Thursday, November 1, 2007

Active Denial

Active Denial System or Syndrome?
What is it with people that make a living by inventing WMD crap? Don’t we have enough fool-hardy lessons in history that beckons a call to peace through diplomacy? Talk about history and in accord with good science over that of destructive science. It has to do with the time capsules that humans plant in efforts to scare away aliens. With the killing fields alive and well in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with a growing insane society - like that guy that placed his baby in the micro-wave oven followed by a freezer burn as a means of discipline - aliens want nothing to do with this planet. Really, since George has been at the helm, UFO sightings are way down. Now real scientists - unemployed and walking Times Square - they have discovered that the best time capsules are pigeons. It is a genetic and generation thing. See, pigeons started out taking refuge here in America over at the ironsmith’s hangout. When the ironsmith needed business cards, thus came the printing press. Now with fancy business cards, the ironsmiths were directed to get fancier with metals as they started having a groupie audience - thus came the barrel. So the 2nd Amendment was born. At the same time, the 1st Amendment was also making advances. Bottom line, it is the only two amendments that need be. Slavery and women suffrage should never have been. And nowadays, with the 1st and the 2nd cast in concrete, we don’t need far away representation. Bottom line, we don’t need high paid political crooks bent on placing another amendment on the books for their own selfish reasons. That is where the forefathers blew it, by allowing an un-ending end to the Constitution, in the form of “Amendments”. Take this one for instance, which deals with presidential “Term Limits”. The Constitution is specific with respect to “only two terms served”. But in no way shape or form was it permissible to link two terms together. Why? Because when a president is seated, he or she has a job to do. One cannot be looking out for the good of the nation if at the same time involved in campaigning for another 4-years at the helm. It was supposed to work just the opposite, with only a single term at a time. It meant 4-years in office then time off for good behavior. Then, when retired and away from the Oval Office haunted by the Devil in the blue dress, one could spend time campaigning for that second term. It is well defined, this “Terms of Endangerment” as proposed by our forefathers. But it is confidential information that sits tucked away next to Geronimo’s skull, in secret hiding. I wish the Indian Nation would revolt and attack this secret place and get the skull back. It would be worthy of another Custard’s last stand, maybe an enactment of the battle of Little Bighorn. So pigeons have all this history in their blood lines, and these living flying time capsules are everywhere! Getting back to WMD. If you don’t know what the latter stands for, all hope is lost. Now these “can’t give peace a chance as we live off the government” welfare con artists are at it again. It is called “Active Denial Syndrome”. Just another fancy word for premeditated cooking. What a cop out, as the scientists behind this madness try to come on like this is some sort of new ordeal. That there is some good that will come out of this cooking class research. One scientist, who had the audacity to think the rest of us were dummies, went into detail that when radio waves are confiscated and directed towards a target of interest - another human - the molecules in a human body vibrate, so it causes a “discomfort”. This is nothing shy of cooking people. Just ask that little baby about this “discomfort” thing, as she was a guinea pig for this research. See, it is supposed to be controlled cooking, wherein crowds can be dispersed when Bush’s motorcade is driving around. A discipline like thing. Maybe the dad had read about this and was the first on the block to try it out! And the only means at his disposal was the kitchen micro-wave oven. It reminds me of those movies wherein cannibals would cook the Stooges in a pot of boiling water. This science invention is nothing shy of a bonafide micro-wave bombardment, wherein the water molecules begin to boil, so it basically sets afire one’s innards. It basically cooks you from the inside out! You can’t see it or hear it. And it can come from any direction. Humane? This is by far the most in-humane thing ever thought upon. If my government is funding the research for this type of weapon, then the high crimes court should be in session. Look, the nuclear race was lost a long, long time ago. And the Russians have succeeded in producing a conventional bomb, labeled the “Vacuum Bomb”. It carries with it a punch that is equal to the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima. And like already mentioned, it is conventional. It can be sold to anybody! And this new “cook me” disguised “micro-wave me to death” weapon, it