Saturday, November 3, 2007

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound
It is only 2100-hours at the Portland airport. Don’t you just love military timing? Anyway, it was just too early for the shops at the airport to be closing up. Oh, it was Halloween. Damn, and I thought the ticket counter was turning over a new leaf, as free candy was readily available to passengers. Hey, even if something is free for only one day in an entire year from the no-frills airline industry, it is something to be jubilant about. Anyway, it is always interesting flying back to Alaska, especially in the “off” season. When you realize that for the most part all traveling north are true Alaskans! And you know it is true down-home Alaskan style “Last Frontier” spirit when the two gals in front of you are talking like real bush club type women. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. Really, their conversation talked about the best way to get jet fuel and spilled wine off of one’s clothing. Jet fuel? Alaskan’s drink a whole lot more then most, so the wine spillage was a normal course of events. What’s with the jet fuel? Both were too cute to be mechanics! But, when one looks at what women did to help build the big pipeline, anything is possible. Now alcohol consumption has always been an upper in the 49er but due to prevailing circumstances it is way up. It is due to high blood pressure, from the pressures of corruption and whether or not to send Maggie the elephant to a better entrapment - I mean encampment! The corruption stems from politicians secretly siding with a foreign entity, wherein the countrymen and countrywomen were back-stabbed, so it is really a case of terrorism. We are all waiting in vain for “who’ll be the next in line” to try persuading the citizens that getting caught on an FBI stake-out camera accepting wards of cash was for the good of the state – for the good of the voters. And as I write, trial number three was before the jury. So yet another politician may be biting the dust before long, for a long hibernation in a cell. And with Maggie, there is a growing concern that an elephant doesn’t belong in Alaska, especially when we have no lions or no tigers but plenty of bears! Now when I arrived in Anchorage, well things were a little on the hectic side. See, to stay in-tune to the rest of the world, Alaskan’s must survive a midnight special ride out of here. It is called the “Red Eye” express. And since this is the busy time of the day for Ted’s “Pirate Ship” - a.k.a. Stevens International Airport - all kinds of activity went unabated. The bars were alive and well. The food courts were cooking up a storm. The best of the best at 0100 hours, well it was the guy that buffs the floor. He wasn’t letting anybody ruin his day. See, he has this buffer that is the size of a Zamboni. I think it is the same guy that grooms the ice out at Sullivan. Now he doesn’t stop or stoop for nobody. It is full steam ahead, to buff the floor. And the amount of wax that was pouring out of his contraption was indicative that the tile grout was of poor quality. Maybe it was a buffer and grout machine all in one. I think we need a new airport. Burn it down and start over. At least we could get rid of the namesake. And while the firemen are at it, torch the Bill “Nosebleed” train depot. Better yet, how about going back to the days of old, just construct a Quonset with a wood stove. Statehood was the worst thing that ever happened to this state, as it meant representation would then control destiny. And Ted and Don and MoanaLisa, they have more important agendas then ethical representation. Like house remodeling and coconut groves and land swindling. How does one get club membership benefits in the “Corrupt Bastards Club”? Why did we let this state become the biggest “welfare” state of all? We blew it. We lost the war. Wow, no snow yet and it is November already. Has nothing to do with global warming. Don’t you just love taxi drivers? See, there is only one way from the airport to my house. At least I thought so. But this cab – equipped with a GPS – it can find at least a dozen detours. My wife keeps the outdated newspapers around. Look at this, same old thing. Murder, corrupt politicians, Maggie and “Big Oil” crying again. Damn, I can’t find my underwear. Maybe my wife was sifting through my luggage. No, she stopped looking into my privacy when she found that my will and testament was made out to my dog. Hey, that’s the reason, as TSA has decided to check things out. “During the inspection, the contents of your bag may have shifted”, reads the notice found amongst my belongings. My sweaty underwear has gone missing. Really, I didn’t have time to do a wash upon completion of a job down in the lower 48, so it was bagged. At least the bag of prunes isn’t missing! I eat a lot of prunes. Not for the healthiness aspect of the dried fruit, but in efforts to flush twice, as it is a long way to Juneau. One of the best reasons to get back to Alaska is to find the time to listen to NPR. See, up here the voice of the people has been replaced by the voice of the lobbyists. So many of us believe that the FOX has indeed raided the hen house. It used to be the peoples radio, but now it belongs to lawyers and doctors and crooks. Don’t believe me, just listen to the broadcast advertising. Firms with a zillion names attached to it means one thing! NPR used to be funded by our congressmen, when this assisted free speech was in its infancy. When