Monday, October 22, 2007

Cesspool Runith Over

Cesspool Runith Over
I like to travel outside of Alaska, as it is interesting to witness “other” Americans practicing vigilante like dedication in efforts to uphold law and order. And recently I read where some concerned citizens had turned in their neighbors - for wasting water. There is a drought in the south land! And then there came the story about the off-duty policeman who called the on-duty men and women in uniform, because a neighbor was shouting out profanities, which is a misdemeanor in some states. Really, the arrest came about from what was considered a “public nuisance”, for disturbing the peace when this lady’s toilet overflowed! Now I heard it went “plugged” from a dump that held an image of John Thune. Called a “pareidolia”, for an image in natural phenomena. Like the “Nun Bun”, or “Jesus Tortilla” or the “Pope Tart”. What is with this guy Thune? Talk about an imposter. See, I take pleasure in ridiculing “other” states’ senators and congressmen when I travel, following that sentiment that it goes with the territory. Hey, Mark Twain made me do it! Honestly, it became a habit while living in the 49er, as political corruption is rampart up Alaska way - to the point it is allowing the rewriting of the book on “How To Screw the American Citizen’s Vote”. A majority of Alaska’s representatives are under surveillance by the FBI, for corruption. In fact, Alaska’s political clout has its very own club, called the “Corrupt Bastards”. Just like the Skull’n Bones, with hats, shirts and jackets with the logo, “CBC”. Rumor has it that Geronimo’s skull, in possession by John Kerry’s and George Bush’s own corrupt club - the Skulls - it will soon get another prized piece, Dick Cheney’s “dick”. So I pick on Mr. Thune based on the fact that he is probably on the same senate page as Ted Stevens with respect to views and opinions. I believe that page reads, “Intentionally Left Blank”. Talk about being watched, Ted’s house was raided by the FBI and IRS! Anyway my victim John was having a one-on-one with some news’ hour pundit and spun it all out of control. You could see it in his smirk that he knew too much on the subject of “WWIII, George’s Invasion of Iran”. Wait a darn minute, didn’t we arm Iran? Why is it that our representatives hide things of “national security” from us? It is our security, so we should know just what the hell they are up too behind closed doors. Most likely the secrecy and “All Americans Left Behind” is based on the fact that if the plan fails, there is no one to place blame upon. Politicians have made it clear and convincing that responsibility is somebody else’s responsibility. Matter of fact during Thune’s interview, he looked and acted like Castor Troy. From “Face Off”. In fact, it looked as if Thune’s face was authentic but it was suspect that it was Rick Santorum behind that “smirk”. Wow, cloning or face swapping, it is scary. There’s another political gem, Rick Santorum. There must be a lot of tired politicians, as there is no way in hell they can sleep peacefully at night, not when kids are dying in Afghanistan and in Iraq and in America. Really, since the opium harvest is back up and running wild in Afghanistan – it was banned before our occupation – drug related deaths and rapes are skyrocketing, especially in Alaska. Warning to tourists heading to the “Corrupt Bastards” state, bring a gun! So it makes me sick when guys like Thune even hint that Iran is in the crosshairs. Our ways and means seems to now follow that “Richie Rich” kid syndrome, wherein nothing is ever done for the good, but for selfish pity and selfish greed. Talk about a water shortage. I recently spoke with an individual “troop” who just finished his duty to keep secret the rest of the story. He mentioned that one of the biggest logistics problems in Afghanistan and Iraq is getting bottled water to the bases, sub-bases, and everywhere else the troops maintain vigilance. That puzzled me, as working at an Air Force facility in Anchorage I did gain an understanding that our military machine is always prepared. See, the battalion engineers knew that someday we may be engaged in warfare, in the desert. So they designed and built portable potable water purifying equipment. And they can set a well deep down in no time flat, anywhere in the world. Water is readily available, as a first priority just like a landing strip. So getting water for the troops was considered a done deal wherever George thought it was necessary to exercise Barbaricracy. But that wasn’t good enough in today’s theater, as water can make money. And get this, further research found that the war has become nothing more then a “whore like” money Now granted the troops need to be refreshed. But it goes to show that the multi-country war has become just a money maker, not just for the HailBurtons! What is with all these living lying commercials paid for by the “Big Oil” companies? It is scary, as “Big Oil” doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how they screw us more and more, not only at the gas pump, but what is up with the price of cereal? Please sing along, “From the farmlands, to the store shelves, with a price tag full of greed.” Anyway, oil today is running at $90 dollars. This country is running on empty. Ethics I am talking about. Without ethics, politicians don’t have to give a dam about nothing, except selfishness. They don’t even give a damn about our kids getting blown to smithereens. I was at the National Institute of Health not too long ago. Right across the street from the Bethesda Navel Hospital. It was jammed packed, with medical personnel here, there and everywhere. At the hotel just down from the hospital frequented by Navy men and women, I couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on nurses and doctors engrossed with disgusting talk over the injured kids. How many legs and arms have been lost? Try wiping your ass without the help of your arms, it means no hands! Then maybe the point of contention will sink in. So I make a proposition. Even though Constitutional term limits does indeed restrict Bush’s terms of endangerment, he should be kept in office until such time he fixes his own mess. Just cancel the 08 “Capathon” that has placed Hillary and Bama center stage. Hey, the cesspool is full. And maybe George will enjoy his detention to the point that he will engage and listen to Colin Powell, and an exit strategy will help our kids find their way home. Then at least Bush would have one thing that no other president can claim privilege upon, the longest yard! Detention, what a concept for all the “Corrupt Bastards”. Actually, how about a cesspool dunking, with proceeds going to charity to retrieve something of sacred importance! Now answer me this. Does that Skull and Bones club down Yale way really have “Geronimo’s” head on ice? How sick. It needs to be returned to its rightful owner, just like Afghanistan and Iraq and AMERICA.

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