Sunday, September 30, 2007

Jake the Fake 101

Jake the Fake 101 – A Vote of NO Confidence!
So Jake Metcalf is throwing in a bid to unseat Congressman Don “NOT SO” Young anymore. I guess Jake feels it is time to do something productive and worthwhile after all these years of nothing. Really, being the high-paid attorney for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers could not have been a hard and demanding job. It is the membership that does all the “hard” work. See, Jake and the rest of the executive scoundrels that take up residency at the fancy office building off Denali Street - built by membership money - have most likely forgotten what it is like to get their hands dirty. Inclement weather and required to climb a light pole? Forget it! And it is the membership that continues to work their “you know what off” in efforts to pay union dues so Jake can travel around the country and polish his political agenda and further his selfish political aspirations. Bottom-line, Jake is a Fake. And to cast a vote for this scoundrel will only increase the “class system” here in Alaska. If you don’t believe there is a “class” all by itself here in Alaska, read on. First and foremost, did Jake the Fake - while a member of the Anchorage School Board - ever come forward and on record to voice support for the school teachers when they wanted a pay raise and the A.E.A. union threatened to “strike” for the cause? Look at it this way. Had Jake the Fake informed the state’s legislature, informed the community and Cheerleader Carol that the I.B.E.W was about to picket and hold concerted effort strikes in a show of respect and support, the teachers would have received a contract they could smile about. Now though, the teachers must resort to accepting bribes in the form of “bonuses”, just to pay for energy bill increases. It should have been just like the I.B.E.W contracts that Jake bargains for on behalf of his “For Members Only” club. And look at the clout that the locals could have had in efforts to support the gifted talents and timeless dedication that teaches possess to chose a career like teaching, all for our children. Anchorage’s highest paid workers at ML&P are I.B.E.W. members. They are hard workers no doubt. The second highest paid workers belong to the I.B.E.W and under contract with Chugach Electric Association. I could go on, but this should rest the point of contention with respect to influence. So what is my gripe besides the fact that Jake – as a leader affiliated with the strongest union in Alaska and a bonafide school board executive – could have but didn’t go out of his way to assist the teachers in getting a fair share of the oil revenue pie? That is it in a nutshell, for the silence of the lame. See, Jake the Fake didn’t have to go overboard. It meant going a little out of his ways and means to help “other” brothers and sisters in need of a pay increase. But it would or could have been detrimental to his livelihood and political career. See, the pie only has so many pieces to go around. Had the teachers been given a pay raise, that would have curtailed other state spending, as salary increases for the dedicated that teach is a big-ticket item. Maybe, just maybe, some construction projects would have to be put on hold. Forever that is, as salaries are not a one-time burden. That would in effect hurt the rank and file membership of the craft trades, like electricians and painters. It would have meant less dues flowing into the coffers of the I.B.E.W. But what can be expected of such a powerful organization that basis its power and survival upon a “class system”. Remember, this is all Jake the Fake is accustomed too, so breaking the mold at this stage in his life cycle to leave the private sector for a chance at representing you would in essence require a miracle change – like a lobotomy! It is not going to happen! We get set in our ways. Don’t let this guy in! Secondly, the class system is for real. And if – God forbid – Jake was able to pull ahead of a dedicated Democrat named Diane and unseat Don, then prepare yourself for a “class system” of governance. Now I am sure that when Jake the Fake reads this, he will call it baloney and try to explain why he could not support the teachers. I can hear it now. Jake the Fake will tell you that a strike sanctioned by the I.B.E.W. in efforts to help the teachers was illegal. See, most electric utilities under a binding union contract have a “no strike” clause stipulation. I can guarantee that will be his comeback excuse over this issue. Like already mentioned time and time again, Jake is a FAKE. Case in point. A “No Strike” clause in a contract didn’t stop the I.B.E.W. to call a real live strike up at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Really, it happened one night at the power plant just at the midnight shift change. The outgoing crew left and nobody showed up. This power plant was also under an I.B.E.W. contract. But it wasn’t a very lucrative contract, so on a comparison basis, it didn’t bring in the dues bacon like the ML&P or CEA contracts. Anyway, this “walkout” was sanctioned by the executive branch of the local I.B.E.W. The workers were only following the lead of their leaders, like Jake the Fake. Guess what happened for real and quick? All the workers were discharged. The management of the facility - a Native Corporation - had to find workers overnight. Remember, this was an electrical power plant “Operations and Maintenance” contract with the United States Air Force, at a time when runway lights were a necessity as our young pilots in training practiced for the Iraq war buildup. Needless to say, the E.A.F.B. Commander was not very amused. Soon afterwards, when most of the discharged workers had settled into the unemployment line, the I.B.E.W. went to the bargaining table. Mind you not for the discharged workers but the fact that Jake the Fake and company believed the contract was still valid and in effect, regardless of the discharged workers’ status. The I.B.E.W. won, when a motion was filed with the NLRB. Now the discharged workers were not given their jobs back. They were allowed to get on a list of “preferential” candidates for rehire, and only when a vacancy occurred at the power plant. To make matters worse off in light of