transponders were installed to bring some semblance of news to outlying communities and villages – basically a radio transmission relay – it was a one and only one channel broadcast, so somehow or another it meant public radio. See, Uncle Sam was paying for it, which meant it had to be a non-profit entity only. This was OK, until public radio started broadcasting stories about “rabid skunks” invading the halls of Congress. Then the funding vanished. So now we are bombarded with seasonal “funding” drives, which drives me crazy. That is when the “lobbyists” get involved, as they can spend a bunch more money for membership then my measly token of appreciation. Money means control. And the present broadcast site is located on VECO Drive. VECO must mean “crap” in pig language. That location is suspicious in itself? See VECO was the “middle man” between “Big Oil” and the efforts to corrupt the politicians, through bribery and extortion. It all started a long, long time ago. In a nutshell, times were good “for and by” Americans when SOHIO and ARCO ran the big show here in Alaska. But we let our defenses down, and the enemy did indeed sneak in. The enemy pursued and won the major battles of the titans. And since the war machine was making headway, it then focused its attention on government. But likewise when the British sought to enslave the New Englanders, it was the use of “turncoats” that ended their desire to conquer – as the “people” revolted. It is no different up here in Alaska with the corruption scandal. British Petroleum is behind it. Bill Allen’s VECO would not take on something like this without assurance that it was not for the good of America, but for the good of the Queen. Bill and all the rest are just that, “turncoats and traitors”. They should be tried under the toughest laws available. I hope, that in the end the entire British Oil empire here in Alaska tumbles down hard, wherein all the king’s men and all the king’s horses couldn’t get Bill Allen a pardon. Hey, why do you think 15 American refinery workers were killed recently at a British Oil refinery in Texas? Because it is “WAR”. The mentality towards the workers and the environment is a no give a rat's ass attitude. It means low wages “enslave” and it is not our homeland to worry about, so just pollute. Like the battle of Trenton was played out many years ago by courageous men like George Washington, today in Alaska it is the same type of battleground scenario. But herein, the FBI has taken George’s role. Anyway, NPR is still some semblance of free speech and free press. But it has changed. And that change could only come about by control. Just the other day I listened in discuss to a broadcast about “Facial Expression” research. This is what the TSA is using! It is yet another invasion of the right to be left alone. The broadcast didn’t cover the full ramifications of this government sponsored research. That is what is wrong with public radio these days, as they must monitor just how far they can go before stepping on somebody – like a wealthy contributor. How much does British Oil give to support this broadcast? You don’t think they have control. It is a silent control, wherein if they don’t like what they hear, that check won’t show up in the mail! And we get bombarded by that talk of doom and gloom to the oil industry if the state increases the “oil tax” burden, which by standards of good conduct amounts to a pittance to what it should be in reality in the real world. Look, the price of oil is almost hitting the $100.00-barell landmark. The state is asking for a few pennies more. So just how deep is this corruption? Like mentioned beforehand, it is “WAR” – Wave Away our Resources! Of course the best thing about the price of oil? Had “Big Oil” realized a long, long time ago that the economy could absorb higher prices, it would have acted. So in essence, we ripped them off. Just another way to look at it. By the way, with Maggie heading south, what is to become of that million-dollar treadmill that was designed in efforts to get her to exercise? Did you ever get a look at this contraption? It is humongous in size. It could hold an entire football team! How about hooking it up to an electrical generator. And all the political crooks that turned on this state could spend the day, walking together and generating electricity together. Better yet, surround the mill’s moat with zoo animal feces, so if they fall or fail to produce, they really have a pleasant fall. Haven’t you all had enough with that other country’s flag hanging around the Anchorage skyline? It is time for British Petroleum to pack its bags and sail away. Remember, “This land is your land, this land is my land”, and by no stretch of the imagination Sir Chumley’s! So to date we have the following “TURNCOATS”. Bill Allen, Rick Smith, Tom Anderson, Pete Kott and the hot off the press news is just in, the jury has spoken once again. Add Vic Kohring to that ever growing list of “bad men”. Hey, if this were not war, the jury would be silent and apathetic. So the tides are turning over the “turncoats” as the juries are acting much like the Green Mountain Boys in action. Taking back what is ours. Maybe the likes of a Boston Tea Party is orchestrating our very own historical moment and movement, the Alaska Oil Party. Talk about party, it is time to pay my overdue respect to Juneau!

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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