Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Child Abuse

Child Abuse
So Dick “Train Wreck” Traini wants to propose a moratorium on this city’s firework ban, during the eve of New Year’s Eve. This goes to show that our local representation is also “Vick” diseased. I like my peace and quiet. And there exists a real bothersome underlying issue if he gets his own way over the ban and “bans” it. It sounded like he was having a temper tantrum, “…before I die. I promised the kids last year that I would try and get this done”. What kids? Sounds like he was talking to his fan club. Maybe it is his only “constituency”. Are not there more pressing issues before us to address then to make noise for more noise? But again, there is a real reason why this “proposal to amend” should not be tolerated. First, there is enough noise with gunshots from gangs gone wild in and around Anchorage. I hear it almost every Saturday night, and I live in one of the oldest and quietest subdivisions in the Anchorage proper. Fireworks allowed unabated - even for a few hours once a year - would become an abusive process here in Anchorage. Why, just look at the pet dog population. Just talk to a dog owner and you’ll realize that blowing off these noisemakers is torture. To both the animals and the owners alike. Loud noise is a natural deterrent and stresses out most animals. And now that we have a healthy bear population right here in our backyards, what effect will more “midnight” noise have on the resting peacefully cycle. See, it could wake a bear out of hibernation. That in itself could be dangerous. Bears are now known to den right up at the hillside and Campbell tract facility area, right behind the science center. A wayward wandering bear may have to be put down if it interferes with the festivities. And that would definitely make Rick take the retirement package. Hey, he only gets a break in the winter, so let him enjoy the peace and quiet. Back to dogs. I have been living in Anchorage for some time now. Even before Joe Hazzlewood did dish duty at Bean’s Café. Which means I have raised more then enough canines, as pets. But low and behold, that one dreaded day was New Year’s Eve, when the commotion of breaking the law sent the lawmen a hiding. Now most would say that it is so, so Red, White and Blue to make noise and watch the spectacular aerial displays from fireworks. That is why one main event suffices such desires and addiction. Wherein the works are blown towards Don’s failed wood chip export facility - it is more then enough. It minimizes the noise out and away from this city populated with dogs. Hey, we take our canines seriously. Can you imagine if we gave the same level of respect to politicians as we do our pets? Only if we could, but there is a division of responsibility and loyalty here. Just take a walk down 4th Avenue. You don’t see a statue of an assemblymen or senator or congressmen, but of Balto. This dog represents our loyalty towards the canines. Our dogs, thou best of friends. So more noise is in no way shape or form a way to treat “friends”. When a dog is subject to the noise of adults gone wild with dynamite, dogs suffer. And when dogs suffer, little children also suffer, as they can’t understand why Fiddo is crapping and peeing all over the place and is afraid to go outside - out to its natural environment. It can cause “kids” to have “child abuse” nightmares. Sure it is abuse, on the dogs and children alike, as adults have control over it. So before you get too carried away with this Dick, it needs to be studied, by experts in the field of canine psychology. And then maybe they can use the same research to study just what the heck has made you go crazy and affected by the “Vick” disease. Besides “child abuse”, it is “canine abuse”. Hey, while you are at it, how about a midnight ban on the ban that bans the use of marijuana!

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