Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Inherently Illogical

Inherently Illogical
“Inherently Illogical” is what convicted conspirator Pete Kott’s lawyer called the jury’s verdict. Kott, pack your bags and head to the prison farm. It’s time to pick “spuds”. Look at Tom Anderson, he is admitting his role in allowing this state to become the, “Corrupt Bastards” state. And don’t you get it? He was by far the least damaging of politically appointed crooks. He was the “little fish” petty thief, he’s busted! Why are you wasting the taxpayers’ money trying more lullaby “I’m innocent” bull-crap? We are going to have to feed you and clothe you while in prison, so give it up. With all of your free time while still free before sentencing, sit down and calculate just how much you will cost us in the end? You are a crook, so try not to be a crooked crook, by stalling the process of “time”. I am tired of seeing your ugly mug-shot in the Daily Stool. In fact, why not post a picture of your lawyer, so we can see what he looks like in public. I like avoiding the diseased! You know what, you crooked corrupt bastards should have known all along that if you make trouble, this state doesn’t have the expertise to bail you free. See, take U.S. Senator Ted for instance. He is in D.C., so he has available to him topnotch defense attorneys, like Brendan Sullivan. That’s the guy who came on board to defend U.S.M.C. Colonel Oliver North, during Ronald Reagan’s Iran Contra fiasco. That is when we armed Iran. But Sullivan and his gang, their expertise is “presidential” pardon applications, so even if you could afford to waste the likes of a Ted Stevens’ “War Chest” - now misappropriated as a “Defense Fund” - your day in court is a done deal. A “presidential” pardon is well, forget it in your case. The jury spoke. The gavel fell, and soon the paddle will arose your ass hairs. And get this about Vic Kohring. His defense team wanted the upcoming trial moved out of Alaska, to Seattle. For those outsiders that may be reading this, Alaska was once upon a time called the “Last Frontier”. Crooks, in the disguise of “Frontiersmen” arrived on the scene and turned it into the “Corrupt Bastards” state. They even named a club in their honor, with caps and coats and goon gowns that advertised, CBC - a.k.a. “Corrupt Bastards Club”. They went so blind-sided with corruption and oil company type “Deliverance”, it backfired on them. So now we have at last count the following. A sitting U.S. Senator whose house was raided by the FBI and IRS. A sitting U.S. Congressmen that is under all kinds of ethics violations and to date has retained legal advice at the cost of $250,000 dollars. A sitting U.S. Senator that dabbles in real-estate instead of real issues. And at least 5-state elected politicians under FBI surveillance and indictments waiting in the wings. So Elise, don’t try to compare this state of affairs with that of New Jersey. So what, the mayor there went on a joy ride for a few days. It could have been caused by traffic. And where has Ben been? And remember one thing of importance that makes Alaska above and beyond all other states in the category of corruption. “Big Oil” is behind it all! Anyway, with Kohring’s attempt to forfeit Alaska down the drain for Seattle, it was based on the fair trial doctrine. Didn’t he represent the people of Alaska at one time in his career? Can’t we now represent him, as jurors? Anyhow, his defense lawyers seem to want a place wherein only “imbeciles” are allowed as part of the jury pool. Maybe that is why Ben is holding out, trying to exhaust the pool beyond “imbeciles”. Doesn’t that mean it would then be onto “politicians”? Anyway, that imbecile label means individuals that have no idea what is going on around them. We learn from day one, to be observant. And this is the age of “1st Amendment” at your doorstep, on your I-Pod, displayed on every billboard and soon to be carried by robotic moths. The moths are designed to fly in the air into your ear and whisper things of importance – like whom to vote for. So one cannot help to not know what is going on! Maybe we need to hurry along our space program, so aliens can be included in the “pool”. Now according to the judge, “To put it bluntly, a surprising number of prospective jurors are just not interested in, and do not follow, local news…Many don’t even read local newspapers. Many do not watch the local news on television.” The bottom line, when you live in Alaska - especially here in the “big city” of Anchorage - you are more aware of your surroundings and become very accustomed to who may be a crook. Why, just look at the latest crime statistics. This state is way above the national average for all types of crimes against fellow men and women. Is this America? If I were a tourist, I would cancel that reservation! Seems like we have vacated that “State of the Union” label and dropped back to “Territorial” status. Maybe we should. So one doesn’t have to read or watch out to what is going on everywhere else, and we can pay attention to just “us” and our own welfare well-being. Bottom-line, this “corruption disease” is all around us. Of course it can’t be a fair trail for the crooks, but they did it to themselves and now they cry wolf. I wish Wayne was still operating the “Hillside” vigilante, maybe it could have grown big and popular enough to “police” our representatives. Territorial status sounds better all the time! Wow, think about it. We then could also police “Big Oil” and rape upon our resources would be a thing of the past. And “Big Oil” would then not be able to ever again plant that “seed” of corruption that sorry enough infiltrated our very own system of governance. We paid for it then, we pay for it now. And everybody is still crying “Ben”!
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