Wednesday, October 10, 2007

PFD - Rx Relief

PFD – Prescriptions Finally Delivered
Did you see those lines over at the Best Buy the other day, during PFD rendezvous week? Every place was crowded. It really sucked, as even the eateries were jammed, especially on Sunday morning. Now with only a handful of good breakfast outhouses, waiting 2-hours for a cholesterol bomb is not a pleasant way to spend this day of rest. So, it was breakfast at home. Of course I had to make a trip over to Freddy’s and it looked as though this place was also under siege and feeling the brunt of welfare checks gone wild. It is purely a welfare giveaway. We would be better off without it. But without a viable infrastructure of sustainability, businesses would go under were it not for this yearly gold rush. In most states, it is Christmas that gets a business through the lean times. Up here it is like another Christmas season. So it is a double whammy. Everybody gets in on the action, even the dope dealers. Just look at the back alley crime statistics once the check is in the mail! So here I was at Fred’s and hopefully there was something left on the shelves. But then I realized what all the commotion was that warranted such a crowd. No it wasn’t to purchase an even bigger flat-screen or other electronic gizmo. In fact the store wasn’t very crowded, except for the DRUG STORE. See, Medicare and Medicaid continues to be a taxpayer rip-off. It has been that way since conception and we need to socialize medicine for those over 50-years of age. Think about it, after the golden goose, free medical. When we get up there in age, what was not a chore may become a fact of confusion, like calculating this and that. The fraud artists rely on the confusion factor, to shortchange us all. If you don’t believe me, look at the fines that have been levied against the major health care providers over the years. It is in the millions, but they rake in billions on the crime spree, so it continues unabated. So it was sad to see people having to spend that PFD for drugs. For many, that yearly “extra” is enough to purchase a year’s supply of snake oil. Too bad we weren’t all friends with Bill Allen, as he liked to pass drugs out, to his dearly beloved cohorts in crime. And our congressmen and senators must be in cahoots with the Medicare thieves, as they have let it go on and on and on. It is sickening to the point that I need some medication. Did you get a look at that monstrosity that was built in Barrow, to study ice that is disappearing? What gets me is the fact that the building is owned by a private entity. But the U.S. taxpayers paid for it! There is something wrong with this giveaway program. Talk about welfare. Really, if this state’s corrupt representatives feel it necessary to build to suit, how came it doesn’t remain an asset of the Federal government? Mine! Better yet, of the people and for the people. See, build to suit then sell it. Don’t just give it away. But this kind of incompetence and no confidence doesn’t surprise me anymore. That is why term limits is so desperately needed. See, these crooks have forgot what it is like to work for an hourly wage. They suck us dry then buy popularity, all at our expense. This is criminal. TED and DON and LISA, read my lips, it is my hard earned money. My hands ache after a day's work, as I am still turning wrenches at 50-plus. I am black and blue all over. My fingernails are black from grease, and I am an educated person, college graduate. That monstrosity you built for friends by stealing money away from hard working Americans is no little sum, it is a 19-million dollar heist! So answer me this, how come somebody else has ownership? You guys and gal suck. You have no idea what it is like to be a true-grit American. You went lost in the cesspool of corruption. I have paid for your shenanigans over and over again. And now that my son and daughter, as are America’s sons and daughters grown, they don’t seem to understand why this country has people like your kind in powerful positions. Maybe it is because they still understand the kindergarten code, which you have no doubt lost touch with. Not due to age, but selective unreasonableness. It is an embarrassment and frustrating when I try to explain to my kids why the likes of your breed are not yet behind bars. You tell them why! And as I travel around this country, it is no longer a privilege to tell people that I live in Alaska. No longer is it a subject matter of interest due this far away land of wilderness, as the topic of corruption takes center stage. Everybody knows about Ted and Don. Tomorrow, it is back to work. I get to clean turbine blades that are as sharp as a hunter’s knife, my hands will never be the same for awhile, even with all of the protection that is required. Wounded I will suffer. Bottom line, for this country it will be a long, long time before it gains a respectable place in the world – as we have been also wounded. And how come you guys can’t get it right with Medicare and Medicaid? Oh, I forgot. Because Bill Frist is your friend. And friends are more important then upholding the Constitution. And HMO “War Chest” refueling satisfies your addiction. You have turned this almighty American Dream guarantee into a constipated nightmare. Please, take your Federal retirement and all the improper investments and what is left in your “War Chest” from illegal campaigning and vacate this once great land. Go to Iraq. Maybe you can buy trust with the “BlackWater” gang, and then you can take ownership of the “Killing” fields and see what it is like to feel the pain and suffering of other humans. America, once a great nation. Now though, diseased by your corrupt ways and means. It is a sin. And I am not the sinner. Your penance for what you have done to ruin this country could take decades, maybe eons to amend. By the way, did you have to use your PFD for drugs? I doubt it, as nothing could cure your dysfunctional behavior. PFD, maybe it really stands for Political Fascism Disease, as you seem to embrace the glorification of war. I would like to say God bless you, but that would be blasphemy. Even God would laugh at such. And even though we are to “forgive those who trespass against us”, there is a limit to forgiveness. Don, you lied. As you did call Nancy Pelossi a “rabid skunk” on the NPR radio broadcast sometime back in 2006, while you were here in Anchorage. That outburst should have been grounds for divorce away from representing this country – you haven’t. Ted, you were wrong to not let the oil company executives testify under oath. They lied right to your face. You knew it and you allowed it. You should have forfeited your position and resigned to something you are capable of doing – like macramé. Lisa, you were wrong to take that free seat from your daddy. Everything that you three work towards goes against the grain of American spirit. But I forgot, crooks have no conscious, except to befriend other crooks! So what you do day in and day out is all you know how to do, and you do it well. But with that, America has suffered. I bet you are all laughing. Because you also do that all so well at the expense of righteousness! Thank You NOT Jokermen. Thank You NOT Jokerwoman! Mark Twain cannot be resting in peace, anymore.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock PressContact: or or

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