare, but it is exactly that, disguised as “research” in many cases. Bottom line, the work wages are part of the welfare equation. In fact, some well-known agencies have an employment budget greater then the giveaway program! Something wrong with this picture, as the equation seems to be out of kilter? Now not all such entities under the latter descriptive are guilty of what is challenged herein, but it seems that unaccountability creep is making headway in efforts to curtail ethics, just like the political scene. I come from the state – Alaska – that has the best of the best of un-ethical politicians. Ted and Don and MoanaLisa, wow, what a duo. Isn’t Ted and Don the same individual? They are so much alike. And MoanaLisa, isn’t she a clone between Frank and Annabel? Or was it Maggie? Anyway, your commission hasn’t yet expired, so your agency or authority is given a mission statement. Say for example, to provide alternative energy to the Alaskan bush. Now with term limits in effect for the governorship for instance - wherein that person in charge most likely controls the purse strings - why worry about ever accomplishing that mission that you are supposed to be engaged upon? You could put yourself out of a job! It happens all of the time here in Alaska, thy welfare state extraordinaire. It started a long time ago, with statehood, as besides loss of territorial freedom, it meant time to call the bluff of the American taxpayers and claim third-world status. Seems this state was better off under the “indivisible and freedom for all” mentality, when marijuana was still legal. Needless to say, comes the next and the next and then the next, this time around a vogue governor, all trying to find something in efforts to gain the voting public’s respect. So “pork” starts to flow all over again to your commission, agency or authority, wherein the “new be” insists once again that the mission not yet accomplished after all these years is crucial to sustain her approval rating, as she is hoping that the Playboy Mansion will be the next open door. Now all the time, the guys and gals that reap big salaries are just counting up another 4-years wherein the only thing accomplished is more of the same nothing. So I guess in reality it is a mission accomplished, George Bush style! Wow, so the Denali Commission is at it again. Answer me this. Just what the hell has this outfit done for you and I after so many years wherein “billions” have been lost? At least unaccounted for. Name one thing that this taxpayer abuse commission has accomplished? So now they are at it again. Whoopee-do as the crocks in-charge have earmarked 8.5-million for once again taking a look at alternative energy for the bush. Here we go again, as this attempt is already a signed sealed and delivered boondoggle, just another wasteful attempt to make a few fat bastards “richer” and do nothing for the bush. This outfit works on the “brother-in-law” rule of thumb. Basically, stick it up everybody else’s you know what. Really, prove to me where this Denali crap has benefited anybody out there? Hey, Hugo offered more relief in the form of heating fuel subsidies for the Alaskan bush. It was more beneficial because it was a direct infusion and didn’t have a bunch of bureaucratic red-tape and bureaucratic brother-in-laws involved. This new but old Denali deal for alternative energy “research” is a joke. In fact a reused joke at that. I bet the money is already earmarked, probably to some bureaucrat’s brother-in-law in a deal of a “term”. Used to be called deal of a century, but why wait for so long. And this Chena Hot Springs project, what a joke! Little does the voting public realize the only reason that this entity “still” exists is in efforts to convince the regulatory board to insist on Golden Valley Electric to run a transmission line that way, at the rate-payers’ expense, so the locals way out there can buy cheaper electricity. This Chena project is in no way shape or form viable economically unless it continues to be floated by government pork. Which it was in the beginning, as no bank or financer would budge on such a crap project. Ted gave away taxpayer money and the outfit that built the contraption ate a bunch of up-front costs associated with this joke. So this guy out at Chena gets a freebie on everybody else’s dime. Sure it is alternative energy, but too costly to accommodate an alternative label. We should take note of what the Native Alaskans realized as free power and the only reliable renewable energy source that is worth beans with no added “pork”. The natives utilized it for their fish wheel propulsion, called river power. So maybe the design and placement of giant fish-wheel like contraptions with giant energy storing flywheels can provide some relief to rising fuel costs, especially along the big rivers like the Yukon and Kuskokwin. Hey, my natural gas prices have sky-rocketed, you don’t hear me complaining except trying to find out what Ben did for the local gas company when he was on the board of hard-ones. So thanks to Ted and Don the commissions and agencies and authorities are at it again, as taxpayer abuse continues unabated and will continue until these two slobs are retired and sitting on a commission… Now we have Ted and Don to thank for the increases in natural gas here in the Anchorage bowl. See, Don forgot who his constituency base was and found himself defending Florida over Alaska. Really, Ted and Don should have said no way to Henry Hub. That is a place down south somewhere where natural gas is priced out of control because Ted said “NO” when the oil executives were supposed to testify under oath with regards to humongous like profits. See, Ted doesn’t believe in any oath except that found in the Corrupt Bastards Club’s code of misconduct. And damn my fellow men and women, our natural gas is a zillion miles away from the “HUB”. Our gas is just that, ours! I don’t need for Henry to make a bunch of money on my resources! Anyway, I think I’ll place a bid in for a chance at that 8-million dollar Denali giveaway and collect a grant like wage and do nothing for the next four years except “research” fish wheels. It is called the research years for nothing else except to put a bunch of paper like crap reports together. Then I will be guaranteed the advancement grant, to research whether or not it is possible to use the fish wheels to store energy. Then it will be time for another governor. Bottom line, I will have succeeded in proving the concept of a perpetual motion money machine. So when it is said and done, I will have a gigantic retirement fund and be able to afford golf lessons down at Coconut Grove. Maybe Don can be my caddy. Now there came a plausible fix to the high cost of energy in the bush, but like Hugo’s attempt to ease the wallet wop from “Big Oil” raping the land for resources then raping us again at the gas pumps, it fell on death ears. See, a foreign outfit wanted to build self-contained nuclear reactors with a ten-year life span, units that could easily be transported into the bush. It was a self-contained unit, so safe as far as safe can be with nuclear stuff. It was a great idea, as it would have created a bunch of hi-tech jobs in a state that would like to see at least one project work, to sustain an employment base. We can’t count “oil” employment anymore as most workers work here but live outside! But even Maggie couldn’t get the slightest hint of approval from the NRC, for allowing these mini and efficient energy units to be placed in the villages. So Hugo came to the rescue, offering subsidized fuel for the taking, no strings attached. So here we go again as Mrs. Vogue is once again becoming the saving grace of the bush by embracing the Denali Commission’s response and also offering up a pot of gold to somebody’s brother-in-law. Like the saying goes, crap in means crap out. And it seems now that the Matanuska Maid is going under, so are the lucrative sponsorships! And who is this Kikee? I thought she was a taster for the milkman. Is she the one that has been trying to win something forever? She must take lessons from people that work for… more of the same nothing. I still run into moms that are pissed that she continues to reign supreme because of something they don’t understand, when all the time there are better athletes out there that should be given a chance. So maybe, just like Maggie, maybe it is time for her retirement also. Let us face the facts, she is old! We never won the Olympics and I don’t see her winning the “gold”. She should step aside and let the young at heart take over the reigns to Olympic stardom. But it means finally getting a job! So maybe she can get a job at a commission, or an agency or an authority. Talk about “milking” the job.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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