Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So Anchorage John Law is about to go “pro-active”, during the upcoming special one-day event to recognize the “Handicapped”. October 17th is reserved as “Disability Mentor Day”. Thus beware, those of you who insist on parking in a “Handicap” zone, reserved for those who need a helping hand when out shopping. Remember, it doesn’t mean “handi” to support your lazy ass habits. So violators will be hanged! I don’t get it with the way people abuse little things, like preferential parking. See, it seems as though one individual can get a “blue pass” and then the entire family takes advantage of it. How many times have you witnessed this, where some young teenager drives up and grabs the easy spot, and there is no apparent human ailment whatsoever! And what qualifies one to be considered “handicapped”? It looks as though the “obesity” label is winning out. Now think about it. If an obese person gets a blue token, and other family members take advantage of it, it may lead to more obesity – the laziness syndrome. Maybe it is evolving into a hereditary thing. This earth is already cornucopia stressed, so one thing we don’t need is an “obesity” pandemic. But when our senators and congressmen refuse to take matters of crap nutrition into consideration targeting the fast food industry, we are doomed and Soylent Green is becoming a reality each and every day. Hey, talk about pro-active, I am glad to see that Tom Anderson finally became active and admitted he was a professional crook, in efforts to reduce his sentencing. That bothers me. See, all throughout the trial, even before his day in court, when we were bombarded with requests for donations from the “Tom Anderson Defense Fund”, he swore up and down that he was innocent. It cost the American taxpayers a whole bunch of money to investigate his crimes. And when the Federal police investigate a politician for crimes against constituents – similar to crimes against humanity – the crime stoppers must do everything miraculously clean, or else it looks as though “Big Brother” is on some sort of rampart revenge to “kill the messenger” and the jury goes sympathetic. So the Fed.’s did a wonderful job this time around. Do you know what kind of permission it takes for the FBI and the IRS to raid a sitting senator’s residence? Just ask Ted Stevens. Hey if a lawbreaking lawmaker doesn’t know, then it must be the president himself. Right on! Now Anderson’s cries of innocence along with a trial that kept a bunch of public servants employed, it cost the Treasury an arm and a leg. He should have just admitted guilt in the first place, it would have cost the taxpayers less waste. In fact, he should have known better in the first place, and it would have cost us a whole lot less. It would have meant more money to be wasted on “pork”. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a rebate from Uncle Sam? Ted is always giving away rebates, to his friends in the form of a “grant”. Now Anderson should be required to reimburse the government for the investigation through trial through sentencing. Likewise, Anderson should have to pay his own way in prison. Hey, the family ties with his wife - state senator Lesil McGuire and her dad, a.k.a. racehorse owner along with Bill Allen and Ted Stevens - these relationships should also be drawn into the equation in efforts to help pay for his lodging. That is my pro-active stance on political corruption. You play you pay with time and pay with loot. Double dipping, yes indeed. Oh, and according this criminal’s attorney, Tom can no longer apply for a PFD. Poor baby! And cry me a river, he can’t vote. Now Mr. Harris - house speaker out loud - he must have been infected with the Valdez crud. “Tom was a good legislator…He had the best interest of Alaskans on his moral and ethical compass.” He’s a felon! And maybe his compass wasn’t pointing true north, but due corruption. And it seems that the Anchorage Water and Wastewater department finally went pro-active. Just last spring this outfit installed a fire hydrant right smack in the middle of a guy’s driveway on Meadow Street. It is gone now, moved over a few feet, where it should have been placed in the first place. Can you imagine getting a work order from your boss in the morning that calls for installing a fire hydrant in a weird place, and not question it? Must be a union job. Now I wouldn’t question such if I were a fence guy and tasked to put a prison like fence around a double-deck house in Girdwood. Talk about pro-active, have you taken a ride by Al’s on Old SeaWeed, the flying circus bar. He has this Alaska Railroad car up on stilts. I guess in efforts to mimic the Bill “Nose Bleed” Sheffield Memorial Train Depot, right across from the U.S.S. Ted Stevens pirate ship, a.k.a. International Airport. The depot has to be a memorial, as it is dead. And Al seems to be having a little trouble getting a permit for patrons to use his very own depot. I guess Bill doesn’t like the competition. So Al installed this humongous model like choo-choo train that is taking off, like a whirly bird. Maybe to mimic the Kodiak Launch Facility, wherein no rockets are allowed - but it remains a bonafide launch facility. Does it really require over a million dollars a year just to maintain that waste of an infrastructure in the “ready” mood mode? Oh, I have pro-activated somebody’s anger without management. So I stand corrected as the KLF did indeed shoot off a rocket this year. So chalk that up as a miracle, because for the past 5 or so years that this atrocity has soaked money away – again from the U.S. Treasury – it can account for maybe 3 successful rocket liftoffs. If this is any indication of pro-active investment success, Mission Control, we have a problem! Tom, enjoy your stay!

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