is readily available - as it is nothing sophisticated. And I am sure that in short order time since unveiled, plans for building this “Active Denial” thing will be all over the Internet. It should have been recognized by our leadership that over time technology would make things simpler and simpler. That is where we are at, the crossroads of civilization bent on destruction by hi-tech torture. Too bad our present fathers didn’t look ahead and realize that “peace” is the only way out of total annihilation upon the masses. So maybe it is time to “Amend” the 2nd right, to bear arms. Maybe it should read that bearing arms is a requirement and that the military machine is a dead machine. And with that maybe I can get a break on my taxes. See, Warren Buffet is great. He figured out his tax burden in comparison to his office help, like the receptionist and switchboard operator. Egad, Warren has no tax shelters and no offshore shenanigans that fetch a relief. He does his income tax according to the existing “Code” without cheating. Wow, a real American. And guess what, he only pays 17%. Now the office help on the average, it was up to 32% - just like most Americans. So here a very rich guy is paying about half of what you and I pay out, all without shelters. When most of our Congressmen and Senators and Ken Lay wannabes, well just look at the tax shelters that Bill Frist enjoyed while Speaker of the House. So when you hear this bullshit about who is paying the most in taxes, it is a fake advertisement based on the Code! More like the criminal code. So it is an all out lie. It is supposed to work, but it is broke. Anyway, Warren was dumbfounded that such a system of inequity exists. He believes in an “Even Steven” system of taxation. And that brings up a point. If indeed our representation went forward with a consumables tax, who would pay for the “War” machine? Guess what, maybe we wouldn’t have idiots thinking up ways to cook other humans. War would be over, not “if you want it”, but because of greed, as most Americans would rather spend their hard earned money on necessities, like food, clothing and medicine. In fact, disposable income would get to the point that “citizens” could fix problems like starvation and homelessness. Let’s face it, spending $40-million dollars for a Raptor jet that is equipped with million dollar bombs is only making defense contractor CEOs rich. What good are these hi-tech birds doing for us in Iraq? Nothing. Hey, we went so mighty with the air war, well the enemy changed course. We went stupid, the enemy went simple. And why is it that only 10% of the gazillion-dollar war budget is spent on the ground troops? Because the money is wasted! If it weren’t wasted, the war in Iraq would be done with. Hey, all the president had to do was raise the pay of the troopsters and there would be ten times as many troops available for duty in the theaters of war. So many, that it would have scared the dickens out of the enemy. Numbers speak, you cannot deny that time proven fact of life. But right now, such a low number of troops speaks of failure. Thus with the waste, we strive for cannibalism, more like Sinbalism. We need more “Men” like Mr. Buffet. Now what a name for this weapon of destruction. “Active Denial”, like our government is already claiming no liability. Talk about getting hot under the collar. Now “Active Denial”, it sounds more in-tune to what Congress adheres to, especially the “denial” aspect. Maybe we should just go back to spanking. Where one can see it coming, feel it and take notice that it hurts from the outside in - from the giver. Now a paddle for our senators and congressmen, I would gladly give a donation for that kind of weapon. In fact, instead of a gavel at a swearing in ceremony, the paddle would be more appropriate. Call it the “Active Reprisal System”. And first in-line for the trial runs, how about Alaska’s Senator “Still Standing” Ted Stevens – not for getting a free facelift from Big Oil, but for pushing a lucrative “military housing” contract to a buddy which in the end cost me a surcharge on my fishing license. Ted could be followed by Congressmen Don Young – not for wasting money on “Bridges To Nowhere”, but for a fishing pole tax hidden away in some highway welfare bill. While you are at it, how about abolishing the statute of limitations and give Frank Murkoski a spanking – not for failing to get ANWR opened to oil development, but for giving away Alaska’s resources for pennies on the dollar. And don’t forget a few whacks for MoanaLisa – not for spending time looking for selfish land deals, but for campaigning that she would get money to help quell the alarming incidents of rape in Anchorage, it hasn’t happened yet! Then we can move on down to the local folk heroes, like Tom and Vic and Ben and…. Think about it, we can turn town square into a cultural place, with Saturday Night “Spankathons”. Denial no more, just pure “Active Reprisal”!

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1 comment:

  1. hi all
