Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just Shut Up!

Just Shut Up!
What is up with the referee that monitors the “just answer thy question” time allotment during these presidential wannabe debates? Oh, they are employed by FOX, so IQ missing is a prerequisite as the time keeper. And just how many debates are necessary? Instead of debates, how about a psychological evaluation test, sometimes called a “fit for duty” test. See, an employer cannot demand its employees to subject themselves to the “psycho” possibility, as it is against the law. Because psychoanalysis is based on “to lie or not to lie”, so it approaches a polygraph indictment. Remember, they tried it on Abe, with the cherry tree. Yet the “fit” test is allowed. But it is in disguise just that, a “psycho” test evaluator by a different name. So if the common worker is not immune from such persecution, I say let the candidates meet their match maker. That is all a psychologist is in reality, somebody that tries to match a politician’s behavior with some sense of ethics. It never passes the muster, as politicians are prone to a behavioral trait in line with that of Charles Manson – Helter Skelter relief! I feel sorry for some of these republicans that run on “gotta beat the bitch” agenda. Hillary I am talking about. If for one iota you don’t think that each and every GOP wannabe when behind closed doors doesn’t refer to her goddess as the you know what, you also are IQ lacking. Guys running for the top dog position must cringe when running against the opposite sex. See for guys, just like a male dog that has to lift, it becomes a balancing act. Whereas with female dogs, it means the squat upon you, which by right is never unbalanced. Actually, I would like to see Barb Bush run for the presidency. Talk about marking territory! We had the same thing make for laughter up here in Alaska, during the last gubernatorial debates, for governor. Frank the incumbent thought he had the re-election in the bag, as “Big Oil” had him by the “you know what it hurts”. Then the “Sad eyed lady of the low land” came along. Sara, “So easy to look at, so hard to define” unseated the saggy baggy elephant man. In reality, Frank lost the seat because his wife was always complaining that the bathrooms in private jets were just too damn small. That is when the voters realized we didn’t have a governor but a golfer. Maybe more like a gopher, with respect to “Big Oil”, has he designed enough escape away from taxation loopholes in the state’s oil and gas tax reform that it looks just like the old “Hippie Homestead Act” - claim it and it’s all yours. Hey, wasn’t Frank interviewed by the FBI? Oh, it was a wire tap. Get this. The FBI has hot-wired about a dozen Alaska state senators and also this state’s congressional delegates, Senator Ted and Congressman Don. It was all made possible by the “Patriot Act”. The same controversial act that the jerks voted on! They got caught in their own web! So anyway, it seems as though the wannabe make believers - GOP presidential prospects - take pleasure in making fun of Woodstock. Now anybody that fails to see the importance of this historic gathering, it scares me. One may not be all accepting to a free and open society, but this event was the greatest exercise of our 1st Amendment Right! Why? Because it involved the masses. So with due respect to those potentials that ridicule this out on the farm and field exercise in love, libido and the pursuit of sex, I would rather cast my vote for a slug. In fact during a most recent debacle debate, Madman McCain said something to the effect that funding for a Woodstock museum was preposterous, something Hillary voted for. I bet if somebody approached John with an interest to build a hostage museum, he would be applying the secret pork formula for his own statue. OK John, you were held hostage by the enemy during the Vietnam War, we were also held hostage back here in America - by corrupt politicians who gave us lie after lie after lie about the war efforts. As a matter of fact, we are held hostage again, and you are part of that corrupt political machine that continues to lie and cheat, with respect to what is really going on in Afghanistan and Iraq. So McCain, shut up about being tied up! These misfit candidates even have the audacity to make fun of Aerosmith concerts. Hey guys, this is AMERICA! To top a most recent debate off, there came a barrage of commingled comments like all the “Old Hippies” would appreciate an American Health Plan, because they would love the free drugs. Look idiots, we don’t need Viagra! And what is with that background laughing from the audience? It sounds so fake like prompted. Oh, that’s because Sean Hannity is acting like an IQ missing cheer leader, egging on the imposter American audience. Now here is a guy that I feel really sorry about. He is an insult to the Irish. Now just the other day, I was watching a Woodstock review. Those were such good old days. It was an exercise in the Constitution’s basic and dedicated principles. Maybe that is what is wrong with the republican presidential candidates, constipation. McCain always looks stuck up. Romney, well? And what is with this Fred Thompson make believe in reality a weirdo? Anyway, during such debates a question is asked. It is the same set of questions that have been asked for the last 10 elections. Like I mentioned beforehand, Congressional constipation! Then the EDFM – Explosive Diarrhea From Mouth – begins to compete with the clock. Ding, these idiots keep rambling on and on and on. See, I am not going to vote for an idiot that doesn’t understand and follow Simple Simon rules and regulations. Then again, maybe they are deaf, possibly selective hearing and will never hear a mom crying over her dead son’s military casket returning home. What we need at these debates is one of those Catholic nuns, with that metal edged ruler. Hey, out of time and out of line? Whack! So it goes to show one thing in common, that psycho evaluations should be a requirement, not just a consideration. Now the same thing happens during the Democracy debates. Exception, John Kucinich. This guy is pretty cool and campaigning on a peace and justice agenda. Much better then a “please no justice” campaign! So American voter, the test before us is not a complicated choice. We just need honesty and simplicity back as the agenda. The presidency has been tarnished, not by George, as he was just a puppet for the likes of Don “I like to shake Saddam’s hand” Rumsfeld, Dick “Dead Heart Beat” Cheney, Paul “Pre-emptive Strike I Like” Wolforitz and PNAC’s putrid punks. Cheney is the holdout of the PNAC leftist gorillas that believe that you cannot give peace a chance or “Imagine” that “war is over if you want it”. Anyway, I cast my presidential vote to Arnold. See, he has figured out a way to bring the troops home. His state is on fire, again. So he is calling off the National Guard troops assigned to watch the border. With that, the gap in Michael “Not My Shirt-off to Katrina Refugees” Chertoff’s coverage will guarantee that troop deployment is in the works. Why? The border is a more volatile subject then the war itself, especially for the presidential debates. Hey, what a concept I just thought about. America is a republic, right? And we live in a democracy, right again. So why is it that such entities like the GOP and DNC can claim ownership of the popular parties and time after time garnish away the popular and unpopular vote - when both parties are in contempt of corrupting this once great country and society? How about a name recognition change? For the Republicans, the “Constipated” and for the Democrats, “Runs”, and while we are at it, “Hemorrhoids” should suffice for the PNAC and for the independents, Woody! Now getting back to Woodstock and Alaska’s Hippie Homestead Act and also reminiscing when it was legal to grow and smoke marijuana in the 49er. Honestly, I feel sorry for a politician that never let loose and had a hit. And for a wannabe politician to use the debate forum to make laughter at something of national interest, like Woodstock, herein laughter is not the best medicine. We indeed need a national health plan, so constipational agendas can be challenged. And for the true “freedom” generation, maybe a good hit, of fresh air and more!

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