Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fishing Pole TAX

Fishing Pole TAX
It is a well established fact that gangs of “real” Americans and a few Alaskans have taken a fancy to pick on Congressman Don “Billy Goat” Young, but maybe it is time to give this guy a break. See, he must be slick. Now this personal opinion has nothing to do with that “sealed” appropriations bill that sat on his desk yet “mysteriously” was tweaked to include an “unasked for” $10-million dollar gift. For those not in the know, it was money for a Coconut Grove. Except, coconuts don’t grow where the landscape has been turned into the back 9! And such an alteration could have been caused by an office “ghost” as the Rayburn HOB complex where Don hangs out is very close to “KY Jelly” Street where Don also hangs out. Talk about “slick”! This now famous street is supposedly where disenfranchising the voters through redistricting came to be. Some guy named Tom Delay was the culprit behind this “Ban the Constitution” for everybody but “I” crap. For some reason or another, whenever I get writing about Don, Tom enters the picture, like they have something in common commotion. Anyway, such a slickness sickness can do better then that – better then Don’s almost best “Nowhere” bridges and “Nutcase” follies I am talking about. So why in hell would a House Bill contain a secret “tax” on fishing poles? H.R.3 – the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – contains a damn fishing pole tax! I would guess to help pay for crap, like bridges to Nowhere and a coconut grove! Hey, Alaska got the “bridge” money regardless of what every sane American thinks, believe me. That is why Bill “Nose Bleed” Sheffield hosted the Don Young and Bill Allen “Pork the Hard Working Americans” snob bash this year. Bill “Nose Bleed” is the Port Director and most likely has an interest in the Bridge Authority. But before the first bridge to nowhere is erected, we Alaskans are all waiting patiently for the Navy to deliver the “high-speed” amphibious assault passenger ferry. A ridiculous gift, from the Billy Goat. Did you know that the Anchorage Swat Team was put on alert for Don’s pig sty event? The powers-to-be thought that maybe things were to get a little out of hand, in light of all the corruption attention here in Alaska. And then Don had the audacity to send the leftovers down to the Town Square, so the peasants could feast. But only after the grub was heated up on a “VECO” grill! Maybe it is a sickness over slickness. Anyway, Sec.5213 of H.R.3 allows Don to collect an excise tax on sport fishing poles in the amount of 10% on the retail value. And this is no joke. This is how our representatives screw us from the left to the right and topside to bottoms up. Basically, in every “bend over” position they can think of, then some. Once elected, they take up residence in some far away place and have one and only one agenda and priority, screw Americans more and some more. That is why “Term Limits” is a long overdue action of importance. One cannot get so cozy with the system, as it has for eons lead to shenanigans which leads to corruption with only one way out, more corruption. And John Law is now paying attention. Finally, maybe we will get some of our money’s worth with the corruption probes going on here in Alaska. Now nobody in their right mind notices crap like a “fishing pole tax”, as it is buried deep down in the annals of cesspool sleazebag legislation. I would bet that there is also a tax on toothbrushes somewhere in the orifice legislation. Hey, don’t believe me, just try to understand your phone bill. It is all a ways and means to collect more money for scoundrel favoritism. It is in no way shape or form a legitimate “Taxation” as outlined by the forefathers of this country. But like mentioned before, the “Constitution” has been crapped upon by Don and company. Congress needs a Roto-Rooter job. Our system of legislation has become a backed-up cesspool of crap on top of crap. I learned to use the “crap” word from my U.K. friends. Talk about “slick”. That is what “phthalates” are all about. It is an additive in plastics, to make it slick and flexible. It is found in nipples and baby tooth soothing rings and yes, dildos. It is also known to cause cancer, liver disease and reproductive defects. But everybody was wrong with this adverse health assessment, as one lonely university here in America said it wasn’t a problem. I wonder who paid for that research? Anyway, even though it was not really safe, legislation was introduced into the House and Senate to amend the Child, Worker, Consumer Safe Chemicals Act. Now get this, it was to empower the EPA to police the levels of this “phthalate” crap in kids toys. The EPA, held responsible to look after our health? Not during Bush’s terms of endangerment! But nothing ever came to be in efforts to protect our little kids. Now get this. All proposed Congressional bills must get either a yay or nay within two years or it is cleared from the books! It disappears, for good. So that is why our representatives go into hiding. No roll call, no voting and no bill. In this case, one that was supposed to protect our babies. Dysfunctional? There comes a point in time wherein we must take matters into our own hands. I hope we start seeing more and more of “vigilante” type uproars. And plastic containing this pathetic “phthalates” from the Wal-Mart subsidized China is causing uproar in California. The Terminator is about to “terminate”. Really, Arnold is taking matters upon himself to do what our corrupt leadership has failed or refused to do – protect our kids. Hey, we need to protect these kids as they need to grow up healthy in efforts to continue fighting the Iraq blunder! It is now estimated that the earliest troop retreat date from that theater is 2037. Anyway, for the “Beach Boy” state, this is a mini-coup secession. Great I say. I always wondered what conditions allow states’ rights to supersede that of the Fed.’s? See, here in Alaska we enjoy our very own “Constitution”. It is my belief that the 49th state is jurisdictional above and beyond the crap that comes out of Washington – especially when Don gets attacked by a “rabid skunk”. Maybe California should secede from the Union. So should Alaska. So should….See, the House and Senate has become so corrupt, it has no retreat. Just like the Iraq War, no exit strategy. So by succession, there will no longer be a need for representation outside the local governance. So people can once again gain control of destiny. Wouldn’t that confuse the terrorists, if all of a sudden targets were no longer targets of interest? It is the “government” that the terrorists want to destroy, not the middle class here in America. Our own government is doing a good job of destroying the latter on its own, so the terrorists just sit back and laugh. Why isn’t there one damn Senate or House member speaking up when oil is now at $87.43 a barrel? See, the political system has become constipated. It also suffers from ED, both explosive diarrhea and erectile dysfunction. I believe feminism itch is also part of the problem. So the choice Americans have is simple. Pill the ailment away - which is just a temporary reprieve - or get rid of the disease altogether. The latter is the only way forward. And that is where secession plays an important role in righting this wrong way dead-end political “heroin” addiction that has corrupted the Union’s Constitution. Secession, wow, what a word, what a concept, hopefully someday soon a reality. Go get them Arnold! Arnold, rings a bell. That’s right, Benedict Arnold. Seems all of our Congressional bandits have taken a lesson from Mr. Benedict. It is called “TRAITOR”! Secession, our only hope.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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1 comment:

  1. I don't know where you got your information regarding the SWAT team being put on 'alert' for this event, but that is not correct.