the fact that the “contract” was still in force, the new workers were required to pay a sign up fee, as none of them were union members to begin with. In fact, the workers that went out of their way to help America when all “good” Americans were supposed to be good citizens following 911 and terrorists were on the loose, these workers were threatened by the union bosses to sign up or loose the right to work. Then they were required to pay “back dues”. Fortunate enough for the workers that went out of their way to keep the military runway lights on during the I.B.E.W. “strike”, the corporation footed the bill for the initiation fee and back dues – just to keep the workers and the union happy. Bottom line, the new workers were not pleased with this type of control from Jake the Fake and company. And the original union workers were not so pleased either, with Jake the Fake and company. They were still out of work, but required to pay dues, to remain on the “preferential” hiring list. See, the concern here was not the well-being of the workers that lost their jobs following an I.B.E.W. sanctioned strike - an illegal strike - the only matter of interest here was the contract in force, which meant dues could be collected. It sucked. This mentality of destruction and then retreat, it is what Jake the Fake is all about. But this single saga at the EAFB power plant doesn’t end here or end happily. See, the power plant was scheduled to be shutdown soon after the replacement crew came in to rescue what the “union” had abandoned. It would be two-years before the lights went out for good. Now during that time, call it good management or miss-management, well the operator decided to cut corners and not provide the testing requirements as spelled out by the government for facilities containing asbestos. This power plant up on Government Hill was built back in the 50’s – so asbestos was everywhere. The union was made aware of this and did nothing. And there was a reason for this negligence. The union didn’t want to look like a trouble-maker with the Air Force. So one individual decided to take matters onto his own hands. He was placed on “Administrative Leave” and the union made some squabble about it, but nothing that righted the wrong. Again, the I.B.E.W. was being very cautious with the asbestos issues. Now during this time, when the government was made aware of the situation, testing was required – to see if the workers were at risk. Air samples were scheduled. But low and behold, samples disappeared and the test results were forged. The workers thought they had the goods! But the union dropped everything when the “whistleblower” worker was laid off. In this case, the union realized that its very own management had been derelict for years in its duty to insist on safe working conditions for the workers – the union members. The local I.B.E.W. executive management didn’t care either, as to take sides could have had drastic consequences. See, the power plant was shutting down, but not the air force base itself. In fact, the base was growing by leaps and bounds! So somebody would have to provide the electricity. And guess who was waiting in-line for a lucrative government contract. Yes indeed, ML&P. Now when this entity took over, it meant union workers under a lucrative collective bargaining contract, a contract that rapes the workers for dues based on income. Like mentioned before, ML&P workers are the highest paid workers on Anchorage’s municipal payroll. It is my guesstimate that an ML&P worker makes twice as much as the power plant workers that were employed by the Native Corporation. Thus, at lest twice as much dues money goes to the union bosses. So all in all, when Jake the Fake was at the helm, about 40-workers lost their jobs. And this was all against I.B.E.W. bylaws, in which it is a “crime” for one union worker to take away the work of another union worker. It happened right there in front of the union members’ eyes. Other union members are now performing laid off union members jobs! But it was the numbers game that counts. So go ahead an elect Jake the FAKE. Get used to a “class system”. Get used to sitting in an unemployment line until you put in your time. Really, when the power plant shutdown, the workers were invited to place their names on the I.B.E.W.’s “out of work list”. But it is a seniority type system. Even though the power plant employed workers with extensive backgrounds, about the only work that came from the I.B.E.W. hall was if you knew how to use a paintbrush. So you wait and wait, as individuals with seniority can grab the lucrative jobs. And if you forget to send in your monthly “not working” dues – which is at some reduced rate - you will loose your placement on the list and have to start all over again. And some years from now when a poor bastard that worked at that power plant comes forward with an asbestos disease like problem, Jake will be able to write legislation that disallows that poor bastard from suing. Why? Because an asbestos lawsuit against the government would also involve the I.B.E.W, - which was negligent! It is called Buddy System Protectionism. And if Jake were to get in office, it would just be a matter of time until the crony parade prances down the halls of Juneau, to provide more injustice. Bill the other I.B.E.W. lawyer is already representing Alaskans. And he is known for harassing other union members behind closed doors. So then the poor asbestos deceased bastard will have state legislation signed against him, that doesn’t allow him to even get a nickels worth of “Workmen’s Compensation”, because the cronies will be running state government also. This is what you are bargaining for if you vote for Jake Metcalf. And this is only one little slice of the Fake’s history and how affiliation with a corrupt union institutes a “class system”, wherein all are not created equal! Believe me, it won’t be any different!

Note to Readers: With sadness, this Blog announces the first casualty of a dues paying worker that worked at the above mentioned power plant, under the I.B.E.W. contract. The results of liver cancer, possibly from inhalation of out of control asbestos fibers.

CopyRight 2007 ---ERP/Dixie Productions/MSK Media

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