Friday, November 2, 2007

No Religion Too

“No Religion Too”
Gloom and doom begets more….? Why is it that preachers never speak of good? It is always more of the same insane doom and gloom scenario. These guys must hate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So just how holy are they? And are they really closer to the Creator then the everyday average Jan and Joe? I do believe that many modern day pulpit puppets are instructed through a self-inflicted make-believe evil curse, because they believe that they are agents of the Creator so can get away with it. When all the time from my book of beliefs, they are just losers on the loose. A majority of them are perverts! Don’t believe me, look at what is happening to the Vatican’s “War Chest” of non-refundable penance collectables – a.k.a. donations. And look at how many pervert preachers have been caught on Dateline’s “To Catch a Predator”. Should be renamed “To Catch a Preacher”! And why would Anchorage’s favorite fakester send a bus over to the low-income neighborhoods in efforts to steal away our youth for Sunday service? Sure they temporarily shelter the kids and lure them in with the temptation that “my belly full but I hungry”, but it is only a means of blackmail brainwashing upon the innocent bystanders. Look, these kids would be better off playing outside in their own neighborhoods, under the Creator’s guidance. And isn’t “bussing” a thing of the past? The Creator needs no pulpit or stage to sell his “goods”. It is disgusting how the supposedly separation of Church and State has been jeopardized by crooks bent on loop-holing their secret manipulative agendas. Like they can get away with anything and everything, as no law allows pursuit. So it is my belief that the “religions” of today consist of an evil potion, not a love potion No.9 by any stretch of the imagination, but “hate” control chemistry. When John sang, “No Religion too”, I now know what he was getting at. Tax sheltered religions should be abolished for awhile - a prohibition of sorts - at least until it can be revisited and reinvented. Who cares what happened a zillion years ago upon a rock that is now crapped upon by pigeons? I never did understand that old time scripture stuff. Don’t hold it against me, as I wasn’t there. And I learned English in school, by Catholic nuns, so I don’t have an understanding of that gibberish that is supposed to tell the truths and consequences of life’s choices. Nor were any of our so-called theologians around back then. And it seems that everybody and their brother has a different view on what it all meant back then. Confusion say, start over! Hey, this is modern times with modern man equipped with a brain that is a little more up to date then the so-called saints of old. We are a different species! The only saint I can relate too is Mother Teresa. Maybe she should have re-written the “word”. But she was too busy feeding the hungry! And why is it that the political debates find the same focus. Religion is playing out to big an issue with the upcoming 2008 presidential race. Religion is private. It should be kept that way, separated! And if it is truly all doom and gloom, just take the campaign money and run. Oh, that’s what they all do to begin with, take the money and run – not away, but for office! Maybe there isn’t really a separation any longer. If there is, it follows that diminishing distance phenomenon – cut it in half again and again. Then again, maybe it is yet another trick used to trick us out of our security and sanctuary. See, right now the Bush administration owns the “fear factor” ticket, so campaigners need something else to focus attention upon. That is where the “religion” agenda is coming into play. Wow, I just witnessed a breach in “my” Homeland Security. See, a bunch of young kids just departed a jet plane on arrival from….Can’t giveaway where the breaches occur, as that would make me an enemy combatant and subject me to Prevo like detention. “YOU ARE BAD”. Anyway, it was no doubt a team of basketball players, as every other kid had a basketball. And when free inside the terminal, it was bouncing ball time. Now here is what gets me. How in hell did these punks get to carry regulation size basketballs aboard a plane? When I was a kid, we used to fill the….never mind. This is America and self-incrimination is no longer protected by the Constitution. Airports must be the modern day Simon and Garfunkel – a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorrah – as everybody is gossiping about everybody else. I wish the Israelites would come help us out with this fanaticism - cell phone madness I am talking about. It is almost like a religious following. Don’t see anybody smiling do you? Especially at an airport when considering one will soon be subject to the “Behavioral Experts”, the Homeland gang. And if you are “happy and you know it clap your hands”, the “red” flag” will get you an additional pat-down and some Prevo assisted questioning! “WHY ARE YOU SMILING?” To bad people didn’t pray as much as they like to talk. When is enough just that, enough already? With the cell-phone crap I am talking about. Sorry, I deviated away from the religious experience. And soon, sky-high chatter will invade your peace and quiet, as airlines are throwing around a plan to make more money, by allowing “Aircard One” to occupy your time on high. Really, I grabbed a plane the other day just to get away from the madness. Soon it will be a thing of the past. Anyway, with the thought of what the Israelites had gone through, I went on E-bay, to see if I could find a friendly Jewish business partner that would sell me a silencer. The best damn silencers come from Israel. I am not talking a bullet blast barrel silencer, but a cell phone encryption blocking gizmo. Now when you can’t find something of a desire on E-bay, there is something wrong. Hey, I once placed a fraudulent “For Sale” and the bidding began in earnest, for Geronimo’s skull. In no time flat it was up to $10-million dollars. Then I received this threatening cell phone call, demanding that I shall cease and desist from any further activity. It sounded like John Kerry, and the phone number was tracked back to D.C. and was further traced as a conference call to the White House and to several unlisted numbers from Yale University. Wow, must be the Homeland patriots at it again. Hey, by this time in history shouldn’t there have already commenced an inquiry into finding out whether or not the “Skull & Bones” club does indeed have Geronimo’s skull on ice? And how many presidents, senators, congressmen and preachers affiliate themselves with this “Secret” club. And isn’t grave digging a crime? Anyway, the lobbyist have been successful in once again changing the Constitution that makes it illegal to use cell-phone jamming devices here in the land of doom and gloom. It is based solely on the fact that “911” must be readily available. Hey, what did we do before? So in Israel, one can buy all kinds of equipment to jam another’s nuisance. Now cell phones wouldn’t be bad, except there are too many loudmouths. See, it is called competition. When one guy speaks, the other must speak up, just to carry on a conversation. So the decibel level reaches the peace and quiet diminishing return scenario. And why should I be bothered by another’s annoying conversation when I try to eat my pasta? Now, what a concept I just thought about. Maybe I should invest in a dozen cell phones. At the same time, hire a dozen homeless guys. We could all go over to Prevo’s place on Sunday and when the doom and gloom scenario kicks into high gear, the phones would start ringing, and the Creator would take over. I wonder what would happen if indeed the Creator did show up, smiling? Hey, I wake each morning thinking of “good”. It seems, no matter what hurdles are presented before me, that there is “good” out and about. Maybe we should focus our attention not towards doom and gloom, but to the “good” of it all. The Creator has given us the “goods”, to do good and for the most part, be good. But when we focus our attention towards the doom and gloom curse, and when we have assholes that believe Geronimo’s skull is a prized possession, we have tortured the Creator’s “good” will and have cursed ourselves. Hey Mr. Kerry, tell us the truth about Geronimo’s skull! I would ask George, but he has already proven that he can’t tell the truth. And, did you kiss that skull? Anyway, I finally found a guy who is willing to sell me not just a cell-phone jamming device - the size of a cigarette package and in disguise as a pack of Camels - but the electronic patent. So I can make my own. It is all for the “good”. That of my peace, my quiet and maybe my wallet, just like a politician and preacher. Hey, maybe I can get rich and buy a skull, maybe a church and not have to pay my fair share of taxes, just like a politician and just like a preacher!